FS2004 Diamond HK-36 Motor Glider

PreviewTTC115 Super Dimona Day Flyer. Reg_ID: OK-ANU, Czech Republic and Reg_ID: OE-KHK, Austria. A complete package with panels, VC, Sound, HTML Check & Ref List. Designed in FSDS 2.24 with complete animation. Features flexing wings, opening canopy, etc. Design by Pavel Toman, Barry Blaisdell, and Bob ...

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Complete with Base Model
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10.65 MB
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5 star rating.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 3 PRO members.

TTC115 Super Dimona Day Flyer. Reg_ID: OK-ANU, Czech Republic and Reg_ID: OE-KHK, Austria. A complete package with panels, VC, Sound, HTML Check & Ref List. Designed in FSDS 2.24 with complete animation. Features flexing wings, opening canopy, etc. Design by Pavel Toman, Barry Blaisdell, and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design.
Glider on ramp.

At Fly Away Simulation, we provide a whole load of excellent packages that look and feel fantastic – and we love each and every one of them individually. However, we also love to pick a certain download for each day and showcase it for its overall quality, attention to detail and class. Today, we want to look at the FS2004 Diamond HK-36 Motor Glider.​

Designed by the excellent Pavel Toman, Barry Blaisdell and Bob May of Premier Aircraft Design, this remake of one of the most popular gliders out there captures the imagination and brings to life all of the most impressive FS2004 features.

Although it might not quite be the standard that FSX aircraft is, this modification takes everything that FS2004 was capable of and puts it into a fresh and unique design. It captures many of the most important features of an aircraft such as;

  • Completely accurate flight dynamics with plenty of changes throughout to ensure that it runs at the smoothest it possibly can, whilst maintain the true style and form of the real thing

  • Panels that have been created from scratch to create an interior cockpit that looks fantastic and carries the message of the real thing effortlessly – it looks brilliant, captures the imagination, and can be very easy to get to grips with

  • The virtual cockpit has been included, refined and optimized to work to the very limits of FS2004 and includes as many different changes and modifications as it possibly can for the best performance

  • A full sound package that was made just or this glider so that you get the sounds and reactions of the real thing, not just generic glider noises that never seem to really fit the atmosphere or style of the aircraft itself

  • Various animated features lie flexing wings and an opening canopy to capture all of the right features that make this little glider so popular with the various people who have flown one in the past

It’s a classy little design and manages to grab all of the coolest features of the real thing. The ‘Super Dimona’ was first released in 1980 before being re-released nine years later as the HK36R. These changes to the aircraft over time made it a more refined glider, and eventually became one of the most prominent motor gliders of its time, inspiring a generation of smaller aircraft to hit the markets and actually succeed.

Started by the H36 Dimona, this eventually came along to change the entire prospect of the Diamond Aircraft Industries team. The Austrians had mild to moderate success in that timeframe, but the introduction of the HK36 and its cousins made them a far more prominent part of the glider and aviation community as a whole. Their committed creation style endeared the aircraft to many and in the end, more than 900 were created.

If you want to fly a representative of this 900 and see just how fun flying around can be in a glider, you need to try this!

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7

The archive hk36_day.zip has 143 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
fsfsconv07.10.040 B
kat_snd07.10.040 B
da20_apdisconnect.wav06.29.01169.80 kB
da20_flaps.wav08.27.01225.90 kB
DA20_noncombust.wav02.01.0335.63 kB
DA20_prop.wav03.18.03262.17 kB
DA20_rpm1.wav02.01.03326.33 kB
DA20_rpm2.wav02.01.03509.65 kB
DA20_rpm3.wav02.01.03571.77 kB
DA20_rpm4.wav02.01.03651.45 kB
DA20_shutdown.wav05.13.03314.04 kB
da20_stallhorn.wav06.29.01237.68 kB
DA20_starter.wav05.13.0325.75 kB
DA20_startup.wav05.13.03110.15 kB
door_small_close.wav04.09.0355.99 kB
door_small_open.wav04.09.0359.98 kB
Sound.cfg12.27.038.65 kB
xDA20_noncombust.wav02.01.0316.45 kB
xDA20_prop.wav03.18.03262.17 kB
xDA20_rpm1.wav04.03.03237.43 kB
xDA20_rpm2.wav02.01.03271.77 kB
xDA20_rpm3.wav02.01.03257.73 kB
xDA20_rpm4.wav02.01.03244.47 kB
xDA20_shutdown.wav02.20.0371.65 kB
xDA20_starter.wav05.13.0315.66 kB
xDA20_startup.wav04.03.03181.63 kB
HK36_Dimona_day_OE-KHK_OK-ANU07.22.040 B
Aircraft.cfg07.22.0410.29 kB
file_id.diz07.18.04378 B
hk36day.gif07.22.0413.35 kB
HK36_check.htm07.01.0462.67 kB
HK36_ref.htm07.02.045.52 kB
HK36_TTC.air06.26.047.96 kB
oe-khk.jpg07.12.0451.82 kB
ok-anu.jpg07.18.0432.91 kB
README FIRST.txt07.22.044.98 kB
texture.OK-ANU07.22.040 B
cockpit back.bmp05.07.04256.07 kB
cockpit floor.bmp05.08.04256.07 kB
kat_fus1.bmp04.24.04256.07 kB
kat_fus2.bmp05.15.04256.07 kB
kat_fus3.bmp05.15.04256.07 kB
L wing.bmp05.15.04256.07 kB
new-1.bmp05.08.04256.07 kB
new-2.bmp04.24.0464.07 kB
panel.bmp05.08.04512.08 kB
pilot.bmp05.02.04512.08 kB
Prop_back.bmp04.24.0416.07 kB
Prop_front.bmp04.24.0416.07 kB
R wing.bmp05.15.04512.06 kB
ruder 2.bmp06.03.04256.07 kB
Tunel top1.bmp04.23.04512.08 kB
texture.OE-KHK07.22.040 B
cockpit back.bmp04.25.04256.07 kB
cockpit floor.bmp04.25.04512.06 kB
kat_fus1.bmp04.25.04256.07 kB
kat_fus2.bmp04.25.04256.07 kB
kat_fus3.bmp07.18.04256.07 kB
L wing.bmp04.25.04256.07 kB
new-1.bmp04.25.04256.07 kB
new-2.bmp04.23.04128.08 kB
panel.bmp04.28.04512.05 kB
pilot.bmp03.19.0416.07 kB
Prop_back.bmp03.19.0416.07 kB
Prop_front.bmp03.19.0416.07 kB
R wing.bmp04.15.04257.05 kB
ruder 2.bmp06.03.04256.07 kB
Tunel top1.bmp04.23.04512.08 kB
sound07.22.040 B
Sound.cfg01.15.0434 B
Panel_Gauge Information07.22.040 B
DavtronM803.doc08.26.0257.00 kB
disclaimer.txt11.11.02339 B
ExplKX125.jpg07.10.0465.84 kB
Gauge Credits.txt07.22.042.15 kB
Glass.TTF11.19.0272.20 kB
hghb Readme.txt07.19.012.40 kB
HOTSPOTS.jpg07.22.04181.96 kB
INSTALL.jpg12.25.03165.66 kB
kln90bgpsreadout.pdf07.07.0259.29 kB
KX125.txt12.23.026.88 kB
POPUPS.jpg07.22.04174.62 kB
README Taxispeed.txt03.23.035.41 kB
VC.jpg07.22.0494.96 kB
panel07.22.040 B
compass.BMP04.15.0495.51 kB
HK36DAYPNL.bmp07.11.041.50 MB
Panel.cfg07.22.049.81 kB
model.ANU07.22.040 B
hk 36 no lights tow,hook mirr.mdl05.15.042.82 MB
Model.cfg05.15.0448 B
model07.22.040 B
hk 168.mdl04.25.042.62 MB
Model.cfg04.25.0425 B
aircraft06.20.040 B
fx_vclightred.fx12.28.031.31 kB
fx_HK36strobex.fx01.15.042.47 kB
fx_HK36navgre.fx01.15.044.56 kB
fx_HK36strobe.fx03.01.042.47 kB
fx_HK36beacon.fx06.25.043.04 kB
fx_HK36navred.fx01.15.044.56 kB
fx_HK36strobe2.fx06.25.042.47 kB
fx_HK36landing.fx06.25.043.43 kB
texture07.10.040 B
fx_red.bmp12.28.0348.05 kB
effects07.10.040 B
kat_ign.gau12.07.0245.50 kB
pad.stick1.gau12.05.02153.50 kB
pad.stick2.gau11.08.02153.50 kB
kat.altimeter.gau06.26.04209.00 kB
kat_vert.gau01.05.03103.00 kB
kat_att.gau01.05.03323.50 kB
kat_dirg.gau05.09.04237.50 kB
hk36_sw.cab07.11.0480.14 kB
pad.amps.gau11.07.02100.00 kB
pad_kat_fuel.gau11.11.02129.00 kB
hk36rpm.gau04.30.04100.00 kB
hk36turn.gau04.26.04106.50 kB
hk36trim.gau03.11.0454.50 kB
kat_vor1.gau12.13.03243.50 kB
HK36_airspeed.gau04.30.04100.00 kB
kat_oil_pres.gau11.17.03118.00 kB
kat_oil_temp.gau11.17.03118.00 kB
kat_cyl.gau01.05.0455.50 kB
kat_mp.gau01.05.03132.00 kB
hk36hour.gau04.28.0497.50 kB
FP_sw.gau05.01.0444.00 kB
pad_xpdr2.gau04.02.03110.00 kB
PAD_kx125a.gau04.05.03181.00 kB
TTC_sw.gau06.26.0444.00 kB
Davtron.gau08.27.0392.00 kB
kat_altimeter.gau04.26.04209.00 kB
pad_vor1.gau06.20.03243.50 kB
pad_dirg.gau12.07.02237.50 kB
HK36.airspeed.gau04.30.04100.00 kB
hk36rpm1.gau04.28.04100.00 kB
hk36hour1.gau04.30.0497.50 kB
cad_kln903brored.gau07.19.02144.00 kB
kat_mp_vc.gau11.18.03132.00 kB
gauges07.10.040 B
file_id.diz07.18.04378 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

Michael RadcliffeMon, 02 Dec 2019 17:52:03 GMT

Could you let me know what the most up to date version of Flight Sim the Dimona HK36 would work under?

Many thanks Michael.

boldvThu, 24 Jun 2010 20:09:42 GMT
Trying to download HK36 superdimona which I lost in a computer crash but all I get is code 404 not found. Help anyone please.
wygalwingmasterTue, 08 Aug 2006 00:51:01 GMT
pretty good , my last flight as pilot in comand was the short wing version. prop effects could be better when you idle down thou.

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