FSX RAF DeHavilland Devon C2 VP967

PreviewA repaint for the payware JustFlight de Havilland DH104 Dove for Microsoft Flight Simulator X / Prepar3D. VP967 c/n 04220 was delivered to the Royal Air Force in 1948 as a Devon C1. Based at RAF Bovingdon in mid-late 60's and converted to C2 standard when operated by the Southern Communications S...

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Repaint for Payware Model
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Flight Simulator X
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9.33 MB
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A repaint for the payware JustFlight de Havilland DH104 Dove for Microsoft Flight Simulator X / Prepar3D. VP967 c/n 04220 was delivered to the Royal Air Force in 1948 as a Devon C1. Based at RAF Bovingdon in mid-late 60's and converted to C2 standard when operated by the Southern Communications Squadron until the Station closed in 1972. The unit was re-formed as 207 Squdron and transferred to RAF Northolt. Transferred to the Royal Navy at Culdrose as a Sea Devon from 1978 to 1981. Retired in 1982 and stored. Restored to 207 Squdron colors and preserved at Yorkshire Air Museum, Elvingdon. Repaint by Peter Watkins.

Screenshot of DeHavilland Devon C2 VP967 in flight.

Screenshot of DeHavilland Devon C2 VP967 in flight.


  • Copy the texture file into the 'JF_De Havilland Dove' folder in FSX SimObjects 'Airplanes' folder.
  • Copy and add the following to the aircraft CFG file, replacing the 'xx' with your next number in sequence.

title=de Havilland Devon C2 VP967
ui_manufacturer=de Havilland
ui_type=DH-104 Devon C2
ui_createdby="Just Flight"
description= VP967 c/n 04220 was delivered to the Royal Air Force in 1948 as a Devon C1. Based at RAF Bovingdon in mid-late 60's and converted to C2 standard when operated by the Southern Communications Squadron until the Station closed in 1972. The unit was re-formed as 207 Squdron and transferred to RAF Northolt.Transferred to the Royal Navy at Culdrose as A Sea Devon from 1978 to 1981. Retired in 1982 and stored. Restored to 207 Squdron colours and preserved at Yorkshire Air Museum, Elvingdon.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4

The archive de_havilland_devon_c2_vp967.zip has 31 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
33196809.jpg02.21.161.04 MB
33436770.jpg02.21.16863.77 kB
33740192.jpg02.21.161.03 MB
33815775.jpg02.21.16941.35 kB
Installation readme.txt02.21.162.58 kB
texture.VP96702.21.160 B
aircraft.inf01.12.16415 B
Dove_canopy_t.dds01.22.164.00 MB
Dove_Comp_t.dds05.04.151.00 MB
Dove_ExteriorA_t.dds02.21.164.00 MB
Dove_ExteriorB_t.dds02.21.164.00 MB
Dove_ExteriorC_t.dds02.18.164.00 MB
Dove_ExteriorD_t.dds02.21.164.00 MB
Dove_ExteriorE_t.dds02.21.164.00 MB
Dove_ExteriorF_t.dds02.20.164.00 MB
Dove_ExteriorFabricleftt_t.dds02.21.164.00 MB
Dove_ExteriorFabricright_t.dds02.21.164.00 MB
Dove_Nacelles_t.dds02.18.164.00 MB
Dove_NacellesR_t.dds02.18.164.00 MB
Dove_Props_t.dds02.19.161.00 MB
Dove_Wings_lm.dds02.02.151.00 MB
Dove_Wings_t.dds02.21.164.00 MB
fresnel_ramp.dds11.19.141.12 kB
Gauge_AHIi_t.dds04.30.1564.12 kB
Gauge_Loc_t.dds04.30.15256.12 kB
Gauge_NEWHSIdial_t.dds08.31.14256.12 kB
Gauge_VORDIAL_t.dds04.30.15256.12 kB
texture.cfg05.24.15141 B
thumbnail.jpg02.21.161.03 MB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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DerpMcDerpManSun, 08 Jan 2017 04:25:35 GMT

I'm having SO MUCH TROUBLE downloading this, the installation readme file is REALLY CONFUSING. I feel like it's asking me to copy the texture file into a folder that already has a texture file which seems impossible. Then, it asks to copy some CFG file into some folder that isn't even specified. Jesus this website makes it hard to download mods...

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