FS2004 United Airlines Boeing 747-422 2004

PreviewThis freeware repaint offers the 2004 United Airlines visual scheme for the iconic Boeing 747-422 in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. It is intended for enthusiasts who appreciate high-fidelity textures and authentic detailing. Livery design is generously provided by Wes Archibald, and the underl...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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This freeware repaint offers the 2004 United Airlines visual scheme for the iconic Boeing 747-422 in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. It is intended for enthusiasts who appreciate high-fidelity textures and authentic detailing. Livery design is generously provided by Wes Archibald, and the underlying model comes from the Project Open Sky development team. This package does not include the original model, so you will need to obtain the free base package, which should be found in the Fly Away Simulation mod library.

Screenshot of United Airlines Boeing 747-422 on runway.

Screenshot capturing the jumbo with its recognizable United Airlines branding.

Project Notes and Key Implementation

This texture set accurately mirrors United’s timeless 2004 corporate look on the 747-422 platform. Though the real-life aircraft is a long-haul widebody, the simulation model re-creates not only the visual airframe but also its operational nuances. In particular, the extensive paintwork includes reflective metallic surfaces adjusted to match lighting conditions. Moreover, the repaint highlights door outlines, fuselage logos, and engine markings to convey realism.

Highlighted Engineering and Flight Dynamics

  • Complete Control Surface Animation: Ensures a realistic range of motion for ailerons, elevators, and rudder.
  • Independent Suspension Modeling: Each gear assembly moves and reacts in response to runway variations.
  • Steerable Main Gear: Simulates ground handling for a large quad-engine aircraft.
  • Adjustable Trim Depiction: Reflects flight deck inputs precisely.
  • Functional Passenger and Cargo Doors: Adds immersion when operating gateside procedures.
  • Wing Flex Replication: Displays the subtle bending of each wing under aerodynamic loads.
  • Tilting Bogies: Main gear bogies rotate under changing angles during takeoff and landings.
  • Rolling Wheels: Visible spin effect for better runway realism.
  • Thrust Reverser Animation: Contributes to engine operation simulation during deceleration.
  • Reflective Surface Effects: Employs varied reflection intensities to match actual aircraft materials.
  • Accurate Flight Envelope: Fine-tuned data (FDE) tested by real-world pilots to represent the 747-422’s handling.
  • Spoiler Mechanics: Extends and retracts in the correct segments.
  • High-Resolution Exterior Textures: Close-up details around the fuselage and tail.
  • Night Lighting: Provides illuminated fuselage sections and clearly visible lights for nocturnal operations.
  • Cockpit Lighting: Interactive cockpit windows that reflect surrounding light.
  • Impact Effects: Integrates crash simulations with relevant visual cues when mishaps occur.
  • Clear Navigation Light Lenses: Translucent nav lamp covers for added fidelity.

Implementation Tips

For correct installation, unzip the texture folder and move the included aircraft folder into your FS2002 aircraft directory (note that it is specified to place inside FS2002, which some users also do for FS2004 setups). Consult any included documentation if additional edits to configuration files (such as aircraft.cfg) are required. Ensure the base Project Open Sky 747-422 model is installed beforehand so the sim recognizes these newly added textures.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive ual744po.zip has 33 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Aircraft.cfg11.03.0422.79 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ11.03.04173 B
NOTE_regarding_strobes.txt11.03.04284 B
readme.txt11.03.042.76 kB
texture.ua11.03.040 B
posky744fan.bmp09.17.0265.05 kB
posky744fanfast.bmp09.17.0265.05 kB
posky744_bodyl_l.bmp11.11.021.00 MB
posky744_bodyl_t.bmp11.03.042.00 MB
posky744_bodyr_l.bmp10.14.021.00 MB
posky744_bodyr_t.bmp11.03.042.00 MB
posky744_doors_l.bmp10.14.021.00 MB
posky744_doors_t.bmp11.03.042.00 MB
posky744_eng_PW4060_l.bmp10.14.0264.06 kB
posky744_eng_PW4060_t.bmp11.03.042.00 MB
posky744_gear_l.bmp10.14.0264.07 kB
posky744_gear_t.bmp08.13.02128.08 kB
posky744_misc_l.bmp10.14.021.00 MB
posky744_misc_t.bmp11.03.042.00 MB
posky744_vertical_l.bmp10.14.02256.07 kB
posky744_vertical_t.bmp11.03.04512.06 kB
posky744_window_t.bmp09.09.02170.75 kB
posky744_wingbottom_l.bmp10.14.0264.06 kB
posky744_wingbottom_t.bmp08.13.022.00 MB
posky744_wingtop_l.bmp10.14.0264.06 kB
posky744_wingtop_t.bmp09.17.022.00 MB
posky_tire1.bmp03.19.0216.92 kB
posky_tire2.bmp03.19.0216.68 kB
Thumbs.db12.24.03206.50 kB
UAL_new.jpg11.03.04102.78 kB
UA744_New_Colors_Posky11.03.040 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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