can't Take Lessons!

Air Head Guest

I just bought FS2004 lastnight, and I cannot take any lessons!

Everytime I click on the button on the left, the program closes. I've tried installing it on 2 different computers, and I've had the same error.

Any suggestions?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

List your full computer specs.


Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Air Head wrote:

I just bought FS2004 lastnight, and I cannot take any lessons!

Everytime I click on the button on the left, the program closes. I've tried installing it on 2 different computers, and I've had the same error.

Any suggestions?

Ok, now you're in your 'Flying Lessons' window..

Which button on the left?

Air Head Guest

When I click on the link the left for flying lessons, I get a black screen and then I get a "send error" report screen...

It's kind of frustrating... I am running an AMD 1800XP with 2 gigs of ram with a video card w/ 128 megs... the laptop is about the same.

Air-Head (the other one) Guest

Does anything else not work? or does the rest of FS2004 work as expected?

Air Head Guest

Just about everything else works... the only other hang up is with the kneeboard. It does the same thing. It either opens and then crashes or doesn't even open and crashes.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

I used to have the same issue with the kneeboard on my old system. Same processor, but only one and a half Gigs of RAM and my GFX card was so antiquated that I couldn't even get new drivers for it.
As I painstakingly was able to determine, my system at the time also had problems freeing up RAM - I'd bought a generic stick as an upgrade and I'm pretty sure that caused problems.

So I would really look into updating my GFX drivers and run a memory test and/or determine whether my Memory module(s) are generic or a brand.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

The kneeboard fix.

Go to START then to RUN type "regedit" Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

then expand "SOFTWARE" Scroll down to "MICROSOFT" and expand that.

then go to "WINDOWS" Expand that. Then go to "Run" and highlight

"RUN" BY CLICKING ON IT. To the right of your scrren you will see all

the programs that start when your computer boots up. find viewmgr.exe

and delete it. Let us know how it works.


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