FSX BEXAIR Bombardier Challenger 604

PreviewBEXAIR Bombardier Challenger 604. Repaint for the Premier Aircraft Design Bombardier Challenger 604 in BEXAIR (Bahrain Executive Air Services) livery. Compatible with Acceleration/SP2 Text file check/ref lists and help pages included. By Barry Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Kevin Pardy ...

Screenshot 1
Complete with Base Model
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BEXAIR Bombardier Challenger 604. Repaint for the Premier Aircraft Design Bombardier Challenger 604 in BEXAIR (Bahrain Executive Air Services) livery. Compatible with Acceleration/SP2 Text file check/ref lists and help pages included. By Barry Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Kevin Pardy and Danny Crance - Premier Aircraft Design. Repaint by Mohammed Al-Khalifa.

BEXAIR Bombardier Challenger 604.

BEXAIR Bombardier Challenger 604.

Compatible with Acceleration/SP2Text file.
Check/Ref lists and help pages included.
By Barry Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Kevin Pardy and Danny Crance - Premier Aircraft Design.

Enjoy Flying.
Mohammed Al-Khalifa

Bombardier Challenger 604 Package for FSX.

The Premier Aircraft Design Team

Barry Blaisdell
Jean-Pierre Brisard
Bob May
Kevin Pardy
Danny Crance


This Challenger 604 is a Full Package Package for FSX only.

* Compatible with Acceleration/SP2.

* Not compatible with FS2004 or earlier.


Extract ALL files into the *FSX MAIN Folder* using WINZIP or similar utility…

**Vista users may have to temporarily disable "User Account Control" to create new folders.

Make sure the " Use Folder Names " BOX is checked IN WINZIP. New folders will be automatically created and all files installed.

1. Navigate to the BEXCL604.zip file (I use the "My Computer Icon" on the Desk Top.

2. Double click with your mouse on the BEXCL604.zip file.

3. WINZIP should Open and show all the files inside the zip.

4. Press "CTRL + A" and this will select all the files.

5. Click on "Extract" in the Main Tool Bar above. (Make sure the "Use folder names" box is checked).

6. type in your path in the dialogue box..the default location is C:\program files\microsoft games\ microsoft flight simulator X

Or if you have moved FSX, or installed it on another drive, browse to your FSX Location.

7. Now Click on the Extract Button in the upper right. (If it askes to overwrite...Say YES to all).....You're Done.


* To use the folding ramp you must first assign key presses Shift-K to "Wing Fold". To do this, go to Options >> settings >> controls >> buttons/keys. Scroll down to wing fold, double click on it and press keys Shift and K together. Exit. You don't have to do this again. The exit door must be open ( Shift E) ...press Shift-K to operate the ramp.

* Open the Panel_Docs folder for information on operating this aircraft.

* Help is also available in the REF List of the Kneeboard during flight.

* Use Shift E to open the Pax Door / Airstair.

*To hear the Exit Door sounds....It has to be quiet in the cockpit. Do it before starting engines or after Engine Shutdown.

* To Raise your seat higher in the VC - press CTRL+ENTER.

* The VC yoke shows/hides with the Waterrudder keys ("Shift+W").

* For Best Frame Rates...Keep POPUP Windows Closed.

* Use of Elevator trim is recommended in FSX...Use 3 or 4 clicks of nose up trim before take off. Remember that changes in flap position during flight will affect the trim.

* Important... If using AUTOSTART ( ctrl +E) .... Check to make sure the generators are switched to ON after engine start.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive bexcl604.zip has 140 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
BEXCL60403.16.100 B
BEXCL60403.16.100 B
Effects03.16.100 B
fx_PADbeaconh.fx09.02.064.75 kB
fx_vclightwhite.fx05.12.061.31 kB
File_id.txt03.07.10555 B
READ_ME_B4 U fly !.txt03.07.104.47 kB
simobjects03.16.100 B
airplanes03.16.100 B
BEXCL60403.16.100 B
604_9.air02.18.089.14 kB
aircraft.cfg03.05.1013.91 kB
BEXAIR.jpg03.05.1093.59 kB
Chief's Flying Tips.pdf02.20.081.08 MB
cl604_check.txt02.09.082.13 kB
cl604_ref.txt02.10.081.24 kB
File_id.txt03.07.10555 B
model03.16.100 B
cl604a_X15.mdl03.23.081.77 MB
cl604a_X15.OUT03.04.1071.67 kB
model.cfg03.23.0829 B
panel.cl604x03.16.100 B
737-400.gau06.13.032.20 MB
Challenger3.bmp02.09.08769.05 kB
Challenger6.bmp01.10.08769.05 kB
CL604_autopilot.CAB11.12.079.75 kB
CL604_Eng.CAB02.19.08138.44 kB
CL604_fsx.CAB02.17.08375.43 kB
CL604_inst.CAB02.17.0862.70 kB
CL604_quadrant.CAB02.19.08201.92 kB
CL604_Radios.CAB09.12.077.48 kB
CL604_sw.CAB02.17.08385.76 kB
Gauge Credits.txt02.09.081.45 kB
GH_Sound.gau04.15.0580.00 kB
GPWS_Sound.gau01.03.0576.00 kB
OVERHEAD.bmp09.11.07417.46 kB
PAD_RKG_fuelstat.gau07.23.04601.50 kB
Panel.cfg03.25.0813.62 kB
rcb-gauges.CAB12.05.0727.06 kB
RCB_Groundhandling5.CAB10.20.0626.63 kB
RCB_Groundhandling5_Sound.dll10.19.0696.80 kB
README Groundhandling5_01.txt10.22.0620.75 kB
stby_pfd.CAB08.12.05213.39 kB
WING_L.bmp03.21.03769.05 kB
WING_R.bmp03.21.03215.39 kB
Xfs9gps.cab06.13.03296.71 kB
READ_ME_B4 U fly !.txt03.25.083.92 kB
sound03.16.100 B
sound.cfg01.31.0830 B
texture.BEXAIR03.16.100 B
chrome.bmp10.13.0564.07 kB
CL604_Backwall.bmp03.17.08512.07 kB
CL604_cabin.bmp09.12.07512.07 kB
CL604_cockpit.bmp10.02.07512.07 kB
CL604_Elevator.bmp10.07.07256.07 kB
CL604_fuse.bmp03.05.101.33 MB
CL604_Interiors.bmp10.07.07512.07 kB
CL604_VC.bmp01.28.08512.07 kB
CL604_Wings.bmp03.05.101.33 MB
CL604_yoke.bmp09.06.07257.07 kB
lights.bmp11.18.0732.07 kB
lights_L.bmp11.18.0765.05 kB
Panel3_vc.bmp01.29.08512.07 kB
pilots.bmp10.05.05257.05 kB
pilots_L.bmp10.06.05257.05 kB
roue2.bmp01.10.0765.05 kB
tailcones.bmp02.22.0864.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg03.05.1093.59 kB
Thumbs.db03.05.1017.00 kB
thumbnail.gif03.05.1012.78 kB
Effects03.07.100 B
fx_PADbeaconh.fx09.02.064.75 kB
fx_vclightwhite.fx05.12.061.31 kB
File_id.txt03.07.10555 B
READ_ME_B4 U fly !.txt03.07.104.47 kB
simobjects03.07.100 B
airplanes03.07.100 B
BEXCL60403.07.100 B
604_9.air02.18.089.14 kB
aircraft.cfg03.05.1013.91 kB
BEXAIR.jpg03.05.1093.59 kB
Chief's Flying Tips.pdf02.20.081.08 MB
cl604_check.txt02.09.082.13 kB
cl604_ref.txt02.10.081.24 kB
File_id.txt03.07.10555 B
model03.06.100 B
cl604a_X15.mdl03.23.081.77 MB
cl604a_X15.OUT03.04.1071.67 kB
model.cfg03.23.0829 B
panel.cl604x03.06.100 B
737-400.gau06.13.032.20 MB
Challenger3.bmp02.09.08769.05 kB
Challenger6.bmp01.10.08769.05 kB
CL604_autopilot.CAB11.12.079.75 kB
CL604_Eng.CAB02.19.08138.44 kB
CL604_fsx.CAB02.17.08375.43 kB
CL604_inst.CAB02.17.0862.70 kB
CL604_quadrant.CAB02.19.08201.92 kB
CL604_Radios.CAB09.12.077.48 kB
CL604_sw.CAB02.17.08385.76 kB
Gauge Credits.txt02.09.081.45 kB
GH_Sound.gau04.15.0580.00 kB
GPWS_Sound.gau01.03.0576.00 kB
OVERHEAD.bmp09.11.07417.46 kB
PAD_RKG_fuelstat.gau07.23.04601.50 kB
Panel.cfg03.25.0813.62 kB
rcb-gauges.CAB12.05.0727.06 kB
RCB_Groundhandling5.CAB10.20.0626.63 kB
RCB_Groundhandling5_Sound.dll10.19.0696.80 kB
README Groundhandling5_01.txt10.22.0620.75 kB
stby_pfd.CAB08.12.05213.39 kB
WING_L.bmp03.21.03769.05 kB
WING_R.bmp03.21.03215.39 kB
Xfs9gps.cab06.13.03296.71 kB
READ_ME_B4 U fly !.txt03.25.083.92 kB
sound03.06.100 B
sound.cfg01.31.0830 B
texture.BEXAIR03.06.100 B
chrome.bmp10.13.0564.07 kB
CL604_Backwall.bmp03.17.08512.07 kB
CL604_cabin.bmp09.12.07512.07 kB
CL604_cockpit.bmp10.02.07512.07 kB
CL604_Elevator.bmp10.07.07256.07 kB
CL604_fuse.bmp03.05.101.33 MB
CL604_Interiors.bmp10.07.07512.07 kB
CL604_VC.bmp01.28.08512.07 kB
CL604_Wings.bmp03.05.101.33 MB
CL604_yoke.bmp09.06.07257.07 kB
lights.bmp11.18.0732.07 kB
lights_L.bmp11.18.0765.05 kB
Panel3_vc.bmp01.29.08512.07 kB
pilots.bmp10.05.05257.05 kB
pilots_L.bmp10.06.05257.05 kB
roue2.bmp01.10.0765.05 kB
tailcones.bmp02.22.0864.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg03.05.1093.59 kB
Thumbs.db03.05.1017.00 kB
thumbnail.gif03.05.1012.78 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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