X-Plane 11 Lockheed F-22 Raptor 1.0

PreviewX-Plane 11 Lockheed F-22 Raptor 1.0. Thank you to Laminar Research for allowing this aircraft model to be shared with the X-Plane community. This file was a default aircraft with X-Plane software releases from version 8 through 10, now made available for X-Plane 11.

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3
Complete with Base Model
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X-Plane 11 (XP11)
File size
14.56 MB
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Content Rating
3 star rating.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars by 3 PRO members.

XP11 Lockheed F-22 Raptor in flight.X-Plane 11 Lockheed F-22 Raptor 1.0. Thank you to Laminar Research for allowing this aircraft model to be shared with the X-Plane community. This file was a default aircraft with X-Plane software releases from version 8 through 10, now made available for X-Plane 11.

Not for resale, freeware only, the property of original authors, no modification without permission by original authors except where necessary for sim compatibility.

Originally created by Anthony Booher, later versions had an enhanced 3D model added by Tom Kyler. X-Plane 11 conversion by Sean McLeod (Aerostarsim).

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive lockheed_fa-22_raptor_xp1105.zip has 95 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
3.jpg09.13.1745.24 kB
airfoils09.12.170 B
Flat Plate (very thin).afl09.12.1724.49 kB
NACA 0006 (symmetrical).afl09.12.1724.49 kB
NACA 0012 (symmetrical).afl09.12.1724.49 kB
cockpit.png09.12.171.35 MB
cockpit_3D09.12.170 B
ECAM09.12.170 B
ECAM_mode.png09.12.174.63 kB
EFIS09.12.170 B
EFIS elements primary09.12.170 B
el_airspeed.png09.12.172.96 kB
el_airspeed.txt09.12.17654 B
el_airspeed-1.png09.12.175.07 kB
el_airspeed-2.png09.12.173.12 kB
el_airspeed-3.png09.12.173.41 kB
el_airspeed-4.png09.12.173.79 kB
el_altitude.png09.12.172.97 kB
el_altitude.txt09.12.17795 B
el_altitude-1.png09.12.175.50 kB
el_altitude-2.png09.12.173.36 kB
el_altitude-3.png09.12.173.41 kB
el_altitude-4.png09.12.174.31 kB
el_flap.png09.12.173.10 kB
el_flap-1.png09.12.173.00 kB
el_flap-2.png09.12.172.78 kB
el_flap-4.png09.12.173.24 kB
el_horizon_CDI.png09.12.172.71 kB
el_horizon_CDI.txt09.12.17197 B
el_horizon_CDI-1.png09.12.174.62 kB
el_horizon_CDI-2.png09.12.172.93 kB
el_horizon_CDI-3.png09.12.172.82 kB
el_horizon_CDI-4.png09.12.173.24 kB
EFIS maps09.12.170 B
map_s_HM.png09.12.173.61 kB
map_s_HM.txt09.12.17118 B
map_s_HM-1.png09.12.1713.95 kB
map_s_HM-2.png09.12.1721.31 kB
map_s_HM-3.png09.12.1723.90 kB
map_s_HM-4.png09.12.174.73 kB
generic09.12.170 B
AP_off.png09.12.173.75 kB
AP_off-1.png09.12.175.08 kB
AP_on.png09.12.173.75 kB
AP_on-1.png09.12.173.40 kB
FD_on.png09.12.173.58 kB
FD_on-1.png09.12.173.40 kB
gen_LED.png09.12.172.76 kB
gen_LED-1.png09.12.173.84 kB
gen_LED-4.png09.12.173.84 kB
gen_trigger.png09.12.173.75 kB
gen_trigger-1.png09.12.173.75 kB
xpnd_ident.png09.12.173.60 kB
xpnd_ident-1.png09.12.173.99 kB
xpnd_off.png09.12.173.56 kB
xpnd_off-1.png09.12.173.98 kB
xpnd_on.png09.12.173.56 kB
xpnd_on-1.png09.12.173.90 kB
xpnd_stby.png09.12.173.63 kB
xpnd_stby-1.png09.12.174.10 kB
-PANELS-09.12.170 B
Panel_Fighter.png09.12.175.63 kB
Panel_Preview.png09.12.17162.52 kB
FA-22A.acf09.12.171.06 MB
FA-22A_cockpit.obj09.12.173.37 MB
FA-22A_cockpit.png09.12.172.01 MB
FA-22A_cockpit_LIT.png09.12.1753.18 kB
FA-22A_icon.png09.12.1757.94 kB
FA-22A_icon11.png09.12.17204.37 kB
FA-22A_icon11_thumb.png09.12.1713.85 kB
FA-22A_prefs.txt09.12.17196 B
image1.jpg09.12.1757.67 kB
image2.jpg09.13.1757.59 kB
objects09.12.170 B
Decals.obj09.12.1754.20 kB
Decals.png09.12.17138.13 kB
F22_gear.png09.12.17680.92 kB
fuselage.obj09.12.17880.51 kB
Fuselage.png09.12.173.52 MB
Fuselage_LIT.png09.12.17190.86 kB
Fuselage_NORMAL.png09.12.173.65 MB
gear.obj09.12.17783.61 kB
gear_BAK.obj09.12.17709.89 kB
Gear_Well_Stuff.obj09.12.17343.80 kB
Gear_Well_Stuff.png09.12.17231.30 kB
pilot.obj09.12.17386.99 kB
pilot.png09.12.17589.28 kB
RealityXP.GNS.WAAS.ini09.12.17147 B
weapons09.12.170 B
APU dead weight.wpn09.12.1712.75 kB
F-22 cannon.bmp09.12.17192.05 kB
F-22 cannon.wpn09.12.1712.75 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


Leave a Response

The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

Ashley McKayTue, 19 Jan 2021 06:03:24 GMT

Oh, about 10 yrs ago I found the use of my x-plane software was pretty awesome then and even to now so adding the f 222, which in my aircraft is the best aircraft any of the free worlds has created.

I will confess basically you couldn't even give me an F 35, but the F 22 if it were possible I would love to use an air force simulator they get to use. That would be very cool. another aircraft I really just really love is the Apache AH 64D Longbow.

My only discouraging comment I have for Sim like PCs and Game systems is that the new builders playing these new sims are being made for new systems leaving with those like me, who like what they have now and love them is, the builders stopped for backdoor compatibility so you can't use your older games as well as getting to play the new titles.

Just as well my favorite is Sub Command. I always choose the seawolf because it basically resembles the operations of the new Virginia class of USN attack Sub. Yes as a woman goes I have a lot of enjoyment for military tec but it is only based for the science behind if not the killing aspect. Sincerely Ashley McKay.

LarryMJonesTue, 30 Jun 2020 23:30:44 GMT

Dick. I have X10 and that’s what I got also. If you have an iPad or iPhone. Get the app X-Mapper tnt or pro both free and do the same thing.

They are EFIS with live sat maps As you fly. ALL IFR INSTRUMETS ARE THERE . Open settings / iPad and follow all prompts to Connect to your running x-plane Have fun, Larry. Age 81.

Anony MooseFri, 18 Oct 2019 21:03:13 GMT

Love it, but no weapons ability!

JesseWVMon, 01 Oct 2018 13:12:28 GMT

I noticed the aircraft will abruptly take a nose dive and drop out of the sky when you move the last step to flaps full on final approach. Like the previous person commenting, perhaps I'm not doing it right. It seems very hard to slow down for landing and still keep this girl in the air. I do not see any speed brakes either.

Dick MySun, 09 Sep 2018 21:03:02 GMT

I have downloaded the Raptor 22 xp1105 and it flies great. However, the auto pilot and other avionics seem to be incomplete. I have tried everything I know how to do to get the autopilot to work, but no luck. I can't even set a heading for it. it will lock on to an altitude, and if I fly it be hand I can get the loc and glide slope to work, but it's iffy. I suspect I am the one who doesn't know what to do. If you have anything that will help me I would appreciate it

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