FSX Saunders Roe SR-45

PreviewFSX Saunders Roe SR-45 "Princess". The SR-45 first flew in 1952 and was one of the largest flying boats ever built. It was overshadowed by the upcoming land based 707 and DC-8 so only one was finished and test flown. This is a native FSX Acceleration project. It has the usual animations, specula...

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Rated 3 out of 5 stars by 4 PRO members.

FSX Saunders Roe SR-45 "Princess". The SR-45 first flew in 1952 and was one of the largest flying boats ever built. It was overshadowed by the upcoming land based 707 and DC-8 so only one was finished and test flown. This is a native FSX Acceleration project. It has the usual animations, specular shine, .dds textures, reverse thrust, and turbine smoke that turns on and off as a function of throttle position. The VC is based on a photo and has animated flight and engine controls. There is no 2D panel. There are two liveries, the factory paint and the proposed BOAC livery. By Paul Clawson.

Saunders Roe SR-45

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive sr45.zip has 82 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
File_id.diz09.03.09601 B
gauges09.03.090 B
Lockheed_Vega.cab06.12.03415.28 kB
my_gauges09.03.090 B
Smoke.xml06.06.06390 B
Readme.txt09.04.092.70 kB
Saunders Roe SR-4509.03.090 B
Aircraft.cfg09.03.0911.02 kB
model09.03.090 B
model.cfg09.02.0949 B
SR45.mdl09.02.09592.04 kB
SR45_Interior.mdl09.02.09120.25 kB
panel09.03.090 B
Panel.cfg09.03.092.08 kB
Thumbs.db09.03.096.50 kB
sound09.03.090 B
KAGEAR.WAV09.09.99344.12 kB
KAN11.WAV08.08.0178.13 kB
KAN12.WAV08.08.01100.99 kB
KAN13.WAV08.08.01108.02 kB
KAN14.WAV08.08.0153.54 kB
KAN1SHUT.WAV08.08.01271.18 kB
KAN1STRT.WAV08.08.01240.07 kB
KAN21.WAV08.08.0183.58 kB
KAN22.WAV08.08.0175.69 kB
KAN23.WAV08.08.0165.85 kB
KAN24.WAV08.08.0179.37 kB
KAN2SHUT.WAV08.08.01271.18 kB
KAN2STRT.WAV08.08.0170.09 kB
KAP1A.WAV08.08.0159.39 kB
KAP1B.WAV08.08.0157.88 kB
KAP1C.WAV08.08.0170.42 kB
KAP1D.WAV08.08.0147.09 kB
KAP2A.WAV08.08.0166.76 kB
KAP2B.WAV08.08.0164.77 kB
KAPR.WAV08.08.0193.28 kB
KASTALL.WAV08.08.0190.80 kB
KMFLAP.WAV08.08.0162.33 kB
KMGEARDN.WAV08.08.01113.40 kB
KMGEARUP.WAV08.08.01113.40 kB
sound.cfg07.28.0415.14 kB
xbearjb4.wav04.25.00171.05 kB
XKAN11.WAV08.08.01159.07 kB
XKAN12.WAV08.08.01147.39 kB
XKAN13.WAV08.08.01129.91 kB
XKAN14.WAV08.08.01122.28 kB
XKAN1SHUT.WAV08.08.01235.84 kB
XKAN1STRT.WAV08.08.01240.07 kB
XKAN21.WAV08.08.0184.65 kB
XKAN22.WAV08.08.0189.27 kB
XKAN23.WAV08.08.0170.34 kB
XKAN24.WAV08.08.01111.92 kB
XKAN2STRT.WAV08.08.0162.46 kB
XKAP1A.WAV08.08.0159.16 kB
XKAP1B.WAV08.08.0165.05 kB
XKAP1C.WAV08.08.0136.19 kB
XKAP1D.WAV08.08.0133.48 kB
XKAP2A.WAV08.08.0165.05 kB
XKAP2B.WAV08.08.0166.66 kB
XKAPR.WAV08.08.0185.70 kB
xrumblebear.wav03.16.00171.06 kB
SR45.air08.23.0914.16 kB
texture09.04.090 B
prop_SR45.dds09.04.0964.12 kB
SR45_1.dds09.04.091.00 MB
SR45_1_T_Spec.dds09.04.091.00 MB
SR45_2.dds09.04.091.00 MB
SR45_2_T_Spec.dds09.04.091.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg07.27.0913.82 kB
Thumbs.db05.19.0945.00 kB
texture.boac09.04.090 B
prop_SR45.dds09.04.0964.12 kB
SR45_1.dds09.04.091.00 MB
SR45_1_T_Spec.dds09.04.091.00 MB
SR45_2.dds09.04.091.00 MB
SR45_2_T_Spec.dds09.04.091.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg09.01.0913.38 kB
Thumbs.db09.01.0947.00 kB
SR-45 BOAC2.jpg09.03.0916.61 kB
SR4509.03.090 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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mylustSat, 23 Nov 2019 23:38:23 GMT

I remember seeing the Princess and the Brabazon side by side flying over freshwater after being at the Farnborough air show.

jbealeSat, 09 Apr 2011 18:14:51 GMT
the detail on this aircraft is quite low but it flies very well. All you need to do for takeoff is put full flaps and full throttle to do a short takeoff. pull up at 80 knots(with full flaps)
avocadoTue, 23 Feb 2010 04:34:09 GMT
Fun for the first few minutes. the six engines are really cool, but they must not work that well because it basically took me a whole lake to be able to take off. when i finally did, i didn't have much speed. Sum up; for those who really are bored.

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