FS2004/F2002 SAAB JAS39 Gripen A/B

PreviewThis airplane is used by Swedish Air Force. JAS39 is an airplane for the combat, the attack, and the scout developed as a succession of Viggen. Compared with Viggen, expenditure is pressed to 2/3 or less and weight is pressed to 1/2 or less and more kinds of arms are cut equipped with in large qu...

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Rated 3 out of 5 stars by 2 PRO members.

This airplane is used by Swedish Air Force. JAS39 is an airplane for the combat, the attack, and the scout developed as a succession of Viggen. Compared with Viggen, expenditure is pressed to 2/3 or less and weight is pressed to 1/2 or less and more kinds of arms are cut equipped with in large quantities and it has the ability that it is launched or can be dropped by higher accuracy. Two kinds of airframes of a single-seat(Type A) and a double-seat(Type B) and original designed Panel for JAS39 are included in this file. Production material and marking design cooperated by Ronny Olofsson(Sweden) by Kazunori Ito.

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The archive Jas39a.zip has 71 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
JAS39A Gripen06.03.030 B
Aircraft.cfg06.07.037.10 kB
JAS39 Gripen.air06.07.0313.46 kB
model06.05.030 B
JAS39 Gripen.mdl06.06.031.00 MB
JAS39 Gripen.mdl.mpi06.06.039.62 kB
Model.cfg06.06.0331 B
panel06.03.030 B
HUD.BMP04.02.00391.05 kB
Panel.cfg06.07.031.39 kB
JAS39Panel.bmp06.06.03769.05 kB
sound06.03.030 B
Sound.cfg06.06.0330 B
texture06.04.030 B
Burner.bmp06.03.0365.05 kB
Fuse01.bmp06.07.031.00 MB
Fuse02.bmp06.06.03257.05 kB
Parts01.bmp06.06.03257.05 kB
PILOT.bmp06.03.03257.05 kB
Wing.bmp06.07.031.00 MB
Gauges06.05.030 B
rcb-gauges06.05.030 B
FlameAndAfterburnerEffectControl.xml02.18.032.88 kB
README Flame.txt04.20.037.95 kB
a320-FLAPS.GAU05.08.9814.50 kB
c17_hudils.gau03.18.01312.00 kB
c17_hudasi.gau03.18.0160.50 kB
c17_hudralt.gau03.18.0162.50 kB
c17_hudhdg.gau03.18.0158.50 kB
f162k_hudcmp.gau02.05.0058.00 kB
f162k_hudvsi2.gau12.13.9939.00 kB
f_alt.gau03.05.9930.50 kB
f15j_gear1.gau03.05.9939.00 kB
f15j_gear2.gau03.05.9939.00 kB
fsd_rf4.ff.1.gau02.12.01117.50 kB
fsd_rf4.rpm.1.gau02.02.01119.00 kB
gps.gau11.28.01320.07 kB
HW_SBK.GAU10.16.9841.00 kB
JA37.adi.gau03.01.00305.50 kB
JAS39.HSI.GAU09.21.99261.50 kB
Sabre.VSI.GAU11.24.9998.50 kB
T33.airsp.GAU12.07.98192.00 kB
Effects06.06.030 B
fx_flankerburner.fx08.10.028.67 kB
fx_flankerflame.fx08.10.021.24 kB
JAS39B Gripen06.07.030 B
Aircraft.cfg06.07.037.10 kB
JAS39 Gripen.air06.07.0313.46 kB
model06.07.030 B
JAS39 Gripen.mdl06.07.031.00 MB
JAS39 Gripen.mdl.mpi06.07.039.62 kB
Model.cfg06.07.0331 B
panel06.07.030 B
Panel.cfg06.07.0337 B
sound06.07.030 B
Sound.cfg06.06.0330 B
texture06.07.030 B
Burner.bmp06.03.0365.05 kB
Fuse01.bmp06.07.031.00 MB
Fuse02.bmp06.06.03257.05 kB
Parts01.bmp06.07.03257.05 kB
PILOT.bmp06.06.03257.05 kB
Wing.bmp06.07.031.00 MB
JAS39A.JPG06.06.0388.36 kB
JAS39B.JPG06.07.0363.26 kB
File_ID.DIZ06.07.03660 B
Helmet.JPG06.07.0336.87 kB
Readme_E.txt06.07.033.29 kB
Readme_J.txt06.07.032.93 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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jianqingTue, 17 Nov 2009 15:58:22 GMT
He probado el modelo A, no es para trabajar en FS2004. Así que fui y descargar de nuevo el modelo B. Funciona, pero el panel es de mi Abacus Fly La flota de Airbus! Y los gustos REALMENTE plano para detener !!!!!!!!!! Tuve que borrar!-Spanish!
zulu-dogMon, 10 Jul 2006 16:49:56 GMT
good plane but no landing gear aswell as the sound is not the proper sound. cockpit view is good, i was looking forward to virtual cockpit..

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