FSX Lockheed C-130J Hercules MAFFS 146th AW

PreviewThis is a repaint of the 146th Airlift Wing of the California Air National Guard based at Channel Islands in the MAFFS scheme for aerial fire fighting. The C-130J-30's the 146th AW operate are equipped with the MAFFS II system capable of delivering up to 3400 gallons of fire retardant. By Nick Mi...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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3.42 MB
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This is a repaint of the 146th Airlift Wing of the California Air National Guard based at Channel Islands in the MAFFS scheme for aerial fire fighting. The C-130J-30's the 146th AW operate are equipped with the MAFFS II system capable of delivering up to 3400 gallons of fire retardant. By Nick Mitchell.

Screenshot of Lockheed C-130J Hercules MAFFS 146th AW in flight.

Screenshot of Lockheed C-130J Hercules MAFFS 146th AW in flight.

title=C-130J 146th Airlift Wing CANG Channel Islands MAFFS
ui_variation="CANG 146th AW (MAFFS)"
ui_typerole="Multi-Engine TurboProp"
ui_createdby="Captain Sim"
description="The 146th Airlift Wing based at the California Air National Guard station at Channel Islands, California operates the C-130J-30 Hercules for aerial fire fighting operations. Their aircraft can be equipped with a "roll-on-roll-off" aerial fire fighting system known as MAFFS. Or Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System. The new MAFFS II pressurized tank system allows for up to 3,400 gallons of fire retardent to be delievered by the C-130J."

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive maffs.zip has 25 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
C-130J 2.jpg05.26.12182.46 kB
C-130J.jpg05.13.12289.84 kB
readme.txt05.26.121.13 kB
texture.MAFFS05.26.120 B
C130_1_LM.dds01.28.08512.12 kB
C130_1_T.dds05.13.12682.80 kB
C130_11.bmp01.29.08512.07 kB
C130_13_T.dds05.13.12341.48 kB
C130_13_T_Bump.dds01.29.08682.83 kB
C130_2_T.dds07.28.08512.12 kB
C130_3_T.dds02.13.08512.12 kB
C130_4_T.dds05.13.12682.80 kB
C130_5_T.dds05.13.12682.80 kB
C130_6_T.dds05.13.12682.80 kB
C130_7_T.dds05.13.12682.80 kB
C130_8_T.dds02.14.08512.12 kB
C130_C15_LM.dds02.14.08170.80 kB
C130_C15_T.dds01.28.08512.12 kB
C130_C17_LM.dds01.29.0842.80 kB
C130_C17_T.dds01.29.08170.80 kB
flag.dds01.28.088.12 kB
texture.cfg02.15.08188 B
thumbnail.jpg02.14.0811.27 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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