FS2004 VARIG Curtiss C-46 Fix

Preview For use with C46.ZIP. This will fix the problems with the panel. By Paulo Afonso Pizzato.

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For use with C46.ZIP. This will fix the problems with the panel. By Paulo Afonso Pizzato.

Screenshot of VARIG Curtiss C-46 cockpit.

Screenshot of VARIG Curtiss C-46 cockpit.

I have received a lot of questions on how to have old gauges working with my panels, because normally when FS2004 is starting, it says that could not find such gauges,etc..etc.. The problem is because most of the gauges were written for FS2002,FS2000 or FS98, and don't work properly with FS2004, but we can manage that situation by doing some simply tasks. Let's go step by step.

First of al, do you have the FSSOUND.DLL and the FSUIPC.DLL in your FS9\MODULES? If not, you have to put those two DLL's in that folder. In case you don't have, I am enclosing them. Now, you should know that the FS9.cfg is a hidden file. You have to open the Control Panel\Folder Options and select to SHOW HIDDEN FILES. After that, click on START in your TASK BAR, go to SEARCH, write FS9.cfg, click start search,and the program will show you where the FS9.cfg is located. Open the Windows Explorer and go to the folder that you just looked for (FS9.cfg). Open the FS9.cfg with the NotePad, and write exactly like the example below, at the end of the file, the following lines:


Save the file and close it. After that, open the Windows Explorer, go to FS9 or FS2004 (what ever), open the folder MODULES, and put these two DLL's inside. Run Flight Simulator and have fun. I am 100% sure that with these actions you will have your problem solved.

Nice flights and enjoy.

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The archive c46fix.zip has 9 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Explanation.JPG12.10.03103.12 kB
File_id.diz12.10.03630 B
FSSOUND.DLL11.11.0113.00 kB
FSUIPC.dll10.15.02320.07 kB
Panel C-46.JPG12.09.03162.52 kB
Readme.txt12.10.031.67 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

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