AECA Carga Ecuador Douglas DC-8-55F HC-BKN

PreviewThis aircraft, registered HC-BKN, was one of the few DC-8's Aeca used to fly for international cargo routes, this aircraft crashed in Quito, September 18th 1984 after improper procedures made by a distracted crew failing to trim the airplane properly for takeoff leading to one of the worst air di...

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Repaint for Payware Model
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This aircraft, registered HC-BKN, was one of the few DC-8's Aeca used to fly for international cargo routes, this aircraft crashed in Quito, September 18th 1984 after improper procedures made by a distracted crew failing to trim the airplane properly for takeoff leading to one of the worst air disasters in Ecuador leaving 53 casualties, most of them ground victims. This accident marked the beginning of a series of accidents and incidents that lead the relocation of the Mariscal Sucre Airport outside the city. These commemorative repaint depicts the DC-8 as it looked the day it crashed 30 years ago. Textures only for the payware Just Flight Douglas DC8 series 50-70 model. By Rodolfo Estrella C.

Screenshot of AECA Carga Ecuador Douglas DC-8-55F in flight.

Screenshot of AECA Carga Ecuador Douglas DC-8-55F in flight.


  1. Place "texture.andes" in your main "JF_Douglas_DC8-55_JetTrader" folder and then add the following lines to the aircraft.cfg file.
  2. Replace XX with the next corresponding number.

title=DC-8-55CF ANDES
kb_checklists=DC-8 CHECKLISTS
atc_airline=ANDES Carga
ui_variation="ANDES Carga"
ui_typerole="Commercial Airliner"
ui_createdby="Just Flight"
description= Andes Carga Douglas DC-8-54F, registration HC-BMC, textures: Rodolfo Estrella C. Septemb
er 12th. 2015

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive has 24 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Readme Aeca.txt09.12.141.11 kB
preview.jpg09.30.14130.48 kB
texture.Aeca09.30.140 B
aircraft.inf04.14.141.57 kB
JF_DC8_Doors_t.dds09.29.142.00 MB
JF_DC8_engineLeft_t.dds10.28.134.00 MB
JF_DC8_engineRight_t.dds10.28.134.00 MB
JF_DC8_Fintail_t.dds09.28.142.00 MB
JF_DC8_FuseBaseARM_t.dds09.29.142.00 MB
JF_DC8_FuseBaseARM_t_bump.dds06.17.144.00 MB
JF_DC8_FuseBaseBRM_t.dds09.28.142.00 MB
JF_DC8_FuseBaseBRM_t_bump.dds06.17.144.00 MB
JF_DC8_FuseBaseCRM_t.dds09.29.142.00 MB
JF_DC8_FuseBaseCRM_t_Bump.dds06.17.144.00 MB
JF_DC8_LeftWing_t.dds09.29.142.00 MB
JF_DC8_PrattsJT3DBleft_t.dds01.15.134.00 MB
JF_DC8_PrattsJT3D_t.dds07.27.141.00 MB
JF_DC8_PrattsJT3Left_t.dds02.27.144.00 MB
JF_DC8_PrattsJT3Right_t.dds02.27.144.00 MB
JF_DC8_RightWing_t.dds09.29.142.00 MB
texture.cfg11.25.13310 B
Thumbnail.jpg09.29.1463.07 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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