FSX NASA S-3B Viking

PreviewThis NASA S-3B Viking repaint for Microsoft Flight Simulator X features an authentic livery used by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Created by Antonio Diaz and based on the freeware model by Dino Cattaneo, it offers a distinct design referencing the aircraft’s key role at NAS...

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This NASA S-3B Viking repaint for Microsoft Flight Simulator X features an authentic livery used by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Created by Antonio Diaz and based on the freeware model by Dino Cattaneo, it offers a distinct design referencing the aircraft’s key role at NASA Glenn in Ohio, where it supports missions centered on atmospheric research and icing analysis within convective weather systems.

In-Depth Look at the Lockheed S-3B Viking

The S-3B Viking, originally developed by Lockheed, is a four-seat twin-engine jet capable of handling multi-purpose roles, including anti-submarine operations and surface surveillance. Over time, its duties transitioned to aerial refueling and electronic warfare tasks for carrier groups. Affectionately nicknamed “Hoover” due to its distinct low-pitched engine sound, the aircraft remains significant for reconnaissance and test missions in specialized units, including NASA’s continued experimentation with storm-related icing conditions.

Adaptation for Research Initiatives

NASA Glenn’s S-3B Viking is extensively used to explore weather patterns, especially thunderstorm-related icing phenomena. Researchers harness the platform’s respectable range and stable flight characteristics to collect data on convective atmospheres and tropical storm events. The S-3B’s versatility in sensor integration and its ability to conduct lengthy flights with in-air refueling make it ideal for meteorological observation and data collection.

Screenshot of NASA S-3B Viking in flight.

NASA S-3B Viking showcasing its research-oriented livery.

Livery Details and Model Compatibility

This package exclusively provides the NASA-themed texture for the S-3B. To correctly install and display these external markings, flight simulation enthusiasts must download the freeware base model, which is accessible in the Fly Away Simulation add-on library. Once the model is installed, users can apply the repaint for immediate use in simulated missions.

The repaint is finely detailed, emphasizing NASA insignia and unique color patterns that replicate the real research aircraft. Pilots interested in avionics testing, turbulence exploration, or storm conditions will find this livery especially fitting for immersive sessions within Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

Installation Configuration

Below is the aircraft.cfg entry necessary for installing this texture into your simulator. Simply add or replace the appropriate lines, ensuring the “[fltsim.XX]” entry is updated with the correct sequence number in your existing configuration file:

title=Lockheed S-3B Viking NASA
ui_type=S-3B Viking
description="The Lockheed S-3 Viking is a four-seat twin-engine jet aircraft that was used by the U.S. Navy to identify and track enemy submarines. In the late 1990s, the S-3B’s mission focus shifted to surface warfare and aerial refueling. The Viking also provided electronic warfare and surface surveillance capabilities to the carrier battle group. A carrier-based, subsonic, all-weather, multi-mission aircraft with long range, it carried automated weapon systems, and was capable of extended missions with in-flight refueling. Because of the engines’ low-pitched sound, it was nicknamed the “Hoover” after the vacuum cleaner brand. The S-3 was retired from front-line fleet service aboard aircraft carriers by the US Navy in January 2009, with its missions being assumed by other platforms such as the P-3C Orion, SH-60 Seahawk, and F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. Several examples continue to be flown by Air Test and Evaluation Squadron THREE ZERO (VX-30) at Naval Base Ventura County / NAS Point Mugu, California for range clearance and surveillance operations on the NAVAIR Point Mugu Range, and a single example is operated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at the NASA Glenn Research Center."

Additional Notes

  • You will need to name the texture folder “texture.NASA” or a similar variant, matching this configuration entry.
  • Ensure no other texture entry in the aircraft.cfg has the same “[fltsim.XX]” number.
  • Refer to the included documentation with the base model for any operational details specific to Dino Cattaneo’s S-3B Viking.

This repaint is distributed as freeware, honoring the efforts of both Antonio Diaz for the texture and Dino Cattaneo for the underlying model. It stands as a valuable enhancement for simulations involving atmospheric research sorties or high-detail naval aviation scenarios. Experience the distinctive Hoover legacy with NASA’s twist on the S-3B Viking.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11

The archive fsx_s-3b_nasa.zip has 35 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
fsx 2014-06-24 15-16-58-62.jpg06.24.14148.36 kB
fsx 2014-06-24 15-17-08-64.jpg06.24.14111.53 kB
fsx 2014-06-24 15-17-20-07.jpg06.24.14136.01 kB
fsx 2014-06-24 15-17-32-56.jpg06.24.1487.53 kB
fsx 2014-06-24 15-17-37-42.jpg06.24.1489.32 kB
fsx 2014-06-24 15-18-05-96.jpg06.24.14115.58 kB
fsx 2014-06-24 15-18-19-47.jpg06.24.14119.41 kB
fsx 2014-06-24 15-18-30-09.jpg06.24.1463.23 kB
fsx 2014-06-24 15-18-43-45.jpg06.24.1496.89 kB
fsx 2014-06-24 15-19-25-44.jpg06.24.14128.53 kB
fsx 2014-06-24 15-19-43-94.jpg06.24.1481.39 kB
Readme.....txt06.24.141.76 kB
texture.nasa06.24.140 B
AA42R-1_D.dds06.24.141.33 MB
fueltanks.dds06.24.141.33 MB
S3_engineering_detail_T.dds06.24.145.33 MB
S3_windshield_front1_T.dds06.24.1442.83 kB
S3_windshield_front2_T.dds06.24.1485.48 kB
S3_windshield_s_front_T.dds06.24.14170.83 kB
S3_wing_lt_bottom_T.dds06.24.14682.83 kB
S3_wing_lt_top_T.dds06.24.14682.83 kB
S3_wing_rt_bottom_T.dds06.24.14682.83 kB
S3_wing_rt_top_T.dds06.24.14682.83 kB
S3B_Control_surfaces_T.dds06.24.141.33 MB
S3B_Engine_nacelles_T.dds06.24.145.33 MB
S3b_nose_T.dds06.24.14341.48 kB
S3B_tail_T.dds06.24.141.33 MB
S3bfuselage_left_T.dds06.24.142.67 MB
S3bfuselage_right_T.dds06.24.142.67 MB
S3fuselageb_bottom_T.dds06.24.142.67 MB
S3fuselageb_top_T.dds06.24.145.33 MB
texture.cfg06.09.14137 B
thumbnail.jpg06.24.14119.41 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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