FSX Purple Piper PA28R201 Arrow

PreviewPurple Piper PA28R201 Arrow. Repaint textures only for Hauke Keitel's Piper PA28R 201 Arrow (PA28R201.ZIP). A plethora of polished purple pipertude pleasuring pilots by profoundly provoking wide-eyed wonder and ear to ear grins. Oh happy joy! Repaint by Tom Tiedman.

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Purple Piper PA28R201 Arrow. Repaint textures only for Hauke Keitel's Piper PA28R 201 Arrow (PA28R201.ZIP). A plethora of polished purple pipertude pleasuring pilots by profoundly provoking wide-eyed wonder and ear to ear grins. Oh happy joy! Repaint by Tom Tiedman.

Purple Piper PA28R201 Arrow in flight.

Purple Piper PA28R201 Arrow in flight.


All credit goes to Hauke Keitel for his fine Piper Arrow and to Martin Wright for his wonderful DXTBMP program which made this repaint possible. My freeware repaint may be repainted and uploaded freely with no need to ask me, but please respect the wishes of Mr. Keitel where his copyrights are concerned. I fly this repaint in FSX using Windows Vista with no problems.


As usual, copy and paste the "texture.Purple" folder into your Hauke Keitel Piper PA28R201 Arrow folder. Next, change the "X" in [fltsim.X] below to the next number in line among your Hauke Keitel Arrow repaints then copy and paste all of the information below into the next logical sequential place in your Hauke Keitel Arrow's aircraft.cfg file. Now go fly yourself silly.

title=Piper PA28R201-purple
ui_typerole=single-engine monoplane
ui_createdby=Hauke Keitel
description=The Piper 28R is a single-engine monoplane with retractable gear.It is one of the most successful constructions for the general aviation. The excellent goodness of the basic draught was a lasting guarantor for the versatility and the prolonged popularity of this airplane. Numerous advancements and a comprehensive usability distinguish the superior PA 28.

Purple Piper PA28R201 Arrow flying past control tower.

Purple Piper PA28R201 Arrow flying past control tower.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5

The archive purplepiperarrowpa28r201.zip has 30 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
file_id.diz04.16.10303 B
Minneapolis Rest Stop.jpg04.16.10173.73 kB
Outer Space.jpg04.16.1043.45 kB
PurplePiperArrowPA28R201.jpg04.16.1039.02 kB
Read Me_Installation.txt04.16.101.77 kB
texture.Purple04.16.100 B
Bodenzeug.bmp04.15.10341.40 kB
DVC.bmp04.14.105.33 MB
glas1_T.bmp04.06.1016.45 kB
glas2_T.bmp04.06.1016.58 kB
glas3_T.bmp04.06.1017.05 kB
glas4_T.bmp04.06.1016.88 kB
pa28201_compartment1.bmp04.15.105.33 MB
pa28201_compartment2.bmp04.14.10682.76 kB
pa28201_engine.bmp04.14.101.33 MB
pa28201_fuselage_T.bmp04.15.105.33 MB
pa28201_prop1.bmp04.13.10341.42 kB
pa28201_prop2.bmp04.13.10170.78 kB
pa28201_spinner_T.bmp04.13.10341.40 kB
pa28201_spinner2_T.bmp04.13.10341.40 kB
pa28201_wingsL_T.bmp04.14.105.33 MB
pa28201_wingsR_T.bmp04.14.105.33 MB
Pilot.bmp04.16.10341.40 kB
Sonnenblende_T.bmp04.14.105.40 kB
thumbnail.jpg04.16.1037.51 kB
Thumbs.db04.06.1081.00 kB
tire6-00x6_T.bmp04.06.10129.05 kB
Wittman Pleasure Flight.jpg04.15.10165.79 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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