FSX Mahan Air Boeing 747-400
Experience the long-haul prowess of this Mahan Air 747-400 package, built specifically for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. The developers, Project Open Sky, crafted the fuselage and flight dynamics with precision, while Persian Repaints contributed the airline’s distinctive livery. Expect a caref...
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 2.1K
- Compatibility
- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- fsx_boeing744_mahan_air_posky.zip
- File size
- 30.9 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 30 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
Experience the long-haul prowess of this Mahan Air 747-400 package, built specifically for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. The developers, Project Open Sky, crafted the fuselage and flight dynamics with precision, while Persian Repaints contributed the airline’s distinctive livery. Expect a carefully detailed flight deck (often referred to as a VC), realistic animations, and enhanced ground-service capabilities.
An Overview of Mahan Air’s Quad-Engine Heavy
Mahan Air, headquartered in Tehran, has operated various wide-body aircraft across critical domestic and international routes. This 747-400 variant reflects the airline’s use of large-capacity jets to serve high-traffic destinations. Project Open Sky’s model accurately captures the airframe’s classic hump-shaped upper deck, showcasing intricate details that bring a sense of realism to long-range flights.
Screenshot depicting the aircraft on the ramp, complete with operational ground-service equipment.
Standout Technical Elements
- Flexible wing structures that dynamically respond to aerodynamic forces.
- Body gear steering effective at lower speeds for enhanced maneuverability on the apron.
- Nose gear steering integrated under 60 knots, supporting controlled taxi procedures.
- Rudder lock functionality to stabilize control inputs at reduced velocities.
- Ground-mode spoilers restricted to runway contact, increasing training realism.
- Low-speed aileron lock engaging at elevated airspeeds for improved handling.
- All essential control surfaces feature smooth and precise animations.
- Independent, robust suspension system offering realistic landing gear compression.
- Elevator trim illustrated through functional animations on the tailplane.
- Passenger cabin doors can be opened, ideal for gate operations simulations.
- Tilting bogies to match authentic landing gear deployment.
- Rolling tire animations that synchronize with taxi and takeoff phases.
- Full integration of thrust reversers for accurate post-landing deceleration.
- Detailed exterior textures, emphasizing fuselage markings and airline branding.
- Illuminated windows and exterior lights for proper night-flying procedures.
- Collision impact effects designed to match realistic crash dynamics.
- Ground support vehicles appear upon activating the cargo door, adding extra immersion.
- Additional refinements throughout for an authentic wide-body flying experience.
Model & Livery Collaboration
This freeware release combines Project Open Sky’s developed 747 refinements with Persian Repaints’ high-fidelity textures, ensuring the Mahan Air scheme stands out at every terminal. Simmers can enjoy the jet’s iconic silhouette while navigating cross-continental routes. It is a thorough package containing both exterior and cockpit enhancements, making it a suitable option for enthusiasts seeking an in-depth 747 experience.
The archive fsx_boeing744_mahan_air_posky.zip has 236 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
Opensky_747_vclight.fx | 02.20.12 | 1.31 kB |
Opensky_beacon.fx | 02.20.12 | 3.04 kB |
Opensky_logo_light.fx | 02.20.12 | 1.31 kB |
Opensky_nav_yellow.fx | 02.20.12 | 3.07 kB |
Opensky_wing_light.fx | 02.20.12 | 1.31 kB |
Airplanes | 06.27.12 | 0 B |
POSKY 747-400 Mahan air Persian .R | 06.27.12 | 0 B |
747-400 POSKY PR.air | 02.20.12 | 9.00 kB |
aircraft.cfg | 06.27.12 | 38.73 kB |
boeing747_check.htm | 02.20.12 | 70.73 kB |
boeing747_check_files | 06.27.12 | 0 B |
filelist.xml | 02.20.12 | 175 B |
image001.gif | 02.20.12 | 11.13 kB |
boeing747_ref.htm | 02.20.12 | 34.14 kB |
boeing747_ref_files | 06.27.12 | 0 B |
filelist.xml | 02.20.12 | 173 B |
image001.gif | 02.20.12 | 11.13 kB |
model.744x | 06.27.12 | 0 B |
B747_400_interior.mdl | 08.30.07 | 1.41 MB |
model.cfg | 06.20.11 | 60 B |
OS744V4_CF6-80.mdl | 10.27.07 | 4.74 MB |
OSX744V4_CF6-80.MDL | 08.07.10 | 2.63 MB |
panel.744x | 06.27.12 | 0 B |
747_Background_1024.bmp | 02.20.12 | 515.05 kB |
747_Upper_Background_1024.bmp | 02.20.12 | 433.18 kB |
Boeing747-400.cab | 02.20.12 | 3.21 MB |
ECU_Background_1024.bmp | 02.20.12 | 371.27 kB |
panel.cfg | 02.20.12 | 7.63 kB |
Pky_util | 06.27.12 | 0 B |
install.txt | 02.20.12 | 490 B |
Pky_Init.xml | 02.20.12 | 621 B |
Pky_Timer.xml | 02.20.12 | 1.43 kB |
Pky_Util.xml | 02.20.12 | 7.09 kB |
posky_sw_close.bmp | 02.20.12 | 2.30 kB |
posky_sw_off.bmp | 02.20.12 | 2.30 kB |
posky_sw_on.bmp | 02.20.12 | 2.30 kB |
posky_sw_open.bmp | 02.20.12 | 2.30 kB |
posky_tow_0.bmp | 02.20.12 | 4.55 kB |
posky_tow_100.bmp | 02.20.12 | 4.55 kB |
posky_tow_200.bmp | 02.20.12 | 4.55 kB |
posky_utilbase.bmp | 02.20.12 | 55.37 kB |
Thumbs.db | 02.20.12 | 19.50 kB |
Posky744 | 06.27.12 | 0 B |
Pky_PB_Towhead.xml | 02.20.12 | 805 B |
PkyBodygearheight.xml | 02.20.12 | 1.20 kB |
PkyCALC.xml | 02.20.12 | 950 B |
PkyLeftgearboggie.xml | 02.20.12 | 1022 B |
PkyLeftwgearboggie.xml | 02.20.12 | 968 B |
PkyLWINGMIDFLEX.xml | 02.20.12 | 609 B |
PkyLWINGTIPFLEX.xml | 02.20.12 | 583 B |
PkyNosegearheight.xml | 02.20.12 | 943 B |
PkyNosegearsteerling.xml | 02.20.12 | 964 B |
PkyRightgearboggie.xml | 02.20.12 | 1.01 kB |
PkyRightwgearboggie.xml | 02.20.12 | 978 B |
PkyRudder.xml | 02.20.12 | 588 B |
PkyRWINGMIDFLEX.xml | 02.20.12 | 613 B |
PkyRWINGTIPFLEX.xml | 02.20.12 | 581 B |
PkyWinggearheight.xml | 02.20.12 | 1.19 kB |
PkyWINGROOTFLEX.xml | 02.20.12 | 632 B |
poskydebug.xml | 02.20.12 | 346 B |
poskydebug2.xml | 02.20.12 | 346 B |
POSKY UL--IMPORTANT!!!!!.txt | 06.27.12 | 90 B |
Readme.txt | 03.30.12 | 2.90 kB |
sound.PW | 06.27.12 | 0 B |
747apu-in.wav | 01.23.11 | 552.90 kB |
747APU-OUT.wav | 01.23.11 | 279.09 kB |
747roll.WAV | 01.23.11 | 215.09 kB |
747system.wav | 01.23.11 | 92.84 kB |
747wind.WAV | 01.23.11 | 644.67 kB |
BAAPDIS.WAV | 01.23.11 | 53.04 kB |
BAGLIDE.WAV | 01.23.11 | 25.92 kB |
BAN11.wav | 01.23.11 | 181.15 kB |
BAN12.wav | 01.23.11 | 140.04 kB |
BAN13.wav | 01.23.11 | 561.56 kB |
BAN14.wav | 01.23.11 | 211.09 kB |
BAN1SHUT.WAV | 01.23.11 | 358.09 kB |
BAN1STRT.wav | 01.23.11 | 208.09 kB |
BAN21.wav | 01.23.11 | 97.05 kB |
BAN22.wav | 01.23.11 | 127.09 kB |
BAn23.wav | 01.23.11 | 811.44 kB |
BAn24.wav | 01.23.11 | 138.09 kB |
BAN2SHUT.WAV | 01.23.11 | 1.05 MB |
BAN2STRT.wav | 01.23.11 | 358.09 kB |
BAN2T.wav | 01.23.11 | 731.09 kB |
BAOVER.WAV | 01.23.11 | 22.23 kB |
BASTALL.wav | 01.23.11 | 115.68 kB |
BMFLAPS.WAV | 01.23.11 | 35.59 kB |
BMGEARdn.wav | 01.23.11 | 553.26 kB |
BMGEARUP.wav | 01.23.11 | 256.94 kB |
BMGWARN.WAV | 01.23.11 | 18.09 kB |
Sound.cfg | 01.23.11 | 11.90 kB |
Touch_main.wav | 01.23.11 | 95.09 kB |
touchdown_center.wav | 01.23.11 | 13.25 kB |
tunde.wav | 01.23.11 | 847.81 kB |
XBAN11.wav | 01.23.11 | 228.22 kB |
XBAN12.wav | 01.23.11 | 247.09 kB |
XBAN13.wav | 01.23.11 | 236.31 kB |
XBAN14.wav | 01.23.11 | 396.09 kB |
XBAN1SHUT.wav | 01.23.11 | 437.09 kB |
XBAN1STRT.wav | 01.23.11 | 604.09 kB |
XBAN21.wav | 01.23.11 | 693.92 kB |
XBAN22.wav | 01.23.11 | 228.22 kB |
XBAN23.wav | 01.23.11 | 581.53 kB |
XBAN24.wav | 01.23.11 | 605.53 kB |
XBAN24C.wav | 01.23.11 | 127.09 kB |
XBAN2SHUT.wav | 01.23.11 | 1.68 MB |
XBAN2STRT.wav | 01.23.11 | 355.09 kB |
XBAN2T.wav | 01.23.11 | 755.09 kB |
texture.mahan&rp | 06.27.12 | 0 B |
B747_400_1_C.dds | 03.24.12 | 682.80 kB |
B747_400_2_C.dds | 03.24.12 | 682.80 kB |
B747_400_3_C.dds | 03.24.12 | 682.80 kB |
B747_400_4_C.dds | 03.24.12 | 682.80 kB |
B747_400_5_C.dds | 03.24.12 | 170.80 kB |
B747_400_6_C.dds | 03.24.12 | 170.80 kB |
B747_400_7_C.dds | 03.24.12 | 170.80 kB |
B747_400_interior.dds | 03.24.12 | 170.80 kB |
B747_400_reflection.dds | 03.24.12 | 170.80 kB |
Fresnel_Ramp.dds | 02.20.12 | 640 B |
fresnel_ramp_1.dds | 02.20.12 | 640 B |
Os_ct_t.bmp | 06.26.12 | 1.00 MB |
Os_ct2_t.bmp | 06.26.12 | 1.00 MB |
Os_ct3_t.bmp | 06.26.12 | 1.00 MB |
Os_st_t.bmp | 06.26.12 | 1.00 MB |
Os_st2_t.bmp | 06.26.12 | 1.00 MB |
Os_wt500e_l.bmp | 06.26.12 | 1.00 MB |
Os_wt500e_t.bmp | 06.26.12 | 1.00 MB |
OS742_Parts_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS742_Parts_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 4.00 MB |
OS742_Parts2_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS742_Parts2_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 256.07 kB |
OS742_Parts3_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS742_Parts3_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 256.07 kB |
OS742_TEFLAPGUIDE_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS742_TEFLAPGUIDE_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 64.07 kB |
Os742CARGO_INTERIOR_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
Os742CARGO_INTERIOR_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.33 MB |
Os744_COCKPIT_l.BMP | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
Os744_COCKPIT_T.BMP | 02.20.12 | 256.07 kB |
Os744_COCKPITWINDOW_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
Os744_COCKPITWINDOW_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 256.07 kB |
Os744_wing_l_in_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
Os744_wing_l_in_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 4.00 MB |
Os744_wing_l_out_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.00 MB |
Os744_wing_l_out_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 4.00 MB |
Os744_wing_r_in_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
Os744_wing_r_in_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 4.00 MB |
Os744_wing_r_out_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.00 MB |
Os744_wing_r_out_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 4.00 MB |
Os744body_l_l.bmp | 03.02.11 | 4.00 MB |
Os744body_l_t.bmp | 06.03.12 | 1.00 MB |
Os744body_r_l.bmp | 03.02.11 | 4.00 MB |
Os744body_r_t.bmp | 06.03.12 | 1.00 MB |
Os744F_FWD_CARGO.bmp | 02.20.12 | 341.43 kB |
Os744Fbody_l_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.00 MB |
Os744Fbody_r_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.00 MB |
Os744L1DOOR_l.BMP | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
Os744L1DOOR_T.BMP | 02.20.12 | 341.43 kB |
Os744L2DOOR_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
Os744L2DOOR_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 341.43 kB |
OS744Option.bmp | 02.20.12 | 16.07 kB |
OS744Option2.bmp | 02.20.12 | 64.07 kB |
Os747_ANTCOL_RED.BMP | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
Os747_COCKPITWINDOW_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 256.07 kB |
Os747_GLASSCOVER_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
Os747_GLASSCOVER_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.43 kB |
Os747CARGO_INTERIOR_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
Os747CARGO_INTERIOR_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 341.43 kB |
Os747CF6-80_fanblurred.bmp | 02.20.12 | 256.07 kB |
Os747CF6-80_fanSlow.bmp | 02.20.12 | 256.07 kB |
Os747cf6-80_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS747CF6-80_Pylon_l.BMP | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS747CF6-80_Pylon_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.00 MB |
Os747cf6-80_t.bmp | 02.20.12 | 4.00 MB |
Os747CONTAINER_FRONT.bmp | 06.17.12 | 256.07 kB |
Os747CONTAINER_REAR.bmp | 06.17.12 | 256.07 kB |
OS747F__INTERIOR_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS747F__INTERIOR_T.bmp | 06.27.12 | 4.00 MB |
OS747frontwheel_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS747frontwheel_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 256.07 kB |
OS747maintire_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS747maintire_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 64.07 kB |
OS747mainwheelF_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS747mainwheelF_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 256.07 kB |
OS747mainwheelR_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS747mainwheelR_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 256.07 kB |
OS747nosetire_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS747nosetire_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 64.07 kB |
Os747PW4000_fanblurred.bmp | 02.14.08 | 64.07 kB |
Os747PW4000_fanSlow.bmp | 02.14.08 | 64.07 kB |
Os747PW4000_l.bmp | 12.05.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS747PW4000_Pylon_l.BMP | 12.05.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS747PW4000_Pylon_T.bmp | 12.12.07 | 1.00 MB |
Os747PW4000_T.bmp | 04.07.12 | 682.75 kB |
Os747RB211G_fanblurred.bmp | 02.20.12 | 256.07 kB |
Os747RB211G_fanSlow.bmp | 02.20.12 | 256.07 kB |
Os747RB211G_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS747RB211G_Pylon_l.BMP | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS747RB211G_PYLON_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.00 MB |
Os747shaft_t.bmp | 02.20.12 | 5.43 kB |
OS747SP_Option.BMP | 03.02.11 | 5.43 kB |
Os747tailstand_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
Os747tailstand_t.bmp | 06.27.12 | 256.07 kB |
OS747wingwheelF_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS747wingwheelF_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 256.07 kB |
OS747wingwheelR_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
OS747wingwheelR_T.bmp | 02.20.12 | 256.07 kB |
Osbl_i_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
Osbl_i_t.bmp | 06.27.12 | 1.00 MB |
Oshl_i_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
Oshl_i_t.bmp | 06.27.12 | 1.00 MB |
Osll_i_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
Osll_i_t.bmp | 06.27.12 | 1.00 MB |
Osll2_i_l.bmp | 02.20.12 | 1.07 kB |
Osll2_i_t.bmp | 06.27.12 | 1.00 MB |
texture.cfg | 08.15.06 | 137 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 04.19.12 | 18.37 kB |
Thumbs.db | 02.20.12 | 115.00 kB |
texture | 06.27.12 | 0 B |
B747_400_1_C.dds | 02.20.12 | 682.79 kB |
B747_400_2_C.dds | 02.20.12 | 682.79 kB |
B747_400_3_C.dds | 02.20.12 | 682.79 kB |
B747_400_4_C.dds | 02.20.12 | 682.79 kB |
B747_400_5_C.dds | 02.20.12 | 170.79 kB |
B747_400_6_C.dds | 02.20.12 | 170.79 kB |
B747_400_7_C.dds | 02.20.12 | 170.79 kB |
B747_400_interior.dds | 02.20.12 | 170.79 kB |
B747_400_reflection.dds | 02.20.12 | 170.79 kB |
Fresnel_Ramp.dds | 02.20.12 | 640 B |
fresnel_ramp_1.dds | 02.20.12 | 640 B |
Install .txt | 06.27.12 | 39 B |
1.jpg | 06.27.12 | 139.70 kB |
2.jpg | 06.27.12 | 92.21 kB |
3.jpg | 06.27.12 | 66.99 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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