Using step-by-step procedures to start your aircraft enhances your simulation experience where your flights begin.
This tutorial covers information for both Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) boxed edition and Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition (FSX: SE) - it relevant to both versions.
This training guide has been professionally produced and is available exclusively to PRO members.
The guide includes both a written text guide along with two instructional walkthrough videos guiding you through the process.
What you will learn in this training guide;
- How to start cold and dark in both passenger jets and general aviation (prop) aircraft.
- Learn correct and accurate startup procedures used in real-world aviation that can be applied within the simulator.
- Guides and walkthroughs of the panels and windows used in the cockpit.
- Correct startup conditions such as checking doors, cargo, passenger load and parking brakes.
- Checking and setting avionics and lights such as beacons before starting up from cold/dark.
- Fuel pump configuration and function
- The training guide covers;
- Fixed-wing passenger jets and aircraft
- Single engine GA prop aircraft
- Multi-engine GA prop aircraft
About The Author
This tutorial and walkthrough have been produced by well-known flight simulator expert and publisher Bill Stack of TopSkills.
Bill has been producing flight simulator training and tutorial content for over 15 years and his releases have been invaluable for at-home flight simulator training based on real-world aviation experience.
You can jump to relevant sections of this tutorial using the links below; Degree of Realism Jet Aircraft Panels and Windows Starting Cold and Dark Basic Startup Conditions Step-by-Step Procedures CRJ-700 Boeing 737-800 Airbus A321 Shutting Down Exceptions If They Don't Start Propeller Aircraft Panels and Windows Starting Cold...
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This 29 minute tutorial and complete guide for How to Start Cold And Dark & Start/Shutdown Engines with Aircraft in FSX is only available to view with a Fly Away Simulation PRO account.
Over 36216 PRO members have viewed and been helped by this exclusive tutorial.
To view the article, you need to either register or sign-in to your PRO account.