FSX Varig Lockheed L-188

PreviewThis repaint package offers a polished Varig Lockheed L-188 for Microsoft Flight Simulator X enthusiasts seeking a faithful representation of the airline’s classic turboprop operations. It features textures by Fabio Cabral (fscabral) and requires the freeware L-188_ELECTRA_X.ZIP from Team FS KB...

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This repaint package offers a polished Varig Lockheed L-188 for Microsoft Flight Simulator X enthusiasts seeking a faithful representation of the airline’s classic turboprop operations. It features textures by Fabio Cabral (fscabral) and requires the freeware L-188_ELECTRA_X.ZIP from Team FS KBT. It is designed purely as an external repaint, so make sure to download and install the base model before proceeding with the steps below.

Historic Turboprop Background

The Lockheed L-188 Electra was introduced as one of the early American-built turboprop airliners, renowned for blending jet-like speeds with the reliability of turbine engines. Varig, a prominent Brazilian carrier, operated this aircraft to connect key destinations across South America, reflecting the airline’s preference for efficiency and passenger comfort. This particular repaint portrays registration PP-VJL, incorporating many small details that highlight the authenticity of the Varig fleet colors.

Screenshot of Varig Lockheed L-188 in flight.

Screenshot of Varig Lockheed L-188 in flight.

This texture bundle was completed by Fabio Cabral (fscabral) to enhance the Team FS KBT Electra pack for FSX. It employs the DXT5 format for optimal clarity and moderate file size. Once properly installed, you will see a historically accurate livery that reflects the painting style from the era of Varig’s turboprop passenger service.

Texture Integration Procedure

  1. Download and install the original Lockheed L-188 (base package) from the Fly Away Simulation library if you have not already done so.
  2. Open your main "ELEC_PASS" folder, typically located in the SimObjects directory of Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
  3. Place the folder named texture.PP-VJL inside "ELEC_PASS."
  4. Add the following entry to your aircraft.cfg file, making sure to replace x with the next sequential number.

texture=PP-VJL dxt5
ui_createdby=repaint made by Fabio C.(fscabral)

Optimizing Graphics Settings

For those using high-resolution configurations, confirm that TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=4096 is established in your FSX.cfg file. This variable ensures maximum texture representation, preventing any loss of crisp detail. Look for the [GRAPHICS] section in FSX.cfg, find TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD, and change its value to 4096. Be aware that the simulator might revert to 1024 when you alter display preferences; either adjust it manually each time or use a third-party freeware tool to maintain this higher threshold.

This repaint has been tested with the standard FSX environment and should function without compatibility issues. For optimal performance, confirm you have appropriate hardware settings set to accommodate higher-resolution textures.

Screenshot of Varig Lockheed L-188 on runway.

Screenshot of Varig Lockheed L-188 on runway.

All credit goes to the original model developers Team FS KBT and the talented repaint creator Fabio Cabral (fscabral). Enjoy your flights across Brazil or anywhere else you wish to explore using this iconic turboprop livery.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4

The archive pp_vjl_for_fsx_l_188dxt5.zip has 44 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
pp_vjl_for FSX L_188dxt512.01.110 B
instalacao.txt12.01.111.59 kB
instalation.txt12.01.111.61 kB
texture.PP-VJL dxt512.01.110 B
ELEC_EG.bmp12.01.1121.33 MB
ELEC_EG_bump.bmp12.01.1121.33 MB
ELEC_EG_LM.bmp10.28.09682.75 kB
ELEC_EG_SPEC.bmp02.20.091.33 MB
ELEC_LWING.bmp12.01.1121.33 MB
ELEC_LWING_BUMP.bmp12.01.1121.33 MB
ELEC_RWING.bmp12.01.1121.33 MB
ELEC_RWING_BUMP.bmp12.01.1121.33 MB
ELEC_STB.bmp12.01.111.33 MB
ELEC_VC01.bmp12.01.115.33 MB
ELEC_VC02.bmp12.01.115.33 MB
ELEC_VC03.bmp12.01.115.33 MB
ELEC_VC04.bmp12.01.115.33 MB
ELEC_VC05.bmp12.01.115.33 MB
ELEC_VC06.bmp12.01.115.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_L_BUMP.bmp12.01.111.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_L_LM.bmp11.17.1121.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_L_T.bmp12.01.1121.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_L_T_SPEC.bmp12.01.1121.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_R_BUMP.bmp12.01.111.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_R_LM.bmp11.17.1121.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_R_T.bmp12.01.1121.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_R_T_SPEC.bmp12.01.1121.33 MB
PASS_LM.bmp12.01.115.33 MB
PASS_T.bmp12.01.115.33 MB
texture.cfg09.22.06137 B
thumbnail.jpg12.01.11144.17 kB
VC01_LM.bmp12.01.115.33 MB
VC02_LM.bmp12.01.115.33 MB
VC03_LM.bmp12.01.115.33 MB
VC04_LM.bmp12.01.115.33 MB
VC05_LM.bmp12.01.115.33 MB
VC06_LM.bmp12.01.115.33 MB
WING_LM.bmp12.01.111.33 MB
varig1.png12.01.1120.51 kB
varig2.jpg11.18.11177.77 kB
varig3.jpg11.18.11150.22 kB
varig4.jpg12.01.11773.95 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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alberto aldana Sun, 23 Aug 2020 19:23:22 GMT

Really nice as are all your downloads.

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