FS2004 AFCAD2 Files For GAP 2004 Vol. 4

Vol. 4, Germany. These updated AFCADs are only for users of German Airports 2004 - Vol. 4. They are replacements for the original ones, not additions. By Dieter Barthelmeus.

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Vol. 4, Germany. These updated AFCADs are only for users of German Airports 2004 - Vol. 4. They are replacements for the original ones, not additions. By Dieter Barthelmeus.

Please be sure to have one and ONLY one AFCAD active for an airport, so replace the original ones. Of course after backing them up, e.g. rename to *.bgx, to be able to restore them, if you are uncomfortable with my ones. And it's always a good practice to scan your directories for duplicates in a regular way (I recommend using ScanAFD - search for it).

After a standard installation you find these files under \Addon Scenery\GA4_FS2004\scenery. In case you have moved them to a different location, you'll now where they are.

These AFCADs should work with different kind of AI traffic, e.g. FS default, PAI, MRAI, self created, MyTraffic, Ultimate Traffic and combinations. Also they are compatible with some of the available european military AI packages and flightplans (BAF, FAF, GAF, HAF, NAF, RAF, TAF).

They are based on the original AFCADs with latest updates, provided by the guys from the GAP-team. Some airports (EDDB, EDDI) have parking code assignments, but all of them also have enough unassigned parkings for other unlisted airlines.

A file name with "_full_" means, that all available parking slots and positions have been made available for AI traffic. So you need to rename/disable the appropriate "_stat.BGL" files in the GAP4 scenery directory. For the smaller ones static objects are leaving in place and the AFCADs therefore shows no parking slot.

The archive ga4afcad.zip has 13 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
AF2_EHBK_GAP4_DB.bgl04.14.055.38 kB
AF2_EDBM_GAP4_DB.bgl04.13.052.94 kB
AF2_EDDB_GAP4_DB.bgl04.13.0511.10 kB
AF2_EDDI_GAP4_DB.bgl04.13.057.21 kB
AF2_EDDR_GAP4_DB.bgl04.18.054.33 kB
AF2_EDFH_GAP4_DB.bgl04.13.057.68 kB
AF2_EDOP_GAP4_DB.bgl04.13.054.31 kB
AF2_EDSB_GAP4_DB.bgl04.13.055.56 kB
AF2_EDVE_GAP4_DB.bgl04.14.055.09 kB
AF2_EDXW_GAP4_DB.bgl04.14.0510.11 kB
READ_GA4.txt04.19.051.71 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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