The Aviograsf A340 features:
Overhead: Engines Fire control panel, Hydraulic system, Fuel system (with CG automatic control), Electrical system, Bleed Air Conditioning system (it is possible change the temperature in each aircraft zones) and cabin altitude control panel, Lights control panel, APU control panel, Adiru with alignment, APU fire control panel (only test), Flight control panel 1 & 2, GPWS, smoke control panel (only test).
Main Panel: Fully working (complete of no alignment flags) vectorial normal and popup ND, PFD, EWD, all the ECAM system pages reproduced in detail, Mag/true push button, standby instruments, digital clock, Normal landing gear lever, fully working FCU, ECP, Baro Reference Display Window, GPWS, Hot Brakes Fan PB
Pedestal: ECAM control unit, FMGC-MCDU, RMP1 & 2, Engines Masters, Engines Starter, Rudder trim, Parking brakes lever, flaps and spoilers levers, Transponder Panel.
MDCU: menu page (not all items), AC status page, Init A and B pages, Flight plans pages, Lateral and vertical revision pages (not all items), direct to page, data index page, position monitor page, Inertial Reference system monitor page (not all items), performance takeoff, climb, cruise, descent & approach pages, radio navigation.
External Model: Landing lights, strobe lights, navigation lights, logo light and wing lights, animated reverses, animated engine rotors, animated landing gear and wheels and 3D estruded wheels, rudder, animated spoilers, salats, flaps, ailerons, elevators, wingflex and a stunning 3D Virtual Cockpit.
Livery Packs: included are two livery packs containing liveries for: - Austrian Airlines, Air Canada, Air France, Cathay Pacific, Gulf Air, Iberia, Lan Chile, Lufthansa, Air Canada Star Alliance, Sabena, SAS, Singapore Airlines, Swiss, Turkish Airlines and Virgin. Due to graphics mistakes the liveries of TAP Portugal and Gulf Air are not included in the package.
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