FSX Caribbean Airways Dash 8-Q311
Caribbean Airways DeHavilland/Bombardier Dash 8-Q311, registration 9Y-WIL. A 50 seat twin turboprop regional airliner. FSDS design with 2D panel, dynamic VC, custom sound, wing views, full moving parts, dynamic shine, operating airstair and cargo door, new FD, HTML check/reference lists and mo...
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 2.5K
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
- Filename
- dh83cax.zip
- File size
- 20.38 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 6 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
Caribbean Airways DeHavilland/Bombardier Dash 8-Q311, registration 9Y-WIL. A 50 seat twin turboprop regional airliner. FSDS design with 2D panel, dynamic VC, custom sound, wing views, full moving parts, dynamic shine, operating airstair and cargo door, new FD, HTML check/reference lists and more. Compatible with Acceleration/SP2. By Jean-Pierre Brisard, Barry Blaisdell, Bob May, Kevin Pardy - Premier Aircraft Design.
Screenshot of Caribbean Airways Dash 8-Q311 in flight.
DeHavilland Dash8-Q300 for FSX.
Design by Jean-Pierre Brisard.
Concept, Flight Model, Panel, HTML Check/Ref list by Barry Blaisdell.
Master textures & liveries by Bob May.
Special thanks to our good friend Kevin Pardy for braving the cold during the winter months up in Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada and taking the many photos we needed of the Dash8 flight deck and exteriors.
Extract ALL files into the FSX MAIN Folder using WINZIP or similar utility.
Make sure the " Use Folder Names " BOX is checked IN WINZIP. New folders will be created and all files installed.
Install Walk Thru Below...
1. Navigate to where you downloaded the zip file.
2. Double click with your mouse on the ZIP file.
3. WINZIP should open and show all the files inside the zip. (At this point you can double click on the help files, Read_me_First, and JPG's to view them).
4. Press CTRL A and this will select all the files.
5. Click on 'Extract' in the Main Tool Bar above. (Make sure the "Use folder names" box is checked).
6. Type in your path in the dialog box...Or Browse to your FSX main folder location.
7. Now Click on the 'Extract' Button in the upper right (If it askes to overwrite...Say YES to all).
* The speed hold botton on the AP is now enabled.... It is not perfect, but it does work...This is a beta version, so use it at your own risk.
* To raise your seat higher in VC (only) press SHIFT-ENTER.
* In the VC ... To move to the Jump Seat or First Officer position... Keep pressing CTRL-SHIFT ENTER, CTRL-SHIFT BACKSPACE will move viewpoint in opposite direction. The Spacebar will bring you back to the Default Eyepoint position.
* Read all about moving the EYEPOINT in the Keyboard Commands section of the KneePad. There is also a Quick Reference of EYEPOINT key commands at the bottom of the Reference List.
* Click the "Check" Simicon or press F10 to view the Kneepad, Check List & Reference List.
* Check out the graphic help in the REF List on the Kneepad.
* The running propellers display best in spot view when the prop pitch is reduced....Press Ctrl-F2 four times.
* The Prop Pitch levers are for Fuel Shutoff only....Use the Key Commands for Prop Pitch ( Ctrl-F2, Ctrl-F3 & Ctrl-F4 ). Read all about the Engine Key Commands...Press F10.
* Shift E operates the Airstair, Shift E +2 will operate the Cargo door.
* The RED Button on the left / right grips of the VC Yokes will open the ATC dialog box.
* Keep checking with www.premaircraft.com for updates and additional liveries.
Spec's from Jane's "All the Worlds Aircraft" Book.
Wingspan: 90 FT
Length : 85'-3"
Height : 24.7 FT
Weight : Empty 25,836 lbs / Maximum Take off 43,000 lbs
Speeds : Max Cruise 287 Kts TAS / Stall Speed with Flaps 72kts.
Power : Two 2,500 SHP P&W Canada PW123B Turboshaft Engines
Propellers: Hamilton Standard 14SF-23 four-blade, reversible pitch
Fuel : 840 US Gal
Range : 954 Nautical Miles
Max Rate of Climb: 1,600 FPM at SL.
Service Ceiling : 25,000 ft
Screenshot of Caribbean Airways Dash panel, with hotspots highlighted.
The archive dh83cax.zip has 167 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
airplanes | 11.07.08 | 0 B |
dh83cax | 11.07.08 | 0 B |
aircraft.cfg | 11.07.08 | 19.95 kB |
Dash-83_Caribbean.jpg | 11.07.08 | 35.54 kB |
DASH83_ref.htm | 09.21.05 | 14.88 kB |
DASH8_check.htm | 05.08.05 | 56.75 kB |
file_id.diz | 11.07.08 | 420 B |
model.300 | 11.07.08 | 0 B |
dhc8-300_X6-2.mdl | 11.18.07 | 1.88 MB |
Model.cfg | 10.01.08 | 32 B |
PAD_DHC8.air | 09.15.05 | 14.50 kB |
panel.300 | 11.07.08 | 0 B |
cad_kln901brored.gau | 07.19.02 | 144.00 kB |
cad_kln902brored.gau | 07.19.02 | 144.00 kB |
cad_kln90brored.gau | 07.18.02 | 144.00 kB |
D8QUAD.bmp | 09.30.03 | 384.05 kB |
DASH-83.dll | 07.20.07 | 2.20 MB |
Dash-8_radio1.dll | 07.20.07 | 456.00 kB |
Dash-8_radio2.dll | 07.20.07 | 456.00 kB |
DASH_83.dll | 07.20.07 | 2.47 MB |
Davtron_.gau | 05.05.05 | 104.00 kB |
DHC83pnl.bmp | 10.04.08 | 2.25 MB |
dhc8_eng.CAB | 04.18.07 | 44.05 kB |
dhc8_inst.CAB | 04.18.07 | 860.29 kB |
ENGPANEL.bmp | 03.17.07 | 571.55 kB |
gau_frame.bmp | 09.22.05 | 75.05 kB |
gau_frame1.bmp | 09.22.05 | 75.05 kB |
overhead.bmp | 09.24.05 | 769.05 kB |
Panel.cfg | 07.25.07 | 24.66 kB |
PFDframe.bmp | 04.12.05 | 141.55 kB |
RCB_Groundhandling5.CAB | 10.20.06 | 26.63 kB |
RCB_Groundhandling5_Sound.dll | 10.19.06 | 96.80 kB |
RKG_fuelstat.gau | 07.10.02 | 601.50 kB |
XGPS_500.CAB | 07.20.07 | 150.56 kB |
Panel_Docs | 11.07.08 | 0 B |
2D.jpg | 09.24.05 | 107.13 kB |
DavtronM803.doc | 08.26.02 | 57.00 kB |
dhc8_VC.jpg | 09.24.05 | 88.61 kB |
Gauge Credits.txt | 09.22.05 | 2.76 kB |
HELP.jpg | 05.09.05 | 168.80 kB |
HOTSPOTS.jpg | 09.21.05 | 189.64 kB |
ILH_TCAS_doc | 11.07.08 | 0 B |
pics | 11.07.08 | 0 B |
ivsi-click-spots.gif | 03.21.04 | 6.94 kB |
sample-abs.gif | 03.21.04 | 5.95 kB |
sample-multi.gif | 03.21.04 | 6.28 kB |
sample-offscreen-12.gif | 03.21.04 | 5.85 kB |
sample-offscreen-6.gif | 03.21.04 | 5.49 kB |
sample-other.gif | 03.21.04 | 5.74 kB |
sample-pa.gif | 03.21.04 | 5.59 kB |
sample-ra.gif | 03.21.04 | 7.50 kB |
sample-rel.gif | 03.21.04 | 5.58 kB |
sample-ta.gif | 03.21.04 | 5.56 kB |
tcas-flagged.gif | 03.21.04 | 4.99 kB |
tcas-off.gif | 03.21.04 | 4.97 kB |
test-fail-fsuipc.gif | 03.21.04 | 5.38 kB |
test-fail-logic.gif | 03.21.04 | 5.63 kB |
test-fail-trafficinfo.gif | 03.21.04 | 5.55 kB |
test-succeed.gif | 04.30.04 | 6.52 kB |
xpdr-click-spots.gif | 05.23.04 | 13.97 kB |
xpdr.gif | 03.21.04 | 13.24 kB |
README.htm | 05.24.04 | 43.32 kB |
img0.gif | 09.20.05 | 28.55 kB |
img1.gif | 09.20.05 | 42.63 kB |
img2.gif | 09.21.05 | 55.20 kB |
POPUPS.jpg | 05.15.05 | 187.00 kB |
RKG_Fuelstat_readme.txt | 08.01.02 | 13.27 kB |
ReadMe_First.txt | 11.07.08 | 4.61 kB |
sound | 11.07.08 | 0 B |
d8bn1strt.WAV | 03.20.01 | 853.50 kB |
d8bn2strt.WAV | 03.20.01 | 187.94 kB |
d8n1shut.wav | 04.22.05 | 344.61 kB |
d8n1strt.WAV | 03.20.01 | 853.50 kB |
d8n2shut.wav | 04.22.05 | 344.61 kB |
d8n2strt.WAV | 03.20.01 | 187.94 kB |
dh8apdis.wav | 05.15.00 | 101.67 kB |
dh8flaps.wav | 04.17.01 | 200.93 kB |
dh8fltn11.wav | 12.28.01 | 120.06 kB |
dh8fltn12.wav | 12.28.01 | 119.90 kB |
dh8fltn13.wav | 12.29.01 | 103.94 kB |
dh8fltn14.wav | 12.29.01 | 117.94 kB |
dh8fltn21.wav | 04.17.01 | 332.85 kB |
dh8fltn22.wav | 04.17.01 | 443.63 kB |
dh8fltn23.wav | 04.17.01 | 434.87 kB |
dh8fltn24.wav | 04.17.01 | 450.04 kB |
dh8geardn.wav | 04.17.01 | 736.94 kB |
dh8gearup.wav | 04.17.01 | 960.20 kB |
dh8overspeed.wav | 02.20.03 | 22.23 kB |
dh8stall.wav | 04.17.01 | 105.28 kB |
dh8wind.wav | 06.18.00 | 516.98 kB |
dh8_gyro.wav | 08.14.01 | 2.86 MB |
door_large_close.wav | 04.09.03 | 131.81 kB |
door_large_open.wav | 04.09.03 | 116.30 kB |
kap1a.wav | 04.17.01 | 60.75 kB |
kap1b.wav | 04.17.01 | 62.75 kB |
kap1c.wav | 04.17.01 | 34.75 kB |
kap1d.wav | 04.17.01 | 34.75 kB |
kap2a.wav | 04.17.01 | 68.25 kB |
kap2b.wav | 04.17.01 | 73.25 kB |
kapr.wav | 04.17.01 | 37.31 kB |
kbp1a.wav | 04.17.01 | 65.25 kB |
kbp1b.wav | 04.17.01 | 60.75 kB |
kbp1c.wav | 04.17.01 | 32.75 kB |
kbp1d.wav | 04.17.01 | 32.75 kB |
kbp2a.wav | 04.17.01 | 65.25 kB |
kbp2b.wav | 04.17.01 | 73.75 kB |
kbpr.wav | 04.17.01 | 24.31 kB |
SOUND.CFG | 09.20.05 | 20.58 kB |
xd8bn1strt.WAV | 05.01.02 | 215.25 kB |
xd8bn2strt.WAV | 06.16.00 | 65.17 kB |
xd8n1shut.wav | 04.22.05 | 344.61 kB |
xd8n1strt.WAV | 05.01.02 | 215.25 kB |
xd8n2shut.wav | 04.22.05 | 344.61 kB |
xd8n2strt.WAV | 06.16.00 | 65.17 kB |
xdh8fltn11.wav | 02.02.01 | 340.25 kB |
xdh8fltn12.wav | 02.02.01 | 335.28 kB |
xdh8fltn13.wav | 02.02.01 | 495.51 kB |
xdh8fltn14.wav | 06.18.00 | 469.24 kB |
xdh8fltn21.wav | 02.02.01 | 335.29 kB |
xdh8fltn22.wav | 09.17.05 | 337.54 kB |
xdh8fltn23.wav | 09.17.05 | 337.54 kB |
xdh8fltn24.wav | 09.17.05 | 337.54 kB |
xkap1a.wav | 04.17.01 | 60.75 kB |
xkap1b.wav | 04.17.01 | 62.75 kB |
xkap1c.wav | 04.17.01 | 34.75 kB |
xkap1d.wav | 04.17.01 | 34.75 kB |
xkap2a.wav | 04.17.01 | 68.25 kB |
xkap2b.wav | 04.17.01 | 73.25 kB |
xkapr.wav | 04.17.01 | 37.31 kB |
xkbp1a.wav | 04.17.01 | 65.25 kB |
xkbp1b.wav | 04.17.01 | 60.75 kB |
xkbp1c.wav | 04.17.01 | 32.75 kB |
xkbp1d.wav | 04.17.01 | 32.75 kB |
xkbp2a.wav | 04.17.01 | 65.25 kB |
xkbp2b.wav | 04.17.01 | 73.75 kB |
xkbpr.wav | 04.17.01 | 35.81 kB |
texture.CA | 11.07.08 | 0 B |
cockpit.bmp | 09.11.08 | 512.07 kB |
cockpit_L.bmp | 04.17.05 | 1.00 MB |
dh8fus.bmp | 10.31.08 | 1.00 MB |
dh8fuslogo.bmp | 10.31.08 | 1.00 MB |
dh8fuslogo_L.bmp | 09.13.05 | 1.00 MB |
dh8fus_L.bmp | 09.13.05 | 1.00 MB |
dh8misc.bmp | 05.02.05 | 1.00 MB |
dh8misc_L.bmp | 04.30.05 | 1.00 MB |
dh8others.bmp | 04.25.05 | 512.07 kB |
dh8others_L.bmp | 03.14.05 | 1.00 MB |
engine.bmp | 10.31.08 | 1.00 MB |
enginelanding.bmp | 10.31.08 | 1.00 MB |
enginelanding_L.bmp | 09.13.05 | 1.00 MB |
engine_L.bmp | 04.26.05 | 1.00 MB |
glass.Bmp | 10.27.04 | 65.05 kB |
nosesplash.bmp | 06.15.05 | 1.00 MB |
nosesplash_L.bmp | 06.15.05 | 512.07 kB |
pilotdh8.bmp | 05.04.05 | 128.07 kB |
prop_TBX.bmp | 09.27.08 | 1.00 MB |
roue2.bmp | 07.19.04 | 64.07 kB |
stab.bmp | 10.31.08 | 1.00 MB |
thumbnail.jpg | 11.07.08 | 6.55 kB |
VCceiling.bmp | 09.11.08 | 128.07 kB |
VCpandh8_2.bmp | 10.01.08 | 512.07 kB |
VCpandh8_2_L.bmp | 05.05.05 | 1.00 MB |
wings.bmp | 10.31.08 | 1.00 MB |
simobjects | 08.31.08 | 0 B |
file_id.diz | 11.07.08 | 420 B |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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