FS2004 US Navy Grumman F-14A Tomcat VF-2

PreviewThis repaint package brings twelve distinct US Navy Grumman F-14A Tomcat VF-2 Bounty Hunters (1975) liveries into Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. It was prepared by Hartwig Ullrich and incorporates custom textures that rely on Nick Black’s F-14A Tomcat AI model (nbai_f14.zip). Enthusiasts of n...

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This repaint package brings twelve distinct US Navy Grumman F-14A Tomcat VF-2 Bounty Hunters (1975) liveries into Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. It was prepared by Hartwig Ullrich and incorporates custom textures that rely on Nick Black’s F-14A Tomcat AI model (nbai_f14.zip). Enthusiasts of naval aviation will find these repaints ideal for simulating 1970s Fleet Air Defense operations, especially given the legendary status of the “Bounty Hunters” among US Navy fighter squadrons.

Historic Notes on VF-2 Bounty Hunters

Formed during the Vietnam era, VF-2 “Bounty Hunters” flew the F-14A Tomcat with notable distinction. This aircraft, developed by Grumman with variable-sweep wings, offered advanced radar tracking and robust air superiority capabilities. In its 1975 configuration, it was often seen defending carrier strike groups while showcasing squadron markings that signaled a strong sense of tradition and naval heritage.

US Navy Grumman F-14A Tomcat VF-2 in flight.

Grumman F-14A Tomcat from the VF-2 “Bounty Hunters” showing off the 1975 paint scheme.

Texture Set and Features

This package includes twelve fully detailed liveries that showcase the iconic tail markings, squadron identifiers, and fuselage stenciling from the mid-1970s. Each texture reflects historical references, ensuring every aircraft appears unique. Since these paints were devised using the paintkit bundled with Nick Black’s F-14 Tomcat AI framework, they align well with the model’s geometry and animations.

  • Accurate Squad Markings: Finely rendered emblems and hazard stripes maintain fidelity to real-world versions.
  • Enhanced Surface Detail: Panel lines and rivet placements appear detailed in close-up views for more impactful flights.
  • Consistent AI Integration: Optimized for reliable formation flying within AI traffic setups.

Installation Procedure

  1. Download and install the base AI model (nbai_f14.zip) by Nick Black into your AI aircraft folder. If you do not have it, locate the freeware version in the Fly Away Simulation libraries.
  2. Place the included texture folders into the F-14A Tomcat AI aircraft directory.
  3. Open the provided aircraft.cfg entries and copy them into your existing AI F-14A Tomcat’s aircraft.cfg file.
  4. Be sure to adjust the [fltsim.XX] numbering so it follows the next available sequence.
  5. Substitute your existing [LIGHTS] section with the below snippet to coordinate visual effects with the painted lights:
//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing
light.1 = 3, 4.67, -7.12,  0.25, fx_f16_navredm ,
light.2 = 3, 4.67, -7.12, -0.15, fx_f16_navredm ,
light.3 = 3, 4.67,  7.12,  0.25, fx_f16_navgrem ,
light.4 = 3, 4.67,  7.12, -0.15, fx_f16_navgrem ,
light.5 = 1, -27.50, -5.43, 8.35, fx_beacon ,
light.6 = 1, -30.75,  5.43, 8.35, fx_beacon ,
light.7 = 2, -20.00, -5.20, -2.75, fx_nbai_tomcat_ab
light.8 = 2, -20.00,  5.20, -2.75, fx_nbai_tomcat_ab

Lighting Clarification

The dedicated afterburner effects (fx_nbai_tomcat_ab) ensure proper visual representation during AI flight. Tail beacons and navigation lights match correctly with the texture layout, enhancing realism throughout busy carrier decks and runways.

US Navy Grumman F-14A Tomcat VF-2 in flight.

Bounty Hunters F-14A showcasing variable-sweep wings in action.

Development Acknowledgment

This repaint set is the work of Hartwig Ullrich. The F-14A Tomcat AI model and paintkit are credited to Nick Black. Be certain to install Nick Black’s original files to enjoy these historic US Navy liveries.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7

The archive nbai_f-14a_tomcat_vf-2_1975.zip has 39 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
NBAI_F-14A_Tomcat_vf-2_197510.17.100 B
Aircraft.cfg10.17.104.60 kB
screenshots10.17.100 B
FILE_ID.DIZ10.17.10157 B
readme.txt10.17.102.15 kB
f14a_vf2_01.jpg10.17.10131.72 kB
f14a_vf2_02.jpg10.17.1085.42 kB
f14a_vf2_03.jpg10.17.1091.16 kB
f14a_vf2_04.jpg10.17.1078.68 kB
f14a_vf2_05.jpg10.17.1071.56 kB
f14a_vf2_06.jpg10.17.1085.23 kB
f14a_vf1+vf2_01.jpg10.17.10105.21 kB
texture.vf-2_1975_nk20010.23.100 B
NBAI_F14_Tomcat_T.bmp10.23.101.00 MB
texture.vf-2_1975_nk20110.23.100 B
NBAI_F14_Tomcat_T.bmp10.23.101.00 MB
texture.vf-2_1975_nk20210.23.100 B
NBAI_F14_Tomcat_T.bmp10.23.101.00 MB
texture.vf-2_1975_nk20310.23.100 B
NBAI_F14_Tomcat_T.bmp10.23.101.00 MB
texture.vf-2_1975_nk20410.23.100 B
NBAI_F14_Tomcat_T.bmp10.23.101.00 MB
texture.vf-2_1975_nk20510.23.100 B
NBAI_F14_Tomcat_T.bmp10.23.101.00 MB
texture.vf-2_1975_nk20610.23.100 B
NBAI_F14_Tomcat_T.bmp10.23.101.00 MB
texture.vf-2_1975_nk20710.23.100 B
NBAI_F14_Tomcat_T.bmp10.23.101.00 MB
texture.vf-2_1975_nk21010.23.100 B
NBAI_F14_Tomcat_T.bmp10.23.101.00 MB
texture.vf-2_1975_nk21110.23.100 B
NBAI_F14_Tomcat_T.bmp10.23.101.00 MB
texture.vf-2_1975_nk21210.23.100 B
NBAI_F14_Tomcat_T.bmp10.23.101.00 MB
texture.vf-2_1975_nk21310.23.100 B
NBAI_F14_Tomcat_T.bmp10.23.101.00 MB
NBAI_F-14A_Tomcat_vf-2_1975.gif10.23.104.36 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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