FSX Socata TB-10 Tobago N4274T

PreviewThis freeware repaint adds a fictional red-and-white N4274T livery to the Premier Aircraft Design (P.A.D.) Socata TB-10 Tobago. It is compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator X and features crisp exterior details. The real-world TB-10, introduced in the late 1970s by Socata, is a robust single-...

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Flight Simulator X
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This freeware repaint adds a fictional red-and-white N4274T livery to the Premier Aircraft Design (P.A.D.) Socata TB-10 Tobago. It is compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator X and features crisp exterior details. The real-world TB-10, introduced in the late 1970s by Socata, is a robust single-engine piston aircraft recognized for its variable-pitch propeller and roomy cabin, making it a popular platform for instrument instruction and pleasure flights alike. The TB series is often called the “Caribbean Planes” in reference to their island-themed designations. This new texture set has been meticulously crafted by Tom Tiedman to complement the TB-10 by the Premier Aircraft Design team, reflecting a bright aesthetic that stands out on any ramp.

Key Highlights of the Red-and-White Texture

  • Fictional Registration: Displays the unique N4274T tail number not found on actual Tobago aircraft.
  • Distinctive Color Scheme: Offers crisp red accents against a clean white fuselage, showcasing a balanced contrast.
  • High-Quality Exterior Details: Maintains streamlined gradient shading and panel lines for a realistic visual effect during flight.
  • Seamless Integration: Optimized to fit seamlessly over the P.A.D. TB-10 model for an immersive experience.

Screenshot of Socata TB-10 Tobago in flight.

Preview showing the red-and-white livery in flight.

Author Acknowledgments

The P.A.D. Team
For designing the outstanding base TB-10 Tobago model.
Tom Tiedman
For creating this repaint texture and bringing the N4274T concept to life.

Installation Steps

  1. Extract the enclosed texture.Red-White N4274T folder into your existing Premier Aircraft Design Socata TB-10 Tobago main directory.
  2. Add the following [fltsim.X] configuration block into your TB-10 aircraft.cfg file. Replace the “X” with the subsequent repaint number.
  3. Save the modifications and enjoy a test flight in your simulator.

title=TB10G1X Red-White N4274T
texture=Red-White N4274T
ui_type=TB10 Tobago
description=The Socata TB10 is a light single engine piston aircraft manufactured by Socata and designed in the late 1970s. All TB 10 aircraft have a variable pitch propeller. The TB series have become widely used instruction and touring aircraft and are often used for instrument training. The TB series planes have been come to be known as the 'Caribbean Planes', due to their island names, though you will not often find them flown in that region. They are defined by their superior (and contemporary) fit and finish and interior size; compared to other four-seat single-engine aircraft, they are relatively roomy at 49 inches at the shoulder, plus or minus. In part this is due to the fuselage having a pronounced 'round out' above the wing. Adding to the actual spaciousness, the side windshields extend up well into the roof line, giving the Tobago an airy feeling. Repaint by Tom Tiedman 4-1-2012.

Additional Notes

  • This package does not contain the original Premier Aircraft Design TB-10 model. Download the freeware base model through Fly Away Simulation’s add-on library to ensure compatibility.
  • The model represents a single-engine touring platform with IFR capability and an expansive cockpit environment.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4

The archive tobago_tb10_red-white_n4274t.zip has 33 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
file_id.diz04.02.12261 B
Original Read Me.txt04.02.125.18 kB
READ ME and INSTALLATION.txt04.02.122.03 kB
Screenshot 1.jpg04.02.12293.41 kB
Screenshot 2.jpg04.02.12421.46 kB
Screenshot 3.jpg04.02.12243.25 kB
texture.Red-White N4274T04.02.120 B
chrome_brown.bmp04.01.12256.07 kB
chrome_brownN.bmp03.28.12192.05 kB
filler.bmp04.02.12256.07 kB
floor.bmp04.01.1264.07 kB
glass.bmp03.28.1265.05 kB
NWL.bmp04.02.121.00 MB
NWR.bmp04.02.121.00 MB
pale.bmp03.28.12128.07 kB
panels.bmp03.28.121.00 MB
pilot.bmp03.28.1264.07 kB
prop_TBX.bmp03.28.121.00 MB
pspbrwse.jbf03.28.1248.86 kB
roue3trin.bmp03.28.1264.07 kB
roue3trinose.bmp03.28.1264.07 kB
SavB041.tmp03.28.120 B
seat.bmp03.28.12257.05 kB
thumbnail.jpg04.02.12101.82 kB
toba2int.bmp04.01.12128.07 kB
tobatab.bmp04.01.121.00 MB
trinfus.bmp04.02.124.00 MB
vcdetails.bmp04.01.121.00 MB
vcdetails_L.bmp03.28.121.00 MB
vcshell.bmp03.28.121.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg04.02.12101.82 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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