FSX Piaggio PD-808RM

PreviewPiaggio PD-808RM base pack, v2.0. Features animated gear, dampers, propellers, doors and control surfaces. Interior features a dynamic clickable virtual cockpit. By Mario Noriega.

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Complete with Base Model
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Piaggio PD-808RM base pack, v2.0. Features animated gear, dampers, propellers, doors and control surfaces. Interior features a dynamic clickable virtual cockpit. By Mario Noriega.

Piaggio PD-808RM in flight.

Piaggio PD-808RM in flight.


Design & Artwork by Mario Noriega 2008/2009.

Animted gears, dampers, propellers, doors, and control surfaces, Dynamic Clickable VC.

This is a complete simulation of the Piaggio PD-808. It includes advanced engine management, realistic systems, and some failure modeling. The model features a complete 3-D virtual cockpit,and a 2-D panel. Sounds are inculded. The external model features all typical animations plus a load of custom ones. Also incluides all custom special effects, including different selectable floodlights for the virtual cockpit (by simply flicking ON the proper light switch on the cockpit itself). Plus with a fly-on-the-numbers flight dynamics file. Includes full documentation. THIS IS THE FS-X RELEASE. IT WILL NOT WORK PROPERLY WITH FS-2004. THERE IS ALSO A FS-2004 RELEASE THAT WILL NOT WORK PROPERLY WITH FS-X. THis is the "RM" variant of the aircraft and base package. Other PD-808 variants will come next. This base package with the RM version will be needed for these to work properly.

A.Software Requirements & Installation
B.Known bugs
C.Author Info

A.Software Requirements

To use this plane you NEED :

Microsoft Flight Simulator X


Decompress the archive in your main FS-X directory. Launch FS-X. Select Piaggio, PD-808, then your favourite paint scheme. You're done! Documentation can be found directly in-sim with a quick dynamic checklist & FS kneeboard. A more detailed flight manual is available under "[your Flight simulator X directory]\Simobjects\Airplanes\PD808_shared\Documents\PD-808 Flight Manual.pdf" If you can't find the file, do a Windows search... it has not been possible to link it inside FlightSim's kneeboard because PDF files are not supported at the point that they send FS into a crash.

B.Known bugs

No bugs known by me.

Marco Beghi for the interst in my Piagggio airplanes. He took me to a visit at the Piaggio Hangars, lots useful for detailed models!! Thank you...
Gianfranco Michele for the MASSIVE quantity of data provided that made possible all the detail included!
To my brother Diego Noriega that sees my works with criticism and told me what was wright or wrong.
Martin Wright, author of DXTBMP
All the people at freeflightdesign that helped me a lot to demistify gMAX and the XML gauges... thanks !!
Microsoft for the FS (-:

You cannot make money with this.You cannot include in any software collection or BBS or CS Forum or other payment form without written permission of author. You can put it on floppy or CD-rom and distribute it FREELY to anyone you like. This file is not intended to infrange any copyrights Microsoft. Flight Simulator is indeed copyright of this legal persona. THIS is designed FOR FUN. You can repaint it, but please ask me first, and send your work to me by E-Mail (Just for my fun). You can put it in free web site or distribute it freely to your friends. It is FREELY GIVEN AWAY to enhance the enjoyment experience of Bona Fide Customers of the original program. When I say free, I mean FFRREEEE!. I, Mario Noriega, accept absolutely no responsibility for your use of this software. Should any damage or upset to your system or software occur through it's use, I hereby give notice in advance that I will not be held in any way liable. Anyway, this doesn't modify windows registry or other programs, so i think it's not dangerous in any way to your system (except if it completly fills your already pratically filled Hard Disk, this will be a very heavy punch...). These are my conditions of use for this software. If you cannot live with them, do not use this software.

Piaggio PD-808RM in flight.

Piaggio PD-808RM in flight.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive fsxpd808.zip has 118 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Airplanes01.27.090 B
PD808RM01.27.090 B
Aircraft.cfg01.26.0916.20 kB
model01.27.090 B
model.cfg12.09.0729 B
PD-808RM.mdl01.21.094.21 MB
Panel01.27.090 B
panel.cfg01.11.0938 B
PD808.air01.26.0911.30 kB
README.txt01.26.094.41 kB
Sound01.27.090 B
sound.cfg01.11.0938 B
Texture.RM01.27.090 B
DVC2_L.bmp01.21.09341.43 kB
DVCB_L.bmp10.23.08128.07 kB
DVCL_L.bmp12.23.08256.07 kB
DVCR_L.bmp12.23.08256.07 kB
PD808_1_C.bmp12.15.081.00 MB
PD808_1_T.bmp12.08.081.00 MB
PD808_2_C.bmp12.24.081.00 MB
PD808_Lfuselage.bmp12.12.081.00 MB
PD808_Lwing.bmp09.12.081.00 MB
PD808_Rfuselage.bmp12.12.081.00 MB
PD808_Rwing.bmp09.12.081.00 MB
Thumbnail.jpg01.26.0926.88 kB
Texture.RM201.27.090 B
DVC2_L.bmp01.21.09341.43 kB
DVCL_L.bmp12.23.08256.07 kB
DVCR_L.bmp12.23.08256.07 kB
PD808_1_C.bmp12.15.081.00 MB
PD808_1_T.bmp01.08.091.00 MB
PD808_2_C.bmp12.24.081.00 MB
PD808_Lfuselage.bmp01.08.091.00 MB
PD808_Lwing.bmp01.08.091.00 MB
PD808_Rfuselage.bmp01.08.091.00 MB
PD808_Rwing.bmp01.08.091.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg01.26.0929.67 kB
Texture.RM_batman01.27.090 B
DVC2_L.bmp01.21.09341.43 kB
DVCL_L.bmp12.23.08256.07 kB
DVCR_L.bmp12.23.08256.07 kB
PD808_1_C.bmp12.15.081.00 MB
PD808_1_T.bmp01.10.091.00 MB
PD808_2_C.bmp12.24.081.00 MB
PD808_Lfuselage.bmp01.09.091.00 MB
PD808_Lwing.bmp01.10.091.00 MB
PD808_Rfuselage.bmp01.09.091.00 MB
PD808_Rwing.bmp01.10.091.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg01.26.0927.50 kB
PD808_shared01.27.090 B
Documents01.27.090 B
PD-808 Flight Manual.pdf01.27.093.00 MB
PD808_check.htm01.26.09874 B
PD808_Ref.htm01.26.0918.87 kB
Panel01.27.090 B
annunciator_test_panel.bmp11.02.088.40 kB
DVC2.bmp01.21.091.00 MB
DVCL.bmp12.09.081.00 MB
DVCR.bmp07.05.081.00 MB
gust_lockers_window.bmp12.04.0813.29 kB
Left_side_panel.bmp10.28.0899.96 kB
main_1280.bmp10.14.083.75 MB
MN_PD808_FSX.cab01.26.091.35 MB
Overhead.bmp07.05.08513.05 kB
panel.cfg01.26.0919.64 kB
pedestal.bmp10.01.08139.69 kB
Sound01.27.090 B
apdisengage.wav01.20.0938.47 kB
avionics.wav02.21.03115.90 kB
c1.wav08.01.04154.00 kB
c2.wav08.01.04180.05 kB
c3.wav08.01.0492.44 kB
c_start.wav08.01.04168.88 kB
drag_chute.wav10.05.08486.82 kB
Flaps.WAV04.26.062.53 MB
jet1.wav08.01.04307.13 kB
jet2.wav08.01.04281.60 kB
lagear.wav01.20.0917.87 kB
nose_Touchdown.wav10.05.08134.23 kB
overspeedwarn.wav01.20.0974.97 kB
Roll.wav04.26.061.40 MB
shut.wav08.01.0484.67 kB
sound.cfg01.26.0913.64 kB
stallwarn.wav10.24.0332.61 kB
start.wav08.01.04318.52 kB
t.wav08.01.04198.74 kB
Touchdown.wav09.24.08182.47 kB
Wind.wav03.11.06249.90 kB
x1.wav08.01.04113.80 kB
x2.wav08.01.04101.29 kB
xc1.wav08.01.04301.13 kB
xc2.wav08.01.04198.27 kB
xc3.wav08.01.04198.27 kB
SimObjects01.27.090 B
fx_PD808_beacon.fx01.06.093.04 kB
Fx_PD808_cabinlight.fx09.18.081.31 kB
fx_PD808_engsmoke.fx09.24.082.24 kB
fx_PD808_LL.fx01.08.093.48 kB
fx_PD808_navgre.fx01.08.094.59 kB
fx_PD808_navred.fx01.08.094.59 kB
Fx_PD808_panel_light.fx01.06.091.30 kB
Fx_PD808_redcockpit.fx01.06.091.30 kB
fx_PD808_StartUp.fx09.18.081.25 kB
fx_PD808_tchdn.fx10.11.084.55 kB
Fx_PD808_thunderlight.fx01.06.091.31 kB
FX_PD808_TL.fx01.06.093.47 kB
Fx_PD808_whitecockpit.fx01.06.091.30 kB
Fx_PD808_winsp.fx01.06.093.47 kB
fx_PD808_winsp_LE.fx01.08.091.35 kB
Texture01.27.090 B
Beacon.bmp04.01.0665.07 kB
NAV_Green.bmp03.16.0665.05 kB
NAV_Red.bmp03.16.0665.05 kB
NAV_White.bmp03.17.0665.07 kB
NAV_Yellow.bmp03.16.0665.05 kB
Effects01.27.090 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

sdfdfgdsfgsfdgWed, 14 Jul 2021 16:25:58 GMT

Engines always flameout and it starts with a ton of warnings.

Roberto ColacicchiWed, 17 Feb 2021 08:48:30 GMT


Dear Dr. NORIEGA its planes are wonderful. You are very good. Thank you.

Gilles PeschiuttaFri, 12 Feb 2021 06:32:28 GMT


Full plane. Very well done. However, presents a bug in saving data. The Switch master power systematically disengages when resuming backup and the control surfaces are blocked. Also, note the cold and dark checklist which also blocks these commands and prevents the use of motors ...

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