FSX/P3D Boeing B-50 Superfortress
A complete and stunning Boeing B-50 Superfortress freeware add-on for all versions of Microsoft Flight Simulator X and all versions of Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D including P3Dv4 and the latest P3Dv5.
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 15.8K
- Compatibility
- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D v4, v5, v6 (64-bit)
- Filename
- boeing-b-50-fsx-p3dv5.zip
- File size
- 293.49 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 27 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
A complete and stunning Boeing B-50 Superfortress freeware add-on for all versions of Microsoft Flight Simulator X and all versions of Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D including P3Dv4 and the latest P3Dv5.
The Boeing B-50 Superfortress was a post-WWII derivative of the B-29 Superfortress. It had a larger tail fin and more powerful 3,500 h.p. Pratt & Whitney Wasp Major engines. Significantly faster than its predecessor, it could carry more payload at higher altitudes (35,000+).
In the simulator, you can fly the aircraft either as an 'A' type (using a B-29 type glass cone) or as a 'D' (and later) type, both with or without long-range tanks. Three liveries are provided for the exterior model, while the interior model, in this version, is largely provisional only, cannibalizing various parts of Team Strat's C-97 model.
Gun turrets are moveable either from the Shift-4 'Monitor' panel or, in P3D, by mouse-clicks. Created by 'Team 50' - models, textures, and Monitor gauge by Manfred Jahn, sound set by Ted Wolfgang, and research, testing, and tweaking by Marc Roth. The flight dynamics are largely based on the 'generic' C-97 design originally created by Wayne Tudor (RIP).
Even though only one model file is included, you can access four variants and freely assign any of the liveries in the aircraft.cfg. If the title= line contains the string "(A)", the model will display the A-type nose, if there is a "(D)" the plane will have the D type nose, and if you specify "(ALR)" or "(DLR)" the plane will additionally be fitted with long-range tanks. If the title line contains no version specifics, the model will have the A-type nose and no long-range tanks.
Repaints and models Included
- B-50 Ridgeway
- B-50D City of Ridgeway (DLR)
- RB-50G Project Haystack (DLR)
- B-50A Lucky Lady II
- WB-50D 90285 (DLR)
In addition to the features above, this B-50 pack also includes a custom Boeing B-50 Bomber four-engine HD sound pack by Aaron Swindle / Skysong Soundworks. The sound pack has been included with the pack so there is no additional installation.
Also included is the Boeing WB-50D Weather/Recce Superfortress model developed by Manfred Jahn. The WB-50D (s/n 90285) has no gun turrets and comes in MATS arctic markings. This is a bonus extra to the package and released by the original developer.
- Extract the zip to a temporary folder or open it in Windows Explorer.
- Copy the zip's "Boeing_B-50" folder to your flight sim's "SimObjects\Airplanes" folder.
- Copy the contents of the folder "Effects" to your flight sim's root "Effects" folder.
- As always, on first loading the plane, you will be prompted to accept certain gauge modules as trusted software. These are widely used FS modules (see credits, below). It's fairly safe to click accept.
Folder "Extras" in the zip contains a basic Paintkit and two AI ground vehicles (a Follow Me Jeep and a Crew Bus). Instructions on setup details can be found in the respective subfolders.
(1) Use the 'Monitor' gauge (Shift-4) to handle most aircraft functions. Click the Help buttons in Monitor to show help screens for the subpanels. Get individual tooltips by hovering the mouse over click spots (you may need to be in the windowed mode to see them). Note that some of the Help placards still refer to original placards found in the C-97. Note on abbreviations: "L", "R", and "mid" in Help screens and tooltips refer to clicking the left, right, and middle mouse buttons, respectively.
(2) Flying tips. Click Monitor > Misc > Chk to call up the standard checklist.
(3) Key assignments. Ctrl-W or whichever key or button you have currently assigned for 'water-rudder' will first arm and then trigger some very powerful engine reversing. Click again to toggle it OFF.
(4) Crew Calls have now been set ON by default. To turn them off, unclick the asterisk on the loudspeaker icon at the bottom of Monitor > Flight. The crew calls are editable wav files in Boeing_B-50\panel\DSDSounds\. See file 00__dsd_fsx_xml_sound.txt for help. Altitude callouts have been implemented for 500, 400, ..., 100, 50, 40, 30, 10 feet AGL.
(5) Automixture (in FS Settings > Realism > Engines > enable auto mixture) may be left on or off. If OFF, you will get sim prompts when changing altitude. You can then either adjust mixture manually or mid-click Monitor > Engines > Mixture value for "set best".
(6) P3D only functions. Several click spots have been activated for Spot View mouse actions:
- nose wheels: show/hide ground equipment (GPU).
- cockpit windows: open/close Monitor window
- upper cowl flap: R open, L close cowls incrementally
- flaps: R increase, L decrease incrementally
- turrets: L turn left, R turn right, Mid = swivel up/down
- belly radar: open/close bomb bay doors
- rear starboard door: open/close exits
- any spinner (hold for 5 secs/20 blades, then release): start engine
(7) NOT yet working in P3D V4:
- Monitor > Misc: GPU battery charging (reloading the plane may be needed)
- Sometimes the cockpit windows cast an odd reflection on the fuselage (if you know a reason or cure for this, let us know).
Developer: Manfred Jahn
The archive boeing-b-50-fsx-p3dv5.zip has 542 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
B50A.jpg | 08.20.17 | 71.22 kB |
B50D.jpg | 11.21.17 | 170.06 kB |
Boeing_B-50 | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
B50A.jpg | 08.20.17 | 71.22 kB |
B50D.jpg | 11.21.17 | 170.06 kB |
B50_check.htm | 11.25.17 | 6.39 kB |
B50_gen.air | 11.19.17 | 8.09 kB |
B50_gen.air-000 | 09.16.17 | 8.09 kB |
EXTRAS | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
GroundVehicles | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
MJ_FollowMeJeep | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
model.jeep | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
jeep-ac.MDL | 11.15.17 | 888.53 kB |
model.cfg | 10.05.17 | 59 B |
sim.cfg | 11.22.17 | 717 B |
soundai | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
soundai.cfg | 09.30.16 | 35 B |
texture.jeep | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
B50_04.dds | 11.12.17 | 1.00 MB |
B50_04_spec.dds | 11.12.17 | 1.00 MB |
Driver.dds | 09.08.14 | 32.12 kB |
fresnel1.dds | 06.09.12 | 1.12 kB |
fresnel_ramp.dds | 09.04.06 | 640 B |
glass.dds | 09.19.14 | 4.12 kB |
glass_spec.dds | 09.18.14 | 4.12 kB |
jeep_01.dds | 10.05.17 | 1.33 MB |
jeep_01_spec.dds | 10.05.17 | 1.33 MB |
jeep_02.dds | 09.29.17 | 682.80 kB |
lights.dds | 09.18.14 | 4.12 kB |
lights_spec.dds | 09.19.14 | 2.12 kB |
texture.cfg | 04.03.14 | 110 B |
MJ_MATS_CrewBus | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
model.bus | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
crewbus.MDL | 11.16.17 | 671.79 kB |
model.cfg | 10.09.17 | 26 B |
sim.cfg | 11.23.17 | 876 B |
soundai | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
soundai.cfg | 09.30.16 | 35 B |
texture.crew | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
Driver.dds | 11.15.17 | 32.12 kB |
bus_01.dds | 11.16.17 | 1.00 MB |
bus_01_spec.dds | 11.16.17 | 1.00 MB |
bus_02.dds | 11.16.17 | 1.00 MB |
bus_02_spec.dds | 11.16.17 | 1.00 MB |
fresnel1.dds | 06.09.12 | 1.12 kB |
fresnel_ramp.dds | 09.04.06 | 640 B |
glass.dds | 11.13.17 | 4.12 kB |
glass_fresnel.dds | 11.05.17 | 640 B |
glass_spec.dds | 11.08.17 | 4.12 kB |
lights.dds | 09.18.14 | 4.12 kB |
lights_spec.dds | 09.19.14 | 2.12 kB |
texture.cfg | 04.03.14 | 110 B |
readme_vehicles.txt | 11.22.17 | 1.85 kB |
Paintkit | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
B50_01-base.jpg | 11.25.17 | 1.40 MB |
B50_01-mesh.jpg | 11.26.17 | 770.48 kB |
B50_01-occlusion.jpg | 11.25.17 | 243.14 kB |
B50_01-panels.jpg | 11.25.17 | 505.83 kB |
B50_02-base.jpg | 11.25.17 | 1.26 MB |
B50_02-mesh.jpg | 11.26.17 | 859.64 kB |
B50_02-occlusion.jpg | 11.25.17 | 325.25 kB |
B50_02-panels.jpg | 11.25.17 | 444.64 kB |
B50_03-base.jpg | 11.25.17 | 1.26 MB |
B50_03-mesh.jpg | 11.26.17 | 998.58 kB |
B50_03-occlusion.jpg | 11.25.17 | 369.55 kB |
B50_03-panels.jpg | 11.25.17 | 490.19 kB |
decals.png | 11.25.17 | 179.06 kB |
readme_paintkit.txt | 11.26.17 | 950 B |
Effects | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
b50_EngStrt1.fx | 11.23.17 | 2.49 kB |
b50_EngStrt1.fx-000 | 11.21.17 | 2.48 kB |
b50_Smoke-crz.fx | 04.21.15 | 2.31 kB |
b50_Smoke-x.fx | 04.23.15 | 2.31 kB |
fx_b50_vclight.fx | 04.21.15 | 1.28 kB |
fx_tchdwn_x.fx | 04.14.15 | 2.42 kB |
RB50G.jpg | 11.21.17 | 229.05 kB |
aircraft.cfg | 04.22.20 | 16.61 kB |
model.B50 | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
B50_01.mdl | 12.21.17 | 7.16 MB |
B50_interior.MDL | 12.13.17 | 2.05 MB |
model.cfg | 08.24.17 | 48 B |
model.B50W | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
B50W.MDL | 12.22.17 | 6.47 MB |
model.cfg | 12.13.17 | 59 B |
panel | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
B50 | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
AirTempVC.xml | 02.01.09 | 902 B |
AirTempVC_BG.bmp | 10.21.08 | 41.10 kB |
Airspeed1649AFE.xml | 02.01.09 | 2.22 kB |
Airspeed1649AFE_BG.bmp | 06.04.14 | 41.10 kB |
Airspeed1649A_Needle.bmp | 04.02.09 | 3.11 kB |
Airspeed1649A_Needle_RED.bmp | 04.02.09 | 3.11 kB |
AltimeterFE.xml | 02.01.09 | 4.45 kB |
AltimeterFE_BG.bmp | 06.04.14 | 92.19 kB |
AltimeterFE_Needle100.bmp | 06.04.03 | 4.66 kB |
AltimeterFE_Needle1000.bmp | 06.04.03 | 4.56 kB |
AltimeterFE_Needle10000.bmp | 06.04.03 | 2.64 kB |
Altimeter_Card.bmp | 06.04.03 | 65.05 kB |
Altimeter_Mask.bmp | 06.04.03 | 2.88 kB |
AttitudeVC.xml | 02.01.09 | 2.42 kB |
AttitudeVC_BG.bmp | 10.21.08 | 91.58 kB |
Attitude_Arrow.bmp | 07.22.03 | 1.27 kB |
Attitude_Bars.bmp | 07.28.03 | 10.85 kB |
Attitude_Mask.bmp | 07.21.03 | 91.58 kB |
Attitude_Needle.bmp | 07.28.03 | 3.23 kB |
AutoOpen.xml | 10.29.14 | 346 B |
BrakeSound.xml | 05.22.08 | 440 B |
CarbAirTemp121G_12.xml | 06.07.14 | 1.83 kB |
CarbAirTemp121G_34.xml | 06.07.14 | 1.81 kB |
CarbAirTemp121G_BG.bmp | 07.18.13 | 61.12 kB |
ClockFE.xml | 02.01.09 | 1.66 kB |
ClockFE_BG.bmp | 06.04.14 | 52.94 kB |
ClockFE_NeedleHours.bmp | 02.09.03 | 3.12 kB |
ClockFE_NeedleMinutes.bmp | 02.09.03 | 3.77 kB |
ClockFE_NeedleSeconds.bmp | 01.30.03 | 3.21 kB |
Engine1649A_CritMAP.bmp | 04.28.09 | 7.36 kB |
Engine1649A_Needle1.bmp | 04.02.09 | 3.51 kB |
Engine1649A_Needle2.bmp | 04.02.09 | 3.51 kB |
Engine1649A_Needle3.bmp | 04.02.09 | 3.51 kB |
Engine1649A_Needle4.bmp | 04.02.09 | 3.51 kB |
Glide _Slope_CD_Off.bmp | 11.23.08 | 263.72 kB |
Glide _Slope_GS_Off.bmp | 11.23.08 | 263.72 kB |
Glide_Slope_BackVC.bmp | 12.04.08 | 263.72 kB |
Glide_Slope_MaskVC.bmp | 12.04.08 | 263.72 kB |
Gyro049VC.xml | 02.01.09 | 1.79 kB |
Gyro_Card.bmp | 06.04.14 | 65.05 kB |
Gyro_CardMask049.bmp | 06.06.14 | 105.47 kB |
ILS_cagedVC.xml | 02.01.09 | 2.38 kB |
Icon_ATC.bmp | 12.26.03 | 1.42 kB |
Icon_Checklist.bmp | 03.27.04 | 1.42 kB |
Icon_Cowlflaps.bmp | 09.07.05 | 1.42 kB |
Icon_Engines.bmp | 09.07.05 | 1.42 kB |
Icon_FE.bmp | 12.26.03 | 1.42 kB |
Icon_GPS.bmp | 12.26.03 | 1.42 kB |
Icon_Map.bmp | 12.26.03 | 1.42 kB |
Icon_Pitch.bmp | 03.27.04 | 1.42 kB |
Icon_Radios.bmp | 07.03.04 | 1.42 kB |
Icon_Views.bmp | 08.28.08 | 1.42 kB |
IconsVC.xml | 02.01.09 | 10.59 kB |
Keys.xml | 11.23.17 | 940 B |
Keys.xml-001 | 12.17.14 | 1.29 kB |
LightAutoFeather.xml | 02.01.09 | 1.49 kB |
LightAutoFeather_Shadow_Alpha.bmp | 11.27.04 | 5.07 kB |
LightFire.xml | 02.01.09 | 645 B |
LightFire_OFF.bmp | 11.19.03 | 4.06 kB |
LightFire_ON.bmp | 11.17.03 | 4.06 kB |
LightFlapWarning1649A.xml | 02.01.09 | 777 B |
LightGreenRVC_ON.bmp | 03.06.15 | 9.08 kB |
LightGreenR_OFF.bmp | 03.05.15 | 9.08 kB |
LightGreenR_ON.bmp | 11.12.03 | 4.06 kB |
LightHydraulic.xml | 02.01.09 | 869 B |
LightInTrans.xml | 02.01.09 | 657 B |
LightOMI_InnerOFF.bmp | 03.05.15 | 9.08 kB |
LightOMI_InnerON.bmp | 03.06.15 | 9.08 kB |
LightOMI_MiddleOFF.bmp | 03.05.15 | 9.08 kB |
LightOMI_MiddleON.bmp | 03.06.15 | 9.08 kB |
LightOMI_OuterOFF.bmp | 03.05.15 | 9.08 kB |
LightOMI_OuterON.bmp | 03.06.15 | 9.08 kB |
LightParkingBrakeVC.xml | 02.01.09 | 731 B |
LightRedL_OFF.bmp | 11.12.03 | 4.06 kB |
LightRedM_OFF.bmp | 11.12.03 | 4.06 kB |
LightRedR_OFF.bmp | 11.12.03 | 4.06 kB |
LightVacuum.xml | 02.01.09 | 1.25 kB |
LightYellowL_ON.bmp | 11.12.03 | 4.06 kB |
LightYellowM_OFF.bmp | 11.12.03 | 4.06 kB |
LightYellowM_ON.bmp | 11.12.03 | 4.06 kB |
LightYellowR_ON.bmp | 11.12.03 | 4.06 kB |
Light_hyd_press1.xml | 03.25.09 | 599 B |
Light_hyd_press2.xml | 03.25.09 | 599 B |
Light_hyd_press3.xml | 03.25.09 | 599 B |
Light_hyd_press4.xml | 03.25.09 | 599 B |
LightsApproach.xml | 02.01.09 | 2.04 kB |
LightsApproach_Shadow_Alpha.bmp | 12.15.05 | 5.07 kB |
LightsGear1649AVC.xml | 05.05.15 | 1.68 kB |
LightsOMI.xml | 02.01.09 | 1.78 kB |
LightsReverse121GVC.xml | 02.01.09 | 2.21 kB |
ManPress1649AFE_1.xml | 04.21.15 | 1.00 kB |
ManPress1649AFE_2.xml | 04.21.15 | 1.00 kB |
ManPress1649AFE_3.xml | 04.21.15 | 1.00 kB |
ManPress1649AFE_4.xml | 04.21.15 | 1.00 kB |
ManPress1649AFE_BG.bmp | 06.03.14 | 41.10 kB |
Monit.xml | 05.20.15 | 497 B |
Monit_BG.bmp | 05.20.15 | 1.90 kB |
Needle_DualSmall.bmp | 09.08.03 | 1.44 kB |
Needle_Small.bmp | 09.09.03 | 1.01 kB |
OBSVC.xml | 02.01.09 | 3.83 kB |
OBSVC_BG.bmp | 12.10.08 | 41.10 kB |
OBS_LightGSI.bmp | 01.13.04 | 2.28 kB |
OBS_Needle.bmp | 12.07.03 | 1.45 kB |
OBS_NeedleMask.bmp | 12.07.03 | 2.78 kB |
OBS_Shadow_Alpha.bmp | 08.20.05 | 5.07 kB |
OBS_Strip.bmp | 12.14.03 | 5.74 kB |
OBS_StripMask.bmp | 12.14.03 | 1.52 kB |
RMI.xml | 05.05.15 | 3.02 kB |
RMI_Card.bmp | 03.27.04 | 65.05 kB |
RMI_CardMask.bmp | 03.26.04 | 65.05 kB |
RMI_Needle1.bmp | 05.03.15 | 7.51 kB |
RMI_Needle21.bmp | 05.05.15 | 19.31 kB |
RMI_Needle22.bmp | 05.05.15 | 19.31 kB |
RadioADF1.xml | 02.01.09 | 7.24 kB |
RadioADF1_BG.bmp | 08.19.05 | 32.17 kB |
RadioADF2.xml | 02.01.09 | 7.25 kB |
RadioADF2_BG.bmp | 08.19.05 | 32.17 kB |
RadioAltimeter.xml-bak | 02.01.09 | 2.95 kB |
RadioAltimeterVC.xml | 09.27.17 | 3.10 kB |
RadioAltimeter_BG.bmp | 04.19.15 | 285.24 kB |
RadioAltimeter_BG.bmp-ori | 06.04.14 | 96.12 kB |
RadioAltimeter_Bug.bmp | 04.20.15 | 10.80 kB |
RadioAltimeter_LightBlue.bmp | 07.30.03 | 2.58 kB |
RadioAltimeter_LightGreen.bmp | 07.30.03 | 2.58 kB |
RadioAltimeter_LightRed.bmp | 07.30.03 | 2.58 kB |
RadioAltimeter_Needle.bmp | 11.13.03 | 11.65 kB |
RadioAltimeter_NeedleDH.bmp | 11.13.03 | 4.92 kB |
Radio_ButtonBothOFF.bmp | 08.08.03 | 2.08 kB |
Radio_ButtonBothON.bmp | 08.08.03 | 2.08 kB |
Radio_ButtonBothPUSHED.bmp | 08.08.03 | 2.08 kB |
Radio_ButtonGPSOFF.bmp | 03.29.04 | 2.08 kB |
Radio_ButtonGPSON.bmp | 03.29.04 | 2.08 kB |
Radio_ButtonGPSPUSHED.bmp | 03.29.04 | 2.08 kB |
Radio_ButtonIdentOFF.bmp | 08.08.03 | 2.08 kB |
Radio_ButtonIdentON.bmp | 08.08.03 | 2.08 kB |
Radio_ButtonIdentPUSHED.bmp | 08.08.03 | 2.08 kB |
Radio_ButtonMarkerOFF.bmp | 08.08.03 | 2.08 kB |
Radio_ButtonMarkerON.bmp | 08.08.03 | 2.08 kB |
Radio_ButtonMarkerPUSHED.bmp | 08.08.03 | 2.08 kB |
Radio_ButtonTransmitOFF.bmp | 08.08.03 | 2.08 kB |
Radio_ButtonTransmitON.bmp | 08.08.03 | 2.08 kB |
Radio_ButtonTransmitPUSHED.bmp | 08.08.03 | 2.08 kB |
Radio_Knob1.bmp | 08.02.03 | 2.58 kB |
Radio_Knob2.bmp | 08.02.03 | 2.58 kB |
Radio_Mask1.bmp | 09.18.03 | 1.71 kB |
Radio_Mask2.bmp | 09.18.03 | 2.26 kB |
Radio_Shadow_Alpha.bmp | 10.31.08 | 5.07 kB |
Radio_Strip1.bmp | 08.23.05 | 8.27 kB |
Radio_Strip2.bmp | 09.18.03 | 26.32 kB |
Radio_Strip3.bmp | 09.18.03 | 50.38 kB |
Radio_Strip4.bmp | 09.18.03 | 26.32 kB |
Sim_B50.xml | 11.23.17 | 3.17 kB |
TW_b50_Smoke.xml | 11.18.17 | 3.31 kB |
Tachometer1649AFE_1.xml | 06.03.14 | 989 B |
Tachometer1649AFE_2.xml | 06.03.14 | 989 B |
Tachometer1649AFE_3.xml | 06.03.14 | 989 B |
Tachometer1649AFE_4.xml | 06.03.14 | 989 B |
Tachometer1649AFE_BG.bmp | 06.03.14 | 41.10 kB |
TrimVC.xml | 02.01.09 | 3.34 kB |
TrimVC_BG.bmp | 10.21.08 | 73.30 kB |
Trim_AilNeedle.bmp | 02.18.03 | 1.74 kB |
Trim_BG.bmp | 09.12.03 | 73.30 kB |
Trim_ElNeedle.bmp | 02.18.03 | 1.35 kB |
Trim_RudNeedle.bmp | 02.18.03 | 1.29 kB |
TurnIndicatorVC.xml | 02.01.09 | 1.91 kB |
TurnIndicatorVC_BG.bmp | 06.04.14 | 90.71 kB |
TurnIndicator_Ball.bmp | 02.11.03 | 2.04 kB |
TurnIndicator_FlagOFF.bmp | 06.12.03 | 2.15 kB |
TurnIndicator_FlagON.bmp | 06.12.03 | 2.15 kB |
TurnIndicator_Frame.bmp | 08.23.03 | 3.59 kB |
TurnIndicator_Needle.bmp | 02.09.03 | 4.22 kB |
VOR_CD_Needle.bmp | 11.23.08 | 7.08 kB |
VOR_FROM.bmp | 11.23.08 | 263.72 kB |
VOR_GS_Needle.bmp | 11.23.08 | 6.21 kB |
VOR_TO.bmp | 11.23.08 | 263.72 kB |
VerticalSpeed121GFE.xml | 02.01.09 | 1.84 kB |
VerticalSpeed121GFE_BG.bmp | 06.04.14 | 61.12 kB |
VerticalSpeedFE_Needle.bmp | 11.14.03 | 3.93 kB |
flaps.xml | 07.18.13 | 2.24 kB |
flaps_background.bmp | 10.04.13 | 96.12 kB |
needle.bmp | 07.18.13 | 1.80 kB |
spot_rev.bmp | 10.29.14 | 1.42 kB |
spot_start.bmp | 07.04.14 | 1.42 kB |
vor_1.xml | 05.05.15 | 6.93 kB |
vor_1_background.bmp | 07.18.13 | 12.33 kB |
vor_1_compass_ring.bmp | 07.18.13 | 12.33 kB |
vor_1_gs_gs.bmp | 07.18.13 | 338 B |
vor_1_knob.bmp | 07.18.13 | 1.61 kB |
vor_1_line_gs_flag.bmp | 07.18.13 | 394 B |
vor_1_line_horizontal.bmp | 07.18.13 | 290 B |
vor_1_line_vertical.bmp | 07.18.13 | 294 B |
vor_1_nav_arrow_down.bmp | 07.18.13 | 362 B |
vor_1_nav_arrow_up.bmp | 07.18.13 | 362 B |
vor_1_nav_flag.bmp | 07.18.13 | 382 B |
vor_1_reflection.bmp | 07.18.13 | 12.46 kB |
B50_dsd_P3Dv4_xml_x64_sound.dll | 06.27.17 | 102.28 kB |
B50_dsd_fsx_xml_sound.gau | 07.20.14 | 161.80 kB |
DSDSounds | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
00__dsd_fsx_xml_sound.txt | 08.26.14 | 18.09 kB |
100FT.wav | 11.03.17 | 136.12 kB |
10FT.wav | 11.03.17 | 89.61 kB |
200FT.wav | 11.03.17 | 130.95 kB |
20FT.wav | 11.03.17 | 89.61 kB |
20FT.wav-000 | 01.15.10 | 104.56 kB |
20FT_retard.wav | 12.28.11 | 74.71 kB |
300FT.wav | 11.03.17 | 141.29 kB |
30FT.wav | 11.03.17 | 96.50 kB |
400FT.wav | 11.03.17 | 136.12 kB |
40FT.wav | 11.03.17 | 94.78 kB |
500FT.wav | 11.03.17 | 137.84 kB |
50FT.wav | 11.03.17 | 96.50 kB |
APPMIN.wav | 01.15.10 | 258.45 kB |
B50sounds.ini | 11.23.17 | 2.24 kB |
Cowl Flaps Set.wav | 10.25.14 | 320.15 kB |
DG_TFS_starter_right1.wav | 09.20.17 | 1.86 MB |
Decision Height.wav | 11.24.08 | 19.67 kB |
Flaps 20.wav | 03.08.15 | 29.17 kB |
Flaps Retract.wav | 03.08.15 | 36.07 kB |
Flaps100.wav | 10.21.14 | 250.15 kB |
Flaps33.wav | 10.21.14 | 256.24 kB |
Flaps55.wav | 10.21.14 | 354.15 kB |
Gear Down-2.wav | 06.05.15 | 191.83 kB |
Gear Up_2.wav | 06.05.15 | 247.21 kB |
MIN.wav | 01.15.10 | 129.25 kB |
Main Gear Down.wav | 10.21.14 | 264.15 kB |
Rotate_A.wav | 06.26.16 | 235.97 kB |
SB01_Brakes.wav | 05.19.08 | 655.59 kB |
Set Cruise Power-2.wav | 03.07.15 | 107.29 kB |
Set Flaps 100both.wav | 03.08.15 | 139.24 kB |
Set Flaps 33both.wav | 03.07.15 | 162.59 kB |
Set Flaps 55both.wav | 03.08.15 | 178.71 kB |
Set Flaps 80.wav | 03.08.15 | 42.96 kB |
SetCowlsTakeoffboth.wav | 03.08.15 | 121.33 kB |
TFS_starter_right1.wav | 10.18.17 | 58.28 kB |
Takeoff Power.wav | 03.07.15 | 150.36 kB |
cabin.wav | 09.21.08 | 47.43 kB |
minimum.wav | 11.03.17 | 115.45 kB |
turret.wav | 10.18.17 | 24.38 kB |
wiper.wav | 11.30.08 | 303.42 kB |
Monitor | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
Help-autopilot.bmp | 09.15.17 | 205.89 kB |
Help-avionics.bmp | 09.15.17 | 409.65 kB |
Help-engines.bmp | 11.21.17 | 469.80 kB |
Help-flight.bmp | 11.25.17 | 357.76 kB |
Help-limitspeeds.bmp | 11.25.17 | 27.05 kB |
Help-misc.bmp | 09.23.17 | 209.07 kB |
Help-powerchart.bmp | 11.21.17 | 88.50 kB |
Help.xml | 09.15.17 | 1.33 kB |
Misc.bmp | 09.23.17 | 23.90 kB |
Mon.xml | 11.23.17 | 67.12 kB |
autopilot.bmp | 05.14.15 | 23.91 kB |
avionics.bmp | 09.15.17 | 23.90 kB |
engines.bmp | 09.19.17 | 23.90 kB |
flight.bmp | 09.15.17 | 20.25 kB |
flight0.bmp | 09.15.17 | 136.40 kB |
stall.bmp | 05.19.14 | 71.89 kB |
test.bmp | 09.15.17 | 23.90 kB |
Panel.cfg | 11.22.17 | 3.89 kB |
dsd_BatteryCharger.txt | 04.20.12 | 1.38 kB |
dsd_battery_charger.dll | 04.20.12 | 276.45 kB |
dsd_fsx_fuel_dump.dll | 03.04.12 | 136.47 kB |
dsd_fsx_turbo_charger.dll | 04.15.12 | 108.47 kB |
dsd_fsx_turbo_charger.txt | 04.15.12 | 1.10 kB |
dsd_p3d_fuel_dump_x64.dll | 08.07.17 | 96.78 kB |
readme.txt | 11.26.17 | 8.37 kB |
sound.B50 | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
CBL1-1.wav | 03.28.15 | 2.94 MB |
CBL1-2.wav | 03.28.15 | 2.32 MB |
CBL1-3.wav | 03.29.15 | 1.99 MB |
CBL1-4.wav | 11.29.17 | 3.32 MB |
CBL2-1.wav | 03.28.15 | 1.13 MB |
CBL2-2.wav | 03.18.13 | 228.86 kB |
CBL2-3.wav | 03.18.13 | 634.36 kB |
CBL2-4.wav | 03.20.13 | 1.00 MB |
CBL3-1.wav | 03.29.15 | 1.67 MB |
CBL3-2.wav | 03.18.13 | 228.86 kB |
CBL3-3.wav | 03.19.13 | 425.20 kB |
CBL3-4.wav | 03.20.13 | 1.00 MB |
CBL4-1.wav | 03.29.15 | 1.86 MB |
CBL4-2.wav | 03.29.15 | 1.55 MB |
CBL4-3.wav | 03.19.13 | 676.13 kB |
CBL4-4.wav | 03.29.15 | 2.19 MB |
CBLCWheel.wav | 03.09.13 | 446.02 kB |
CBLCrash.wav | 03.20.13 | 2.58 MB |
CBLExitclose.wav | 03.20.13 | 424.66 kB |
CBLExitopen.wav | 03.20.13 | 658.18 kB |
CBLFUELPUMP.wav | 03.30.15 | 1.67 MB |
CBLLWheel.wav | 03.28.15 | 70.72 kB |
CBLROLL.wav | 03.30.15 | 2.62 MB |
CBLRWheel.wav | 03.28.15 | 74.19 kB |
CBLWheelsdown.wav | 11.19.17 | 1.72 MB |
CBLWheelsup.wav | 11.30.17 | 1.93 MB |
CBLWind.wav | 03.29.04 | 858.65 kB |
CBLapdisc.wav | 03.20.13 | 280.93 kB |
CBLflaps.wav | 11.30.17 | 834.20 kB |
CBLgearalarm.wav | 03.20.13 | 120.24 kB |
CBLshut1.wav | 03.29.15 | 490.74 kB |
CBLshut2.wav | 03.20.13 | 490.73 kB |
CBLshut3.wav | 03.20.13 | 515.87 kB |
CBLshut4.wav | 03.20.13 | 516.21 kB |
CBLstall.wav | 03.20.13 | 983.43 kB |
CBLstart1.wav | 03.29.15 | 2.51 MB |
CBLstart2.wav | 03.29.15 | 2.51 MB |
CBLstart3.wav | 03.29.15 | 2.51 MB |
CBLstart4.wav | 03.29.15 | 2.51 MB |
CBLstarter1.wav | 03.29.15 | 837.71 kB |
CBLstarter2.wav | 03.29.15 | 837.71 kB |
CBLstarter3.wav | 03.29.15 | 837.71 kB |
CBLstarter4.wav | 03.29.15 | 837.72 kB |
CBLx1-1.wav | 03.28.15 | 2.94 MB |
CBLx1-2.wav | 04.25.14 | 2.32 MB |
CBLx1-3.wav | 03.29.15 | 1.99 MB |
CBLx1-4.wav | 03.29.15 | 994.53 kB |
CBLx2-1.wav | 03.28.15 | 1.86 MB |
CBLx2-2.wav | 03.28.15 | 1.02 MB |
CBLx2-3.wav | 03.28.15 | 755.11 kB |
CBLx2-4.wav | 04.02.15 | 2.54 MB |
CBLx3-1.wav | 03.28.15 | 2.71 MB |
CBLx3-2.wav | 04.25.14 | 444.21 kB |
CBLx3-3.wav | 03.28.15 | 2.34 MB |
CBLx3-4.wav | 04.02.15 | 2.54 MB |
CBLx4-1.wav | 03.28.15 | 1.84 MB |
CBLx4-2.wav | 04.25.14 | 2.32 MB |
CBLx4-3.wav | 03.29.15 | 1.88 MB |
CBLx4-4.wav | 01.27.17 | 2.19 MB |
CBLxshut1.wav | 03.29.15 | 1.55 MB |
CBLxshut2.wav | 03.29.15 | 1.55 MB |
CBLxshut3.wav | 03.20.13 | 490.08 kB |
CBLxshut4.wav | 03.20.13 | 517.23 kB |
CBLxstart1.WAV | 03.28.15 | 2.51 MB |
CBLxstart2.WAV | 03.28.15 | 2.51 MB |
CBLxstart3.WAV | 03.28.15 | 2.51 MB |
CBLxstart4.WAV | 03.28.15 | 2.51 MB |
CBLxstarter1.wav | 03.28.15 | 837.71 kB |
CBLxstarter2.wav | 03.28.15 | 837.71 kB |
CBLxstarter3.wav | 03.28.15 | 837.71 kB |
CBLxstarter4.wav | 03.28.15 | 837.71 kB |
DGTID.jpg | 10.08.03 | 48.92 kB |
sound.cfg | 11.30.17 | 16.15 kB |
texture | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
texture.46010 | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
B50_01.dds | 11.11.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_01_spec.dds | 11.10.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_02.dds | 11.11.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_02_spec.dds | 11.10.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_03.dds | 11.12.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_03_spec.dds | 11.12.17 | 4.00 MB |
propdisk.dds | 10.29.14 | 256.12 kB |
texture.cfg | 09.07.17 | 78 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 08.20.17 | 71.22 kB |
texture.47157 | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
B50_01.dds | 11.23.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_01_spec.dds | 11.23.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_02.dds | 11.20.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_02_spec.dds | 11.19.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_03.dds | 11.20.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_03_spec.dds | 11.12.17 | 4.00 MB |
propdisk.dds | 11.17.17 | 256.12 kB |
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texture.48119 | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
B50_01.dds | 11.11.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_01_spec.dds | 11.09.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_02.dds | 11.09.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_02_spec.dds | 11.09.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_03.dds | 11.12.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_03_spec.dds | 11.12.17 | 4.00 MB |
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texture.cfg | 11.21.17 | 80 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 11.21.17 | 170.06 kB |
texture.90285 | 04.22.20 | 0 B |
B50_01.dds | 12.21.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_01_spec.dds | 12.01.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_02.dds | 12.01.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_02_spec.dds | 12.01.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_03.dds | 12.14.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_03_spec.dds | 12.01.17 | 4.00 MB |
propdisk.dds | 10.29.14 | 256.12 kB |
texture.cfg | 06.03.15 | 110 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 12.01.17 | 181.99 kB |
B50_01_bump.dds | 11.08.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_02_bump.dds | 11.08.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_03_bump.dds | 11.12.17 | 4.00 MB |
B50_04.dds | 11.12.17 | 1.00 MB |
B50_04_spec.dds | 11.12.17 | 1.00 MB |
C97_pilot.dds | 02.02.15 | 128.12 kB |
VC_panelFE.dds | 02.28.15 | 512.12 kB |
VC_panelP.dds | 09.15.17 | 2.00 MB |
VC_reflection.dds | 11.11.17 | 128.12 kB |
VC_seat.dds | 02.23.15 | 512.12 kB |
VC_walls.dds | 09.14.17 | 512.12 kB |
VC_winposts.dds | 09.12.17 | 512.12 kB |
cable.dds | 01.25.15 | 4.12 kB |
fresnel1.dds | 10.10.14 | 1.12 kB |
fresnel2.dds | 06.09.12 | 1.12 kB |
fresnel3.dds | 10.10.14 | 1.12 kB |
fresnel_ramp.dds | 05.17.17 | 640 B |
glass.dds | 11.13.17 | 4.12 kB |
glass_fresnel.dds | 11.05.17 | 640 B |
glass_spec.dds | 11.08.17 | 4.12 kB |
gpu.dds | 06.24.15 | 512.12 kB |
lights.dds | 11.02.14 | 16.12 kB |
lights_spec.dds | 11.03.14 | 8.12 kB |
propdisk.dds | 10.29.14 | 256.12 kB |
texture.cfg | 04.12.15 | 87 B |
vc_back.dds | 09.12.17 | 512.12 kB |
vc_floor.dds | 09.12.17 | 512.12 kB |
vc_placards.dds | 06.05.14 | 512.12 kB |
FILE_ID.DIZ | 11.26.17 | 653 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
RB50G.jpg | 11.21.17 | 229.05 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
readme.txt | 11.26.17 | 8.37 kB |
New Screenshots | 05.01.20 | 0 B |
new-screen-1.jpg | 05.01.20 | 557.08 kB |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
Leave a ResponseThe content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.
Great airplane. I have one issue maybe someone has some input: Whenever I engage the auto-throttle the fuel flow goes idle so I need to use the manual throttle throughout the flight. Any ideas? I checked the CFG file and everything appears normal. Thanks.
Yes. This one looks beautiful and flies very well. Good job.
Please make some aircraft for the MSFS2020...we need some decent aircraft, and a 707 would be excellent as well.
Very nice plane. But with terrible FDM :(
I have found the integrity of those fine props reflects the craftsmanship of the very qualified workers, designers, and engineers. When you look at the weight, the job description of the aircraft and what was expected with such archaic machines, and the results thereof a feat within itself. Thanks to the creators of this fine work of art, and to this fine website for giving us these opportunities to show our gratitude. I know the mask is a pain, but fly your sim and use it as an oxygen mask. Semper Fidelis.
Very very nice! I love the polished metal look reminds me of the Airforce heyday when we didn't care if you saw us coming or not!
Sad to see that the cockpit is a kc-97 cockpit but overall nice. For people who are wondering why the b-50’s engines get weaker through high altitude, put your mixture to auto lean or lean. (Only works with auto Mixture disabled).
Absolutely loved flying this. Though the included AP certainly helped on final.
Really cool! Clean VC and everything about this model is high quality.
It would be nice if they could apply some airline liveries to the C-97 model. It would be cool to see an NWA or a PANAM or a UNITED 377 Stratocruiser paint job on this high quality flying airplane. Some of the other freeware stratos available are pretty bad compared to this model.
I can't seem to get the throttles to move at all... any suggestions?
I enjoy flying b50. Former b29,
A really cool looking B-50 Series. Flies like a slightly underpowered recip bomber should, but when it's lightly loaded, it climbs 1000/min easy and turns very tightly. If it is heavily loaded, make certain you manually push the throttles to take off (military) power or you might eat those trees at the end of the runway.
I am so happy to find this site, and download the B50 Aircraft, This program should be payware, top value! I would hope it could be the Tanker version, KB50J. Also it would be great to fly it in the XPlane Format. I would need the FSX GPU..... I am an old, retired Flight Engineer (one of the few remaining) 85 and still counting.....I was a crew member, assigned to the 431 AREFS Biggs AFB TX. I am still a Life member of the TAC Tanker Assoc. You are welcome to check out the web site. I have a great Flight Simulator, built by Jet Lines Systems. The B50 Plane flys great....! I would love to contact the developers of this program. I have a lot of material om the KB50 Aircraft...... Lots of luck to all of you. I hope you love flying as munch as I do! Best Regrards, Fred R Duck, Retired SMS USAF.
Absolutely astonishing work! i would recommend this marvelous masterpiece to be payware level! It would be amazing if we got a Kb-50 version and one that had Macdill colors on it.
Perfect plane and excellent quality, copilot voice in landing and other actions sound great, maybe only need almost realistic panel control in VC, excellent dynamics, response good, the gun turrets rotation and the guns up down is a improve over many planes. 5 stars. We welcomed screen controls that gradually replace the monitor falt panel.
Great plane. Flies well. Nice sounds. VC looks sparse, but the "monitor" gauge works as promised. I enjoy the plane.
For a freeware plane, this is very good. Very good quality. I give it a thumbs up. Thank you very much.
Simply fantastic. An impressive work, in all aspects.