FSX Star Wars Millenium Falcon

PreviewThis unique Star Wars-themed add-on, developed by Bruce Fitzgerald, brings the iconic Millenium Falcon into Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It offers remarkable flight modeling that allows enthusiasts to push airspeed thresholds, manage high-G maneuvers, and even execute hovering-like operations wi...

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Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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7.16 MB
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Content Rating
5 star rating.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 4 PRO members.

This unique Star Wars-themed add-on, developed by Bruce Fitzgerald, brings the iconic Millenium Falcon into Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It offers remarkable flight modeling that allows enthusiasts to push airspeed thresholds, manage high-G maneuvers, and even execute hovering-like operations with specialized aerodynamic surfaces. Fans of the original Star Wars saga will appreciate how this rendition captures the spirit of a beloved sci-fi vessel while introducing a blend of advanced engineering features for sim pilots.

High-Performance Flight Characteristics

The modeling incorporates design elements tailored for dramatic top-end velocity, aligning with the simulator’s maximum supported speed of around 2667 knots. Its fuselage structure is tuned for sturdiness, which supports fearless acceleration under unusually intense dynamic pressures. You can bank, climb, and descend at acceleration rates beyond typical aircraft limits, thanks to a careful balance of lift and drag provided by its custom flight configuration.

SuperSpoilers and Thrust Advantages

One standout feature involves ultra-efficient SuperSpoilers, which disrupt airflow to maintain control authority even at extreme angles of attack. These specialized spoilers work alongside high-thrust propulsion elements that replicate the allure of hyperdrive-like power in an atmospheric setting. The result is a carefully calibrated envelope that gives you the freedom to explore previously unreachable performance levels within FSX.

Stability During Demanding Maneuvers

Sim pilots accustomed to conventional aircraft will discover that this Millenium Falcon mod remains impressively stable under abrupt turns and aggressive climbs. Its structural fortification allows for safe handling during exceptionally high G-force conditions. This stability was methodically tested to ensure continuous control responsiveness, whether you're flying low and fast or performing near-vertical ascents.

Hovering Control Surfaces

Another hallmark of this add-on is the deflection flap system designed for near-hoveror slow-speed flight. While not traditionally associated with a spaceship, these surfaces help maintain a controllable attitude for short-field operations or unusual landing approaches. In essence, simmers can mimic advanced VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing)-like maneuvers, adding a layer of versatility that sets this creation apart from standard aircraft add-ons.

Attention to Visual Detail

The exterior model showcases recognizable Star Wars-inspired geometry, including distinctive hull plating that captures the look of the cinematic Falcon. While the real “bucket of bolts” from the movies was known for its rugged reliability, this digital representation features crisp texturing that faithfully retains a sci-fi aesthetic when viewed from external camera angles or flyby perspectives.

Millenium Falcon

Creator’s Dedication and Availability

Bruce Fitzgerald has devoted particular attention to flight realism, implementing features that take advantage of Microsoft Flight Simulator X’s physics engine. This freeware release includes a fully integrated base model designed for ease of installation and immediate use. It stands as a testament to the devotion and technical skill that make wraparound experiences possible for fans of space-age fiction within a traditional flight simulation environment.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive sw_falc.zip has 99 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
aircraft.cfg08.03.077.70 kB
effects08.03.070 B
milfblue.fx07.22.071.27 kB
falcon4.jpg07.22.0768.06 kB
maxPERF.air08.02.0712.85 kB
model08.03.070 B
milf.mdl08.02.07697.52 kB
model.cfg07.21.0763 B
panel08.03.070 B
burnab.CAB05.17.0711.86 kB
dfa18_fx.cab03.29.041.33 kB
forward_1024.bmp05.17.072.25 MB
panel.cfg05.14.075.42 kB
panel_decal.bmp02.28.043.00 MB
panel_decal_2.bmp02.28.04768.05 kB
panel_decal_3.bmp01.28.041.00 MB
panel_decal_4.bmp01.28.041.00 MB
radar.cab09.04.0625.54 kB
radio.bmp03.22.04769.05 kB
right_mfd.bmp03.22.04769.05 kB
superh.cab03.29.04226.02 kB
Thumbs.db11.17.067.00 kB
readme.txt08.03.072.24 kB
sound08.03.070 B
c.wav11.26.0442.64 kB
CABIN.wav11.26.04103.08 kB
L.wav11.26.0442.64 kB
laapdis.wav11.26.0411.25 kB
LAN11.wav11.26.0453.38 kB
LAN12.wav11.26.0451.10 kB
LAN13.wav11.26.04199.57 kB
LAN14.wav11.26.04312.65 kB
LAN1SHUT.wav11.26.0488.94 kB
LAN1STRT.wav11.26.04239.01 kB
LAN21.wav11.26.0435.16 kB
LAN22.wav11.26.0460.47 kB
LAN23.wav11.26.0455.94 kB
LAN24.wav11.26.0462.72 kB
LAN2SHUT.wav11.26.0489.37 kB
LAN2STRT.wav11.26.04320 B
LAOVER.wav11.26.0450.36 kB
LBN11.wav11.26.0496.15 kB
LBN12.wav11.26.0451.10 kB
LBN13.wav11.26.04199.57 kB
LBN14.wav11.26.04312.65 kB
LBN1SHUT.wav11.26.04894 B
LBN1STRT.wav11.26.04169.37 kB
LBN21.wav11.26.0435.16 kB
LBN22.wav11.26.0460.47 kB
LBN23.wav11.26.0455.94 kB
LBN24.wav11.26.0462.72 kB
LBN2SHUT.wav11.26.04894 B
LMFLAPS.wav11.26.0425.17 kB
LMGEARDN.wav11.26.0426.49 kB
LMGEARUP.wav11.26.0414.65 kB
R.wav11.26.0442.64 kB
Sound.cfg11.26.0412.23 kB
stall.wav11.26.0436.69 kB
XLAN11.wav11.26.0489.04 kB
XLAN12.wav11.26.0479.75 kB
XLAN13.wav11.26.0459.36 kB
XLAN14.wav11.26.0483.46 kB
XLAN1SHUT.wav11.26.0488.94 kB
XLAN1STRT.wav11.26.04239.01 kB
XLAN21.wav11.26.04102.34 kB
XLAN22.wav11.26.04102.57 kB
XLAN23.wav11.26.04202.78 kB
XLAN24.wav11.26.04207.18 kB
XLAN2SHUT.wav11.26.04894 B
XLAN2STRT.wav11.26.04320 B
XLAN2T.wav11.26.04354 B
XLBN11.wav11.26.0489.04 kB
XLBN12.wav11.26.0479.75 kB
XLBN13.wav11.26.0459.36 kB
XLBN14.wav11.26.0483.46 kB
XLBN1SHUT.wav11.26.04894 B
XLBN1STRT.wav11.26.04184 B
XLBN21.wav11.26.04102.34 kB
XLBN22.wav11.26.04102.57 kB
XLBN23.wav11.26.04202.78 kB
XLBN24.wav11.26.04207.18 kB
XLBN2SHUT.WAV11.26.04894 B
XLBN2T.wav11.26.04354 B
texture08.03.070 B
boot.bmp05.23.0717.05 kB
ckpt_wall.bmp08.01.071.00 MB
glass.bmp05.30.07257.05 kB
inside.bmp08.01.073.00 MB
rappanel.bmp04.26.07257.05 kB
rappanel01.bmp04.26.07257.05 kB
thumbnail.jpg07.22.0768.06 kB
yt1300_a.bmp07.22.071.00 MB
yt1300_b.bmp07.21.07129.05 kB
yt1300_c.bmp07.21.075.05 kB
yt1300_ci.bmp07.19.0712.05 kB
yt1300_d.bmp07.21.0733.05 kB
yt1300_e.bmp07.21.0733.05 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

MIke Wed, 12 Feb 2020 21:52:18 GMT

Is this flyable or just add on scenery?

blackflameFri, 28 Jun 2019 09:26:49 GMT

Very good mod! Detailed and awesome.

frank.ieWed, 27 Feb 2019 18:16:13 GMT

Is pretty goood! hardcore sw fan yes yes

GUILLAUMEMon, 09 Jul 2018 18:28:30 GMT

amazing very good mod

kesselpaWed, 08 Jun 2016 20:03:52 GMT

A must have for every true fan of Star Wars. A lot of fun garantueed!

LynceThu, 22 Aug 2013 16:18:48 GMT

The textures are not "perfect"... but good enough to have fun! No lights at all and engine look terrible, not realistic at all. Otherwise, you reach space border in record time... as it's expected from Millenium Falcon xD Recomended to have a good time, specially for Star Wars fans ;)

phantomfire1Thu, 30 Dec 2010 13:34:05 GMT
Just got off of the X-wing fighter and saw this one, wow! Works as advertised, and flight controls work like X-Wings. Flap controls, handle forward movement and hover. Engine sound great. I had to shut it down and restart a couple of times just to hear it. ha ha You will not be dissapointed with this one. I haven't decided on the Battlestar crusier yet. This looks good landing in a city with all the cars dodging you. Looks like an invasion. I want some more of these.

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