FSX Bombardier Learjet 60 Package

PreviewA twin fanjet, 8 place business aircraft. This release contains five complete aircraft in real-world liveries from USA(2), Canada, Great Britain, and Germany.

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Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
File size
13.84 MB
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Content Rating
5 star rating.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 11 PRO members.

A twin fanjet, 8 place business aircraft. This release contains five complete aircraft in real-world liveries from USA(2), Canada, Great Britain, and Germany.

Learjet 60 in flight.Each model is a complete package of aircraft, a panel with internal views, DVC (Dynamic Virtual Cockpit) and fully modeled luxury passenger cabin.

Default Learjet sound, full ground handling module with push back and taxi speed control also included.

The visual model includes opening doors and all the usual control surface animations.

A comprehensive set of HTML documents (Check List & Ref List) are included for in-flight information. A separate Panel_Docs folder accompanies this release with panel and systems help files and pilot's notes.

The model has been created from scratch in FSDS2.4 & FSDS 3.0.

Design by Jean-Pierre Brisard, Barry Blaisdell, Bob May & Kevin Pardy - Premier Aircraft Design

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11Screenshot 12Screenshot 13Screenshot 14Screenshot 15Screenshot 16Screenshot 17Screenshot 18Screenshot 19Screenshot 20Screenshot 21Screenshot 22Screenshot 23Screenshot 24Screenshot 25Screenshot 26Screenshot 27Screenshot 28Screenshot 29Screenshot 30Screenshot 31Screenshot 32Screenshot 33Screenshot 34Screenshot 35Screenshot 36Screenshot 37

The archive l60_fsx.zip has 178 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
airplanes11.14.060 B
PAD_Learjet 60_FSX01.16.070 B
aircraft.cfg01.16.0720.20 kB
annun.jpg12.10.0649.51 kB
file_id.diz01.16.07423 B
FSX LEARJET 60_INSTALL_HELP.jpg12.03.06139.56 kB
FSX_Lear60_ref.htm12.10.0611.23 kB
GH5.gif11.07.0627.62 kB
l60_fsx.gif01.16.0720.66 kB
Lear60.air12.19.069.57 kB
lear60_check.htm11.30.0655.07 kB
Learjet60.jpg01.16.0791.16 kB
PANEL.jpg11.30.0669.77 kB
PANEL2.jpg12.04.0688.33 kB
ReadMe_First.txt01.16.075.27 kB
XL60_FBCD.gif12.01.0613.48 kB
texture.N83801.16.070 B
Cabin.bmp06.16.06512.07 kB
chrome.bmp10.13.0564.07 kB
Elevator.bmp02.22.06256.07 kB
engineL60.bmp01.09.07256.07 kB
learjet_fuse.bmp12.15.061.00 MB
LWING.bmp12.17.061.00 MB
panels.bmp11.02.06512.07 kB
pilots.bmp10.05.05257.05 kB
RWING.bmp12.14.061.00 MB
seats.bmp02.25.06512.07 kB
seats_sheep.bmp02.20.06128.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg12.14.066.35 kB
VCpanel_L.bmp12.09.06512.07 kB
VCpanel_R.bmp11.22.06512.07 kB
VCpanel_up.bmp11.22.06512.07 kB
wheel.bmp12.05.05256.07 kB
wheel_nose.bmp01.31.06256.07 kB
yoke.bmp11.02.06512.07 kB
texture.N23201.16.070 B
Cabin.bmp06.16.06512.07 kB
chrome.bmp10.13.0564.07 kB
Elevator.bmp02.11.06256.07 kB
engineL60.bmp01.09.07256.07 kB
learjet_fuse.bmp12.15.061.00 MB
LWING.bmp12.17.061.00 MB
panels.bmp11.02.06512.07 kB
pilots.bmp10.05.05257.05 kB
RWING.bmp12.14.061.00 MB
seats.bmp02.25.06512.07 kB
seats_sheep.bmp02.20.06128.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg12.14.066.17 kB
VCpanel_L.bmp12.09.06512.07 kB
VCpanel_R.bmp11.22.06512.07 kB
VCpanel_up.bmp11.22.06512.07 kB
wheel.bmp12.05.05256.07 kB
wheel_nose.bmp01.31.06256.07 kB
yoke.bmp11.02.06512.07 kB
texture.LGAR01.16.070 B
Cabin.bmp06.16.06512.07 kB
chrome.bmp10.13.0564.07 kB
Elevator.bmp01.08.07256.07 kB
engineL60.bmp01.09.07256.07 kB
learjet_fuse.bmp01.09.071.00 MB
LWING.bmp01.08.071.00 MB
panels.bmp11.02.06512.07 kB
pilots.bmp10.05.05257.05 kB
RWING.bmp01.08.071.00 MB
seats.bmp02.25.06512.07 kB
seats_sheep.bmp02.20.06128.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg01.09.076.40 kB
VCpanel_L.bmp12.09.06512.07 kB
VCpanel_R.bmp11.22.06512.07 kB
VCpanel_up.bmp11.22.06512.07 kB
wheel.bmp12.05.05256.07 kB
wheel_nose.bmp01.31.06256.07 kB
yoke.bmp11.02.06512.07 kB
texture.FBCD01.16.070 B
Cabin.bmp06.16.06512.07 kB
chrome.bmp10.13.0564.07 kB
Elevator.bmp02.27.06256.07 kB
engineL60.bmp01.09.07256.07 kB
learjet_fuse.bmp12.15.061.00 MB
LWING.bmp12.17.061.00 MB
panels.bmp11.02.06512.07 kB
pilots.bmp10.05.05257.05 kB
RWING.bmp12.14.061.00 MB
seats.bmp02.25.06512.07 kB
seats_sheep.bmp02.20.06128.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg01.15.077.52 kB
VCpanel_L.bmp12.09.06512.07 kB
VCpanel_R.bmp11.22.06512.07 kB
VCpanel_up.bmp11.22.06512.07 kB
wheel.bmp12.05.05256.07 kB
wheel_nose.bmp01.31.06256.07 kB
yoke.bmp11.02.06512.07 kB
texture.CWHS01.16.070 B
Cabin.bmp06.16.06512.07 kB
chrome.bmp10.13.0564.07 kB
Elevator.bmp02.22.06256.07 kB
engineL60.bmp01.09.07256.07 kB
learjet_fuse.bmp01.10.071.00 MB
LWING.bmp01.06.071.00 MB
panels.bmp11.02.06512.07 kB
pilots.bmp10.05.05257.05 kB
RWING.bmp01.06.071.00 MB
seats.bmp02.25.06512.07 kB
seats_sheep.bmp02.20.06128.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg01.09.077.37 kB
VCpanel_L.bmp12.09.06512.07 kB
VCpanel_R.bmp11.22.06512.07 kB
VCpanel_up.bmp11.22.06512.07 kB
wheel.bmp12.05.05256.07 kB
wheel_nose.bmp01.31.06256.07 kB
yoke.bmp11.02.06512.07 kB
sound01.16.070 B
sound.cfg12.08.0652 B
Panel_Docs01.16.070 B
CABIN.jpg11.29.0649.78 kB
DavtronM803.doc08.26.0257.00 kB
Gauge Credits.txt11.30.061.58 kB
HOTSPOTS.jpg11.30.06188.04 kB
Panel_Help.jpg01.16.07159.39 kB
POPUPS.jpg11.30.06130.38 kB
README Groundhandling5_01.txt10.22.0620.75 kB
VC.jpg11.30.0685.56 kB
panel01.16.070 B
davtron_L60.gau05.29.05100.00 kB
Lear60.bmp12.03.063.52 MB
Lear_45.gau06.12.032.55 MB
Lear_60.CAB12.02.061.06 MB
panel.cfg12.09.0617.08 kB
PFDframe.bmp11.15.04149.12 kB
RCB_Groundhandling5.CAB10.20.0626.63 kB
RCB_Groundhandling5_Sound.dll10.19.0696.80 kB
throttle_quadrant_640.bmp04.18.0142.69 kB
model01.16.070 B
lear60_ver25.mdl01.09.071.74 MB
model.cfg01.09.0731 B
SimObjects11.14.060 B
Groundhandling501.14.070 B
GH01_Conversation1.wav10.26.03188.92 kB
GH02_Conversation2.wav10.30.0376.44 kB
GH03_Conversation3.wav11.04.0355.39 kB
GH04_Conversation4A.wav10.14.06114.56 kB
GH05_Conversation5.wav10.30.03134.51 kB
GH06_SoftClick.wav03.07.05551 B
GH07_Error.wav10.26.038.75 kB
GH08_PushbackRoll.wav05.11.0544.58 kB
GH09_Conversation4B.wav10.14.0667.76 kB
GH10_Attention.wav10.14.0621.57 kB
GH11_Brakes.wav11.06.0329.74 kB
Sound.ini01.14.07925 B
Sound01.14.070 B
fx_PADbeaconh.fx09.02.064.75 kB
fx_vclightwhite.fx05.12.061.31 kB
Effects01.14.070 B
file_id.diz01.16.07423 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Screenshots07.26.190 B
screen-1.jpg07.24.19215.58 kB
screen-10.jpg07.24.19203.03 kB
screen-11.jpg07.24.19132.52 kB
screen-12.jpg07.24.19115.85 kB
screen-13.jpg07.24.19411.93 kB
screen-14.jpg07.24.19176.44 kB
screen-15.jpg07.24.19220.98 kB
screen-16.jpg07.24.19150.03 kB
screen-17.jpg07.24.19188.52 kB
screen-18.jpg07.24.19182.39 kB
screen-19.jpg07.24.19137.81 kB
screen-2.jpg07.24.19102.50 kB
screen-20.jpg07.24.19158.11 kB
screen-21.jpg07.24.19145.21 kB
screen-3.jpg07.24.1982.42 kB
screen-4.jpg07.24.19129.20 kB
screen-5.jpg07.24.19548.46 kB
screen-6.jpg07.24.1957.82 kB
screen-7.jpg07.24.19379.59 kB
screen-8.jpg07.24.19217.18 kB
screen-9.jpg07.24.19213.40 kB


The Learjet is one of the more interesting aircraft types for me, given its rather narrow history when compared with some of the “bigger” names in aviation. However, I decided to pick this package up as it made it easy to see what the Learjet would have to offer, and the fact it came with a totally black design just made it look like something from the X-Men! Therefore, I had to pick this up and see what the fuss was about, and I have to say that the hard work of Premier Aircraft Design has really been worth it when you first start using this aircraft – it feels fantastic.

Preview screenshot

A twin fan-jet, this comes with five complete aircraft which I was very impressed by as they were more than just a new livery or a new model; it has everything managed and prepared perfectly. Additionally, it provided aircraft from the UK, Germany, Canada and the US so you got a nice variety of style and format within the aircraft.

Each model has been completely modeled inside and out with a new panel, interview view, virtual cockpit and a passenger cabin that would have fitted with the real thing. For me, the realism side of things is very important so it was nice to get a little fill of what the Learjet would have looked like on the inside – it was a very nice tough, with a huge attention to detail running throughout the aircraft that you decide to use.

It comes with some awesome sounds, too, and a full ground handling module /w pushback and taxi controls to ensure that you can get total control over the aircraft regardless of the situation that you have found yourself in.

It’s very simple and an easy, enjoyable flight that makes it much easier for you to control the entire span of the flight throughout – using a whole range of documents, too, you can refer to details such as checklists and references to understand everything that is going on around you. Whilst other mods leave you to your own devices, this actively teaches you what you need to know so that you can be the most effective pilot that you possibly can be.

The little touches – namely the animations - are hugely impressive, too. This includes opening doors and surface animations that look brilliant and manage to capture an aircraft that actually feels like its alive and doing something. It also comes with various in-flight documents that will make it very easy for you to get the assistance and understanding that you might need to master the aircraft – some of it can be a little bit challenging to fly with. Pilot’s notes area added, too, which are a nice touch and help you get a bit of knowledge and commentary from the designs.

The model, though, is the most impressive part for me – you can tell it was designed by a team of pros who know what they wanted to achieve.

Adam McEnroe

Adam McEnroe

Adam McEnroe is a flight sim enthusiast who has been simming since the days of FS95. Adam writes all of the download section editorials after testing each of the files. Adam has extensive knowledge using various flight simulator packages and thoroughly tests the files before writing about them. Adam also like to fly real-world aircraft in his spare time and is training for his PPL.

Should you wish, you can contact Adam via email at adam@flyawaysimulation.com.

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

JamesSun, 04 Sep 2022 15:49:41 GMT

Unfortunately, there are a few issues with this aircraft that make it difficult to fly. For example, switching between NAV and GPS modes causes the plane to pitch up dramatically. The textures of the 3d cockpit are also very low resolution and hard to read, and the panel lights don't work very well.

I'm a fan of premier aircraft but I don't think they got this one quite right.

Loretta MoulpiedSun, 03 Jan 2021 19:03:29 GMT

I haven't long downloaded this but I have to say from what I have seen so far the attention to detail is exceptional. I already have a Learjet 45 that came with FSX but this is so much better.

effectSun, 05 May 2019 13:04:02 GMT

This was a good effort, however, I will not be using this aircraft anymore due to the following: flickering of the virtual cockpit textures are so low in quality you cannot read the buttons flight model for the aircraft is all over the place

On the other hand, the skins were pretty

Norbert HenniganMon, 10 Dec 2018 15:21:42 GMT

The virtual cockpit panel does not display properly. See previous comments above. Tried everything to rectify this problem. Cannot use it. The 45 model works much better. Any ideas?

Ricky B.Sat, 07 Oct 2017 17:45:54 GMT

Flickering missing textures in the virtual cockpit with floating displays and gauges makes this plane almost unflyable to me. Totally kills the experience. Virtual cabin and flight dynamics are nice though.

BjörnWed, 01 May 2013 14:24:56 GMT

There's a lot of flickering on the 3d panel. Is there any fix to this? Good plane anyways.

AHARON HAR EVENTue, 27 Sep 2011 15:02:31 GMT

Had some very accurate IFR, just in my first fly, the 2d panel is so clear! Feels like if I have to fly a real one, I can do it! The outside, has some low graphs, like the Canadian flag in the tail is waving...

LCSat, 30 Jul 2011 04:02:53 GMT
3D cockpit panel (behind the guages) has a texture issue. It's like watching a tv with a ghost image in the background. Eveything else looks ok, guages etc. Virtual cabin ROCKS! If 3D panel was fixed, this would be a great plane. I like VC mode so this will not work for me because of the panel problem (textures move around by themselves).
andrei23Fri, 04 Jun 2010 02:37:31 GMT
Tough bird to land, but the aero-dynamics aren't your fault; the 45 is touchy too. Otherwise a joy to fly and even more wonderful to look at. Very well-executed model, with lots of attention to details. Especially cool at night.
photoshockWed, 08 Jul 2009 14:35:26 GMT
In FSX, there are only 3 Bombardier Lear Jet 45's to choose from and then they are very spare in their views and functionality. Hopefully this download works as I have had a problem with corrupted air. files and have had to lose many of the planes I wish to have. This seems like the ideal download for the Lear Jet and could make the experience flying it much more enjoyable.

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