FSX Direct Fly 2 Mission
Direct Fly 2. Fly the second mission of the series Direct Fly and bring the passengers of flight Orbit (QX) 2609 safely to Oakland. Test your skill by landing the CRJ-700 in pure weather conditions, only by using the instruments. The mission is based on the original flight of Horizon Air 2609 ...
- Download hits
- 2.4K
- Compatibility
- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- dircfly2.zip
- File size
- 16.47 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 25 days ago (clean)
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- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
Direct Fly 2. Fly the second mission of the series Direct Fly and bring the passengers of flight Orbit (QX) 2609 safely to Oakland. Test your skill by landing the CRJ-700 in pure weather conditions, only by using the instruments. The mission is based on the original flight of Horizon Air 2609 from Portland to Oakland International. As a new feature, the mission includes a simulation of a ground alert system if you land at Oakland and a altitude alert system if you reach the different altitudes by climbing and descending. Requires only Flight Simulator X with Service Pack 2. This file also includes modified files for "Direct Fly 1" (DIRECFLY.ZIP) to correct the path of the flight plan and giving the mission the correct ID for the category of a airliner mission. By Carsten Wanzelius.
Direct Fly 2 Mission.
Requirements: Only Microsoft Flight Simulator X with Service Pack 2. Nothing else, no addon is required.
- At first copy the file "IFR KPDX MINNE ONE to KOAK RAIDR TWO.pln" in to your Flight Simulator X - Files folder. You can find it in Documents and Settings\Username\Documents (Win XP) or User\Username\Documents (Vista) folder.
- After this, copy the "Direct Fly" Mission-Folder to your \Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X\ Mission folder
That´s all!
This is the second mission of the serie and I hope you will enjoy it. But the mission is certainly not perfect.
Installation of the Update for Direct Fly 1
- copy the FLT-file and the XML-file you can find in the DF1_update folder into the "direct fly\direct fly 1"-folder, which you can find in your mission folder and overwrite the old files.
The mission is freeware. You can copy it, you can change it, you can give it to other people. Any use for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden. Do not make money from it in any way.
The mission is tested on the Flight Simulator X running on Vista 64. I thing there is no reason, that the mission can not run also on other system with Windows XP. Nevertheless, you install this mission on your own risk. I assume no reponsibility for any problems on your system as a result of the installation of the mission.
Greetings from Osnabrück(Germany)
Carsten Wanzelius
Direct Fly 2 Mission.
The archive dircfly2.zip has 115 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
DirectFly2 | 10.24.08 | 0 B |
DF1_Update | 10.24.08 | 0 B |
Direct Fly (QX) Horizon Air 2191.FLT | 10.12.08 | 13.49 kB |
MissionQX2191.xml | 10.12.08 | 72.06 kB |
DF2_1.GIF | 10.14.08 | 11.87 kB |
Direct Fly | 10.24.08 | 0 B |
category_images | 10.24.08 | 0 B |
header.jpg | 07.30.08 | 14.06 kB |
header.psd | 05.26.08 | 312.44 kB |
img_sechdr02.png | 05.12.06 | 716 B |
img_sechdr03.png | 05.12.06 | 984 B |
Thumbs.db | 03.07.08 | 5.50 kB |
Direct Fly 2 | 10.24.08 | 0 B |
Charts.htm | 10.07.08 | 1.04 kB |
Charts_Tab.htm | 10.16.06 | 5.42 kB |
Details.htm | 10.14.08 | 3.15 kB |
Details_Tab.htm | 10.16.06 | 5.42 kB |
DF2_1.GIF | 10.14.08 | 11.87 kB |
DF2_1.JPG | 10.14.08 | 30.37 kB |
DF2_2.JPG | 10.14.08 | 17.97 kB |
DF2_3.JPG | 10.14.08 | 19.50 kB |
directfly2.FLT | 10.14.08 | 13.50 kB |
directfly2.WX | 10.03.08 | 236.18 kB |
IFR KPDX MINNE ONE to KOAK RAIDR TWO.PLN | 08.04.08 | 5.34 kB |
images | 10.24.08 | 0 B |
MINNE.JPG | 10.07.08 | 52.92 kB |
Overview.jpg | 10.05.08 | 20.51 kB |
Overview.psd | 10.16.06 | 176.11 kB |
OverviewQX2609.JPG | 10.07.08 | 30.64 kB |
RAIDR2.JPG | 10.07.08 | 36.11 kB |
Thumbs.db | 10.07.08 | 12.50 kB |
MissionQX2609.xml | 10.13.08 | 125.26 kB |
m_c.bmp | 10.06.08 | 86.79 kB |
m_ci.bmp | 10.05.08 | 86.79 kB |
m_ci.psd | 03.30.08 | 647.79 kB |
m_i.bmp | 10.05.08 | 86.79 kB |
Overview.htm | 10.14.08 | 3.13 kB |
Overview_Tab.htm | 09.17.08 | 5.44 kB |
readme.txt | 10.15.08 | 1.65 kB |
sound | 10.24.08 | 0 B |
100.wav | 10.14.08 | 17.64 kB |
10000ft.wav | 10.14.08 | 269.96 kB |
20.wav | 10.14.08 | 19.43 kB |
200.wav | 10.14.08 | 17.64 kB |
30.wav | 10.14.08 | 17.09 kB |
300.wav | 10.14.08 | 23.50 kB |
40.wav | 10.14.08 | 17.64 kB |
400.wav | 10.14.08 | 16.09 kB |
5.wav | 10.14.08 | 23.50 kB |
50.wav | 10.14.08 | 11.78 kB |
80kn.wav | 08.13.08 | 23.57 kB |
840.wav | 08.13.08 | 62.91 kB |
after1.wav | 08.13.08 | 108.83 kB |
after2.wav | 08.13.08 | 79.84 kB |
after3.wav | 08.13.08 | 68.63 kB |
alert.wav | 10.14.08 | 42.15 kB |
app.wav | 10.14.08 | 369.39 kB |
approach1.wav | 10.14.08 | 3.13 MB |
approach2.wav | 10.14.08 | 101.58 kB |
approach3.wav | 10.14.08 | 81.28 kB |
before1.wav | 10.14.08 | 2.00 MB |
before10.wav | 10.14.08 | 99.96 kB |
before11.wav | 10.14.08 | 172.61 kB |
before12.wav | 10.14.08 | 492.93 kB |
before1b.wav | 10.14.08 | 235.25 kB |
before2.wav | 10.14.08 | 142.81 kB |
before3.wav | 09.29.08 | 880.56 kB |
before4.wav | 10.14.08 | 137.19 kB |
before5.wav | 10.14.08 | 355.66 kB |
before6.wav | 10.14.08 | 275.45 kB |
before7.wav | 08.13.08 | 248.34 kB |
before8.wav | 10.14.08 | 84.34 kB |
before9.wav | 09.29.08 | 495.06 kB |
below10000.wav | 08.13.08 | 215.26 kB |
blind.wav | 08.13.08 | 3.51 kB |
chatquest1.wav | 10.14.08 | 580.13 kB |
chatquest2.wav | 10.15.08 | 711.78 kB |
chatquest3.wav | 10.14.08 | 910.16 kB |
chatwelcome.wav | 10.14.08 | 1.30 MB |
climbFL22.wav | 10.14.08 | 413.00 kB |
climbFL31.wav | 10.14.08 | 486.85 kB |
contactapproach.wav | 10.14.08 | 802.05 kB |
ContactCenter.wav | 10.14.08 | 953.92 kB |
ContactTower.wav | 10.14.08 | 918.73 kB |
decent5000.wav | 10.14.08 | 84.84 kB |
Depature1.wav | 10.14.08 | 653.85 kB |
descent1.wav | 08.13.08 | 118.42 kB |
descent2.wav | 08.13.08 | 138.22 kB |
descent4000.wav | 10.14.08 | 548.96 kB |
Descent6700.wav | 10.14.08 | 488.73 kB |
descentcomplete.wav | 08.13.08 | 63.53 kB |
descentFl14.wav | 10.14.08 | 450.12 kB |
disap.wav | 10.14.08 | 587.11 kB |
disthr.wav | 08.13.08 | 59.65 kB |
dodve.wav | 08.13.08 | 169.04 kB |
flaps1.wav | 08.13.08 | 39.96 kB |
flaps20.wav | 10.14.08 | 40.57 kB |
flaps30.wav | 08.13.08 | 43.94 kB |
flaps8.wav | 08.13.08 | 35.16 kB |
flapsup.wav | 08.13.08 | 38.15 kB |
gearsdown.wav | 10.14.08 | 515.33 kB |
gearup.wav | 08.13.08 | 59.29 kB |
land2.wav | 10.14.08 | 41.07 kB |
land3.wav | 10.14.08 | 40.57 kB |
land4.wav | 10.14.08 | 59.34 kB |
nexttaxiway.wav | 10.15.08 | 836.89 kB |
Retard.wav | 10.14.08 | 23.50 kB |
v1.wav | 08.13.08 | 44.90 kB |
v2.wav | 08.13.08 | 36.54 kB |
vr.wav | 08.13.08 | 35.21 kB |
welcome.wav | 10.15.08 | 825.56 kB |
FILE_ID.DIZ | 10.24.08 | 762 B |
DirectFly2 | 10.24.08 | 0 B |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Complementing Files & Dependencies
This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.
You may also need to download the following files:
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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