FSX Stellweg Airlines Canadair CL-604
Stellweg Airlines Canadair CL-604. This is the corporate aircraft of The DFW Group, operated by Stellweg Airlines. This is a complete aircraft, model included with the default panel and sound (Bombardier CRJ700). Model by Barry Blaisdell. Repaint by The DFW group / D. Stellweg.
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 2.9K
- Compatibility
- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- canadaircl-604stellwegairlines.zip
- File size
- 2.38 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 25 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
Stellweg Airlines Canadair CL-604. This is the corporate aircraft of The DFW Group, operated by Stellweg Airlines. This is a complete aircraft, model included with the default panel and sound (Bombardier CRJ700). Model by Barry Blaisdell. Repaint by The DFW group / D. Stellweg.
Stellweg Airlines Canadair CL-604 in flight.
Thank you for downloading this version of the Canadair / Bombardier Challenger CL-604.
It is the corporate aircraft of " The DFW group " , operated by " Stellweg Airlines ".
This is a complete aircraft , model included with default panel and sound ( Bombardier-CRJ700 ).
Standing on the apron , wave hello to the captain ( left side )and press Shift+E to open door and stairs.
Once cleared to start-up , extra bright navigation and anti-collisionlights go on ( Press L ).
Press CTRL+period ( dot ) for parking brakes-on and CTRL+E for engine spin-up and check the exhaustfumes !!.
Now rush-up the stairs and you're welcome aboard for an immediate departure !! ( Press SHIFT+E and press the dot ).
Doors are closed , brakes-off and you are all clear to taxi-out , have a nice flight !!.
Check the " www.FlightSim.com " library for Stellweg , for more aircraft of Stellweg Airlines.
Installation instructions are simple:
Unzip this downloaded file: "Canadair CL-604 Stellweg Airlines.zip" in ; let's choose C:\Temp and drag ( or copy ) the yellow folder called "Canadair CL-604 Stellweg Airlines" into:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Simobjects\Airplanes.
Drag ( or copy ) the contents of the yellow Effects folder ( fx_smoke_exhaust_TheDFWgroup.fx ) into here ; C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Effects. When finished , start-up the Flightsimulator and find this aircraft amongst the manufacturers ; " Canadair " , were an aircraft thumbnail picture is shown.
Credits to Mr.Barry Blaisdell and subsequent modifications by Danny Crance.
Stellweg Airlines Canadair CL-604 taking off.
The archive canadaircl-604stellwegairlines.zip has 42 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
PH-STZ 4.jpg | 01.02.11 | 112.37 kB |
Please read me first.txt | 01.03.11 | 1.79 kB |
Thumbnail.jpg | 01.02.11 | 117.57 kB |
604_9.air | 08.09.09 | 9.14 kB |
Aircraft.cfg | 01.02.11 | 17.15 kB |
BombardierCRJ700_check.htm | 07.28.06 | 53.98 kB |
BombardierCRJ700_ref.htm | 06.25.06 | 11.38 kB |
model | 01.02.11 | 0 B |
cl604_x14nt.mdl | 08.09.09 | 1.62 MB |
model.cfg | 08.09.09 | 28 B |
panel | 01.02.11 | 0 B |
panel.cfg | 01.02.11 | 40 B |
sound | 01.02.11 | 0 B |
sound.cfg | 01.02.11 | 42 B |
soundai | 01.02.11 | 0 B |
soundai.cfg | 01.02.11 | 44 B |
texture.stz | 01.03.11 | 0 B |
chrome.bmp | 11.10.09 | 64.07 kB |
CL604_Backwall.bmp | 11.10.09 | 512.07 kB |
CL604_cabin.bmp | 11.10.09 | 512.07 kB |
CL604_Elevator.bmp | 08.09.09 | 256.07 kB |
CL604_fuse.bmp | 01.03.11 | 1.00 MB |
CL604_Interiors.bmp | 11.10.09 | 512.07 kB |
CL604_VC.bmp | 11.15.09 | 512.07 kB |
CL604_Wings.bmp | 01.02.11 | 1.00 MB |
CL604_yoke.bmp | 11.15.09 | 257.07 kB |
lights.bmp | 11.10.09 | 32.07 kB |
lights_L.bmp | 11.10.09 | 65.05 kB |
Panel_vc.bmp | 11.15.09 | 512.07 kB |
pilots.bmp | 11.10.09 | 257.05 kB |
pilots_L.bmp | 11.10.09 | 257.05 kB |
roue2.bmp | 11.10.09 | 65.05 kB |
tailcones.bmp | 11.10.09 | 64.07 kB |
Thumbnail.jpg | 01.02.11 | 162.38 kB |
VCpanelL.bmp | 11.15.09 | 512.07 kB |
VCpanelR.bmp | 11.15.09 | 512.07 kB |
fx_smoke_exhaust_TheDFWgroup.fx | 12.31.10 | 5.79 kB |
PH-STZ 1.jpg | 01.02.11 | 120.73 kB |
PH-STZ 2.jpg | 01.02.11 | 148.27 kB |
PH-STZ 3.jpg | 01.02.11 | 67.15 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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