FSX Liverpool (John Lennon) Airport Scenery
Liverpool (John Lennon) Airport (EGGP), UK. Designed to blend with Horizon GenX Photo Scenery and Mesh. Aditional files from Rwy12 and UK VFR add-ons requires to display as included pictures. By Tony Meredith.
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- eggp1_li.zip
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Liverpool (John Lennon) Airport (EGGP), UK. Designed to blend with Horizon GenX Photo Scenery and Mesh. Aditional files from Rwy12 and UK VFR add-ons requires to display as included pictures. By Tony Meredith.
Liverpool (John Lennon) Airport Scenery.
The following information is an extract from Mike Royden's Local History of Liverpool and its Hinterland.
My thanks to Mr Royden for allowing it's reproduction here.
"History of Liverpool Airport Chronology of Key Events before its opening."
Nov 1917
Cunard Steamship Co. given contract to build 500 Bristol F.2B Fighters at Aintree (later the site of Courtaulds). Test flown on the racecourse.
Factory taken over by the government – became National Aircraft Factory No.3. Only 126 aircraft delivered before production ceased in March 1919.
Northern Airlines at Aintree operate a daily mail service to Belfast (de Havilland 50s). Passengers also carried for £3.
Liverpool Organisation (partly financed by Liverpool City Council) lobby for a municipal aerodrome. Air Ministry also advise and put pressure on local authorities to develop plans.
April 1928
Liverpool and District Aero Club formed. However, still no suitable site so Hooton Airfield was used (another racecourse used as an airstrip during WWI).
1 Aug 1928
Liverpool City Council purchase Speke Estate – 2,200 acres from executors of its former owner Miss Adelaide Watt (of Speke Hall) for housing, industrial estates and a municipal aerodrome. In Feb 1929 Government sanction a loan of £162,150 to purchase 1,726 acres of land. Balance of the area bought in 1933.
Sept 1928
Liverpool Organisation operate a mail/passenger service, Liverpool – Belfast. Flying Boat (Short Calcutta) of Imperial Airways used on the Mersey. Liverpool Maritime Aerodrome was operated by the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board between Rock Ferry Pier and Garston Docks. Only ran from Sep 22 to Oct 4.
Town Council proposed 5 sites:
2 sites within site of the now Old Airport
1 site within the present airport site
1 site straddled the now Woodend Avenue area
1 site within Walton Hall Park
March 1930
Construction began on the chosen site at the ‘Northern Airfield’
16 June 1930
Licence granted for a private use aerodrome. Armstrong Whitworth Argosy airliner of Imperial Airways arrives that day – begins a service from Croydon to Speke via Birmingham and Manchester. Ran successfully until September. No further regular services until -
1 July 1933
Official opening of Liverpool Airport."
These files are specifically for FSX using Horizon GenX Photo scenery and included mesh. They have not been tested using default mesh or any other mesh. They may look OK and work OK with other scenery packages and mesh, if they do fine, if not, sorry, I am not going to customise further.
Required Scenery:
Horizon GenX Photo scenery volumes 3 together with GenX Mesh.
These files may also work with VFR Real Scenery; however, this has not been tested and may give odd results. It will not function with FS9.
Recommended complementary scenery, (download separately): -
In order to use the included "scenery" .bgl(s) you should have installed: -
Scenery/Object Files from the Runway12 library and the UK add-on scenery library.
Detailed file listing at end of this document.
Use of this software is entirely at your own risk. If you do not accept responsibility for any and all damage that may result from installing this software then you must not install it. Installation is an acceptance of these conditions and you become responsible for any and all risks involved.
Expand into a temporary directory then move files into your ?:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Filight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\Liverpool EGGP\Scenery folder (You will need to create the last two folders).
To remove this scenery just delete the files as listed. DO NOT delete the Scenery directory as this is integral to the working of Flight simulator X.
What’s in this file:
The following files are included: -
1. Liverpool EGGP.bgl - the AFD airfield file
2. cvxLiverpool.bgl - the 'Flatten' file
3. LPDefaultscenery.bgl - Main Terminal buildings
4. Liverpoolscenery.bgl – Static Objects plus buildings on GA Apron
5. LiverpoolIndustrial.bgl - Buildings on Industrial site beside airport
6. PDF Readme file
7. File_ID.diz
8. This Read Me file.
Version History:
Version 1.0 - Release version
Version 1.1 - Updated AFD Runway file to correct error on Taxiway 'A' causing aircraft to use Runway as taxiway.
*** SCENERY FILE - Liverpoolscenery.bgl***
File: D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\Liverpool\Scenery\Liverpoolscenery.bgl
Number of objects: 125
Number of POIs: 0
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\add_dwag_hangers.BGL
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\add_dwag_signs.BGL
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\JonPatch_objects_2.bgl
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\add_Todd_Lucas_Objects.BGL
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\ExtraObjects.BGL
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\gw_people.BGL
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\JonPatch_objects_1.bgl
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\TedLib1952005.BGL
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\Objects01_lib.bgl
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\MaintenancePlatforms.BGL
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\add_SeevKahn.BGL
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\add_dwag_hangers.BGL:
VEH_Land_car_compact2_red {7aa101c5-ab81-4af4-ba18-2a0d3af0d067} (FSX only!)
VEH_Land_car_compact1_white {828f01a8-12c1-413c-b5c3-7f548a572444} (FSX only!)
VEH_Land_car_minivan2_grey {ce747780-2727-4575-a971-41464fdd3956} (FSX only!)
VEH_Land_car_minivan1_white {8141627b-55f3-4019-8190-93c3bf2d56a6} (FSX only!)
VEH_Land_Car_Mini2_Red {532a5dcb-cc45-4f3d-8312-04b9fea0c7a8} (FSX only!)
VEH_Land_car_midsize1_white {faca490a-e9ad-4fdc-b3cd-4a8101c35e14} (FSX only!)
VEH_Land_car_midsize1_red {d8fe79f4-2e84-4410-aa20-d42726bf148a} (FSX only!)
VEH_Land_Car_Mini2_White {c60cd512-55c7-4dff-95b3-a10451b85e31} (FSX only!)
VEH_Land_car_suv3_red {d3f004df-ca5b-45f8-84b4-f7f38190c2d8} (FSX only!)
VEH_Land_car_suv4_red {b432902b-905b-4c3c-b3a6-a22fc71e79f0} (FSX only!)
VEH_Land_car_suv4_blue {83f81d64-d15b-42cf-928b-9de2463350f0} (FSX only!)
VEH_land_DeliveryVan {aac9cee6-3584-41ed-856f-bfcf15ff4fb3} (FSX only!)
VEH_Land_car_van1_red {8e0875dd-a473-44e8-a2fe-0f0957b60335} (FSX only!)
{75e1bf31-b0d8-460c-bf88-a66d609463cd} (FSX only!)
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\Objects01_lib.bgl:
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\MaintenancePlatforms.BGL:
GEN_equip_cart {b6b21c30-14eb-42f2-8b58-f5741f94ffb2} (FSX only!)
GEN_equip_cabinet04 {adb65013-cc78-43a9-bcf2-b65f2c28ea2c} (FSX only!)
GEN_equip_welder {23df2bf3-6dbd-4ebb-a86f-8b80511d3641} (FSX only!)
GEN_equip_toolbox_red_med {c0422da9-f78b-4d88-94e1-99f6574fd9fa} (FSX only!)
GEN_equip_ladder_06foot_03 {aa545cf7-ba49-4d82-9f03-fc9b884e6c1b} (FSX only!)
GEN_equip_enginehoist {eb6481e7-b2e0-4fe3-9ede-cef2eb36c3db} (FSX only!)
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\JonPatch_objects_1.bgl:
agn_industcompbuildingsl_5 {f4ee5a53-1deb-44f5-bd55-bd6bda5d7db2} (FSX only!)
ag_uswarehouse04 {722c1483-7caa-4997-822c-b7f817f326d4} (FSX only!)
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\gw_people.BGL:
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\JonPatch_objects_2.bgl:
gen_outbuildingsmall02 {a4010d65-8726-42ce-aa54-336f03e7382a} (FSX only!)
gen_condo5b {aa335b97-40e3-4ee3-94c5-25505906805b} (FSX only!)
Large_Fuel_Tank {f51fb5e4-b23b-4a8e-a515-4c92176cc179}
large_tower3 {4a841b6d-4e56-412c-8b70-aa4867c72c21}
SCO_gen_VORsmallDME {047814f7-e832-45fc-b5a0-4f047f8234b0}
AIR_Fire_Station_Large {f4442333-bbe4-4156-95bf-2b25123afe97} (FSX only!)
medium_tower2 {604b317e-3938-4a34-b50a-dc16324baf0f}
GEN_Plane_B737_GraveYard {6c6aa7c1-9d29-4d62-816d-e565e296dfa6} (FSX only!)
GEN_Plane_C185_Wheeled {55a8d2df-ad0b-4e74-b27e-51f038f631dc} (FSX only!)
GEN_Plane_SuperCub {1e9a4cfa-6dec-4357-8e73-1a4e4c67e782} (FSX only!)
GEN_Plane_SuperCub_Bush {226eebe3-82e8-4fe8-adb9-1d4bd9f54793} (FSX only!)
GEN_Plane_C185_repair {69ae9723-20c4-4ddc-aab6-e7f061208b7d} (FSX only!)
GEN_Plane_DC3 {6aeb375e-3a36-40bc-ae17-82b4e81d5f45} (FSX only!)
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\add_SeevKahn.BGL:
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\TedLib1952005.BGL:
VEH_Air_FireTruck_Euro {130cc312-b712-4335-85a6-e0cb5a5274e1} (FSX only!)
VEH_Air_FireTruck_US_Red {dbf53c30-d46c-43b6-b0ef-388c4ac9af79} (FSX only!)
VEH_air_fueltruck {c545a2a3-e2ec-11d2-9c84-00105a0ce62a}
veh11 {75ca524e-fd7e-46b3-9365-f2fcafcb3634}
veh09 {d5560d11-4294-4fe7-a162-c033e5047a88}
VEH_air_plow {c545a2a1-e2ec-11d2-9c84-00105a0ce62a}
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\ExtraObjects.BGL:
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\add_dwag_signs.BGL:
Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library\scenery\add_Todd_Lucas_Objects.BGL:
gen_electricbox02 {1afcced3-a082-423d-9bb6-1300f0396552} (FSX only!)
File: D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\Liverpool\Scenery\LiverpoolIndustrial.bgl
Number of objects: 27
Number of POIs: 0
ag_uswarehouse03 {c5193ec1-dff6-435f-86ed-25b3f6e3e9f2} (FSX only!)
ag_uswarehouse02 {3151fd7c-ddaa-4b2e-808f-1aed883e47d5} (FSX only!)
ag_uswarehouse04 {722c1483-7caa-4997-822c-b7f817f326d4} (FSX only!)
ag_uswarehouse08 {61e33e19-8732-46e6-a025-1062a4280dc0} (FSX only!)
ag_warehouse {f131f3d9-5f94-4606-82ed-9e61b7d10e16}
ag_uswarehouse05 {dcfaa06f-1588-4e00-9380-9e1aad009eec} (FSX only!)
ag_usfactory02 {b9dc3ae1-5c5f-4149-95d8-2b101aacce2c} (FSX only!)
ag_uswarehouse01 {92e6598a-77aa-4e62-ac97-b60b493a8962} (FSX only!)
The archive eggp1_li.zip has 10 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
cvxLIVERPOOL.BGL | 10.08.07 | 2.22 kB |
EGGP Liverpool.pdf | 10.20.07 | 541.28 kB |
File_ID.DIZ | 10.09.07 | 210 B |
LiverpoolIndustrial.bgl | 10.09.07 | 1.36 kB |
Liverpoolscenery.bgl | 10.09.07 | 6.89 kB |
LPdefaultscenery.BGL | 10.09.07 | 540 B |
ReadmeFirst.txt | 10.20.07 | 13.03 kB |
Liverpool EGGP.bgl | 10.20.07 | 19.91 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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