FSX TAA Lockheed L-188 Electra

PreviewThe following repaint offers an advanced, high-definition Trans Australia Airlines (TAA) livery for the Lockheed L-188 Electra II, intended for use in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It features precision DXT5 compression and enhanced 4096-pixel textures, bringing a more detailed visual layer to th...

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The following repaint offers an advanced, high-definition Trans Australia Airlines (TAA) livery for the Lockheed L-188 Electra II, intended for use in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It features precision DXT5 compression and enhanced 4096-pixel textures, bringing a more detailed visual layer to the Electra’s classic turboprop design. This freeware package, created by Fabio Cabral (fscabral), requires the base L-188 model by Team FS KBT (L-188_ELECTRA_X.ZIP). You can locate this base package in the Fly Away Simulation file library. Note that using 4096 textures might reduce frame rates on some setups, so always confirm your system can handle the higher load.

Historical Insight into the TAA L-188

The original Lockheed L-188 Electra II, popularized by various airlines worldwide, introduced tested turboprop engines and a robust airframe that enabled reliable medium-range flights. In Australia, Trans Australia Airlines (TAA) adopted the Electra for dynamic passenger routes. This updated repaint strives to capture the airline’s mid-century appeal, offering simmers an opportunity to experience that vintage era of commercial flight.

TAA Lockheed L-188 Electra on departure (left side view).

TAA Lockheed L-188 Electra on departure (left side view).

Key Aspects of the HD Livery

  • 4K Textures: Enhanced resolution for improved fuselage markings and rivet lines.
  • DXT5 Format: Provides reduced compression artifacts, though potentially requires more system resources.
  • Responsiveness: Fine-tuned visuals that integrate seamlessly with cockpit instruments and external lighting.

Placing the Repaint Files

Add the "texture.taaHD" folder directly into your existing ELEC_PASS directory, located within your Lockheed Electra installation. Next, open the aircraft.cfg file (within that same folder) and insert the following code block below. Change the [fltsim.x] index to the subsequent number in your sequence:

atc_id=VH TLC
ui_createdby=repaint made by Fabio Cabral.(fscabral)

Adjusting Your Simulator to 4096 Textures

In your FSX.cfg file, navigate to the [GRAPHICS] section and verify that the following parameter is set correctly:

  • Modify or confirm it reads: TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=4096

Then save the file. Be aware that in Microsoft Flight Simulator X, making certain in-game graphics adjustments can reset the maximum load back to 1024, so you may need to reapply this tweak or utilize a utility that maintains the 4096 setting automatically. Taking these steps ensures the high-definition textures will appear authentic when you view the aircraft in flight.

Enjoy exploring the streamlined form of the Electra in TAA colors, and keep in mind the slight performance impact with these expansive textures. This repaint, authored by Fabio Cabral (fscabral), remains fully freeware and is designed for enthusiasts seeking higher detail on this classic turboprop airliner.

TAA Lockheed L-188 Electra lifting off (right side view).

TAA Lockheed L-188 Electra lifting off (right side view).

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4

The archive l-188taahd.zip has 42 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
l-188taaHD01.30.120 B
instalacao.txt01.30.121.57 kB
instalation.txt01.30.121.60 kB
taa1.jpg01.30.12192.97 kB
taa2.jpg01.30.12152.64 kB
taa3.jpg01.30.12163.03 kB
taasmall.gif01.30.129.74 kB
texture.taaHD01.30.120 B
ELEC_EG.bmp01.30.1221.33 MB
ELEC_EG_bump.bmp01.22.1221.33 MB
ELEC_EG_LM.bmp12.12.1121.33 MB
ELEC_EG_SPEC.bmp01.19.1221.33 MB
ELEC_LWING.bmp01.19.1221.33 MB
ELEC_LWING_BUMP.bmp12.12.1121.33 MB
ELEC_RWING.bmp01.19.1221.33 MB
ELEC_RWING_BUMP.bmp12.12.1121.33 MB
ELEC_STB.bmp01.30.1221.33 MB
ELEC_VC01.bmp12.12.115.33 MB
ELEC_VC02.bmp12.12.115.33 MB
ELEC_VC03.bmp12.12.115.33 MB
ELEC_VC04.bmp12.12.115.33 MB
ELEC_VC05.bmp12.12.115.33 MB
ELEC_VC06.bmp12.12.115.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_L_BUMP.bmp12.16.1121.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_L_LM.bmp01.22.1221.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_L_SPEC.bmp01.30.1221.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_L_T.bmp01.30.1221.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_R_BUMP.bmp12.16.1121.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_R_LM.bmp01.22.1221.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_R_SPEC.bmp01.29.1221.33 MB
L188_FUSELAGE_R_T.bmp01.30.1221.33 MB
texture.cfg09.22.06137 B
thumbnail.jpg01.30.12147.92 kB
VC01_LM.bmp12.12.115.33 MB
VC02_LM.bmp12.12.115.33 MB
VC03_LM.bmp12.12.115.33 MB
VC04_LM.bmp12.12.115.33 MB
VC05_LM.bmp12.12.115.33 MB
VC06_LM.bmp12.12.115.33 MB
WING_LM.bmp12.12.111.33 MB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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