FSX Mission--Ski Trip

PreviewSki Trip. You've been chartered to fly two skiers from Pto. Montt, Chile to a lodge near S.C. de Bariloche, Argentina. You take the long way around to include your normal deliveries. A winter storm is interfering with what could be a pleasant sightseeing trip for your charter. By Owen Graham.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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518.41 KB
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3 star rating.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars by 3 PRO members.

Ski Trip. You've been chartered to fly two skiers from Pto. Montt, Chile to a lodge near S.C. de Bariloche, Argentina. You take the long way around to include your normal deliveries. A winter storm is interfering with what could be a pleasant sightseeing trip for your charter. By Owen Graham.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive arg_ski.zip has 41 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
EDLM_Beacon.fx10.24.05320 B
EDLM_Beacon_fx.fx10.24.051.38 kB
Effects11.15.060 B
Pilot for Hire11.15.060 B
Argentine Ski Trip11.15.060 B
Argentine Ski Trip.xml11.15.06139.80 kB
Charts.htm11.15.06888 B
Charts_Tab.htm11.15.065.42 kB
Creating Missions in FSX.txt11.15.064.45 kB
Details.htm11.15.061.85 kB
Details_Tab.htm11.15.065.42 kB
Image 1.bmp10.25.06172.26 kB
Image 2.bmp10.25.06172.26 kB
images11.15.060 B
02.jpg11.15.0620.46 kB
Map.jpg11.15.0668.89 kB
overview_01.jpg11.15.0619.09 kB
Thumbs.db11.15.0622.50 kB
Language.txt11.15.061.27 kB
Overview.htm11.15.062.50 kB
Overview_Tab.htm11.15.065.42 kB
PMBrief.htm11.15.062.51 kB
PMBrief_files11.15.060 B
ov_objbox-btm.png05.12.063.51 kB
ov_objbox-top.png05.12.063.51 kB
printer.gif07.29.06100 B
style.css11.15.067.05 kB
Thumbs.db11.15.068.50 kB
PtoMontt tour.FLT11.15.069.31 kB
PtoMontt tour.WX10.26.06214.91 kB
README FIRST.txt11.15.065.56 kB
sound11.15.060 B
chimes.wav10.26.06109.09 kB
click.wav10.31.06108.38 kB
warn.wav11.09.06466.14 kB
yeehaw.wav11.14.0611.91 kB
Missions11.15.060 B
ast01.gif11.15.0621.76 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ11.16.06293 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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ronthemanThu, 10 Apr 2008 15:36:19 GMT
Excellent Mission! Stunning scenery and well thought out I too had a problem when landing at the second stop. The key is not to land on the road, but just to the left of it (snow covered runway). The co-pilot says that the airfield manager has put out a couple of markers (looks like some wooden crates) to mark the start of the runway which is snow covered, so just keep an eye out for them (maybe do a slow flyby first). Once you land there all is OK. If you land on the road, thinking this is the runway, then you have the problem you indicated
HrodrickTue, 26 Feb 2008 06:13:15 GMT
I'm also unable to move on from the second landing strip. It just won't register the task as completed.
RescueFEMon, 11 Jun 2007 02:59:14 GMT
This one appears to be broken, after landing at the second stop (El Maiten) it doesn't seem to register that task as complete. If someone has a rebuttal or a way to make it work, I'd like to know so I can finish this mission.

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