FSX Weston-on-the-Green Scenery

PreviewScenery Weston-on-the-Green UK for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Horizon Gen-X VFR scenery Vol.2 only. Weston-on-the-Green in Oxfordshire is the home of the Royal Air Force Sport Parachute Association. Originally a military airfield with its origins in World War One, Weston has been the home o...

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Scenery Weston-on-the-Green UK for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Horizon Gen-X VFR scenery Vol.2 only. Weston-on-the-Green in Oxfordshire is the home of the Royal Air Force Sport Parachute Association. Originally a military airfield with its origins in World War One, Weston has been the home of RAF parachuting for almost half a century. This scenery includes autogen trees for the local area, moving road traffic and an AI jump aircraft. Some additional freeware scenery object library downloads are required for the scenery to function fully. By Trevor Clark.

Weston-on-the-Green Scenery.

Weston-on-the-Green Scenery.

The 2 extra files here will give the following enhancements:

More realistic levels of trees and vegetation around the airfield perimeter.

This file will give you additional vehicles, off airfield buildings and some animated eye-candy.

The scenery will function perfectly well without these files, but if you computer system will allow, they will add to the realism of the airfield.

Weston-on-the-Green Scenery.

Weston-on-the-Green Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive weston-on-the-greenfsx.zip has 58 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Weston-on-the-Green for FSX02.03.100 B
File ID.txt02.03.10576 B
Other freeware FSX Scenery Projects by Trevor Clark.doc02.01.10133.50 kB
Text only Weston instructions.txt02.03.109.38 kB
Thumbs.db02.03.107.50 kB
weston extras02.01.100 B
Weston Extras Read Me.txt02.01.10431 B
WOTGextradetails.bgl01.29.103.37 kB
WOTGextravegetation.bgl01.30.103.84 kB
weston on the green real life.jpg02.01.1031.74 kB
weston trees for GenX Vol2 area 202.01.100 B
010331330103032an.agn01.30.10468 B
010331330103033an.agn01.30.101.02 kB
010331330103121an.agn01.30.10116 B
010331330103122an.agn01.30.10804 B
010331330103123an.agn01.30.10260 B
010331330103132an.agn01.30.10428 B
010331330103201an.agn01.30.10132 B
010331330103203an.agn01.30.10384 B
010331330103210an.agn01.30.10628 B
010331330103211an.agn01.30.101.13 kB
010331330103212an.agn01.30.10744 B
010331330103213an.agn01.30.101.79 kB
010331330103221an.agn01.30.101.02 kB
010331330103223an.agn01.30.10612 B
010331330103230an.agn01.30.10948 B
010331330103231an.agn01.30.101.04 kB
010331330103232an.agn01.30.10352 B
010331330103233an.agn01.30.101.13 kB
010331330103300an.agn01.30.10960 B
010331330103301an.agn01.30.10776 B
010331330103302an.agn01.30.101.52 kB
010331330103303an.agn01.30.101.18 kB
010331330103310an.agn01.30.101.41 kB
010331330103312an.agn01.30.10872 B
010331330103313an.agn01.30.10620 B
010331330103320an.agn01.30.101.50 kB
010331330103321an.agn01.30.101.71 kB
010331330103322an.agn01.30.101.05 kB
010331330103323an.agn01.30.10784 B
010331330103330an.agn01.30.101.19 kB
010331330103331an.agn01.30.1096 B
010331330103332an.agn01.30.10332 B
Weston-on-the-Green02.01.100 B
scenery02.01.100 B
cvxB1A.BGL01.20.10244 B
cvxWESTON BLEND.BGL01.20.10364 B
cvxWOTG ROAD TRAFFIC.BGL01.31.101.21 kB
Traffic_X1WE_FSX.bgl02.01.101.29 kB
WOTGbuildings1.bgl02.01.105.81 kB
X1WE_ADEX_TJ.BGL02.01.106.04 kB
WOTG for FSX Instructions.doc02.03.10348.50 kB
WotG thumbnail.jpg02.01.1018.51 kB
WotG1.jpg02.01.10202.46 kB
WotG2.jpg02.01.10288.95 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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