Upload/Submit Your Flight Sim Add-on/Mod to our Downloads Library

Thank you for taking the time to submit your creation to our downloads library. Your mod or add-on will go to expanding your Fly Away Simulation and gaining the exposure your freeware creation deserves.
Why Submit Your File to Fly Away Simulation?
Fly Away Simulation is one of the largest flight simulation websites on the Internet. Active for over 20 years, Fly Away Simulation has become a home for hundreds of thousands of flight simulation fans and enthusiasts worldwide. Your file will gain excellent coverage and interest.
Read more on our About Us page here.
Our File Library (and PRO Membership)
Users browsing the site and file library may download any of the files listed completely free of charge and they don't even need to register for an account to do so - unlike most of the other popular flight sim sites. They may simply click "Download" from the file listing without even signing up.
We do offer a paid membership option called "PRO" that allows users to download at a higher speed - the same way almost all of the other popular flight sim sites you may have heard of do it too - it's nothing different and it pays for our growing bandwidth fees and hosting.
Read all about our model, PRO, expenses and where membership fees go here.
What will we do to promote your mods/addons? (What we do differently)
Your add-ons will be visible in front of a very active flight simulation community and audience.
We also aim to create unique featured videos and screenshots produced in 4K for the most popular files released and share them on YouTube and other social media platforms.
We create these promotional materials at no charge and you may use the video productions to further promote your freeware development/creation by embedding them on other platforms/websites.
As far as we are aware, no other FS freeware site offers this level of media production, exposure, or promotion.
You can see examples of our video productions for freeware on our YouTube channel here.
Your mod will be featured on all of our social media channels and included in our weekly dedicated flight sim newsletter (over 145,000 subscribers).
Add a Donate Button
You may provide us with your donation button and we will add it to your listing. Get credit for all of the hard work you put in!
Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 Release
Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 has just been released and freeware developers, enthusiasts, and community members are hard at work developing their creations such as aircraft liveries/repaints, scenery enhancements such as missing airfields/airports, and recreations of the default airports.
If you are a developer of FS2020 freeware, we'd love it if you'd consider listing them in our downloads directory. You can find our MSFS 2020 freeware directory here.
Questions before submitting your files?
If you have any questions and hang-ups before submitting your files to our library, do not hesitate to contact our support team by sending an email to support@flyawaysimulation.com. We look forward to hearing from you.
Please Read Before Submitting
Important: If you are not the original developer or copyright holder, please ensure you have permission to upload this file from the owner, developer or copyright holder. Failing to do so may lead to your listing being removed. Read more about freeware copyright here.
Ideally, your file should be in ZIP format. However, other archive methods such as RAR are also accepted and will be converted. There are no file size limits.
Your file should also include a minimum of 2 screenshots inside this archive, in JPG or PNG format. Ideally, the resolution for these should not be small or resized - they should be native screen size.
Your file should also include a detailed README file that users are able to reference when installing the add-on.
Your Mod/Addon Details
Below you can fill in the form containing information about the new mod/add-on you wish to release.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to increasing demand, we are actively working on a brand-new system that allows developers to self-manage (self-service) their mod listings. They will be able to upload, submit, edit, adjust, and delete/remove their add-ons themselves using this new system. We are aware this should have been something we had in place from the beginning but the site has ancient roots and developing these new systems can take time. While it may seem antiquated, at the moment mod uploads/listings are all processed by a human.