FS2002 Yukon Floatplane Pilot Flights package for FS2002

PreviewAs a Cessna Caravan Amphibian pilot in Yukon, fly tourists and residents from 25+ lakes and rivers to destinations throughout this beautiful Territory, or fly by yourself to take in the sites. The lakes and rivers vary in size and shape. Some are easy to take-off from and land on, while others ar...

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As a Cessna Caravan Amphibian pilot in Yukon, fly tourists and residents from 25+ lakes and rivers to destinations throughout this beautiful Territory, or fly by yourself to take in the sites. The lakes and rivers vary in size and shape. Some are easy to take-off from and land on, while others are quite tricky. The terrain is as diverse from flatlands to snow-capped mountains. The weather is clear and sunny, but you can set it to whatever you like. Keep an eye out for those Northern Lights. Enjoy the Territory, and fly safe. Jeffrey Hendricks.

Images & Screenshots

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The archive YKfloat1.zip has 69 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
flights11.01.010 B
ykfloat11.01.010 B
desc.txt11.01.01559 B
Images11.01.010 B
YKfloat(6).jpg11.01.0140.76 kB
YKfloat(5).jpg11.01.0120.03 kB
YKfloat(1).jpg11.01.0127.83 kB
YKfloat(2).jpg11.01.0139.50 kB
YKfloat(3).jpg11.01.0135.36 kB
YKfloat(4).jpg11.01.0121.39 kB
Documents11.01.010 B
Readme.txt11.01.011.41 kB
Beaver Creek YK - water.WX11.01.01140 B
Beaver Creek YK - water.FLT11.01.017.54 kB
Braeburn YK - water.FLT11.01.017.53 kB
Braeburn YK - water.WX11.01.01140 B
Burwash YK - water.FLT11.01.017.52 kB
Burwash YK - water.WX11.01.01140 B
Dawson YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Carcross YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Carmacks YK - water.FLT11.01.017.53 kB
Carmacks YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Chapman Lake YK - water.FLT11.01.017.54 kB
Chapman Lake YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Dawson YK - water.FLT11.01.017.52 kB
Carcross YK - water.FLT11.01.017.53 kB
Pine Lake YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Macmillan Pass YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Mayo YK - water.FLT11.01.017.52 kB
Mayo YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
McQuesten YK - water.FLT11.01.017.53 kB
McQuesten YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Ogilvie River YK - water.FLT11.01.017.54 kB
Ogilvie River YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Old Crow YK - water.FLT11.01.017.53 kB
Old Crow YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Pelly Crossing YK - water.FLT11.01.017.54 kB
Pelly Crossing YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Pine Lake YK - water.FLT11.01.017.53 kB
Macmillan Pass YK - water.FLT11.01.017.54 kB
La Biche River YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Eagle Plains YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Faro YK - water.FLT11.01.017.52 kB
Faro YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Haines Junction YK - water.FLT11.01.017.54 kB
Haines Junction YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
La Biche River YK - water.FLT11.01.017.54 kB
Eagle Plains YK - water.FLT11.01.017.54 kB
Teslin YK - water.WX11.01.01140 B
Ross River YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Sheldon Lake YK - water.FLT11.01.017.55 kB
Sheldon Lake YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Silver City YK - water.FLT11.01.017.53 kB
Silver City YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Teslin YK - water.FLT11.01.017.52 kB
Ross River YK - water.FLT11.01.017.53 kB
Wolverine YK - water.WX11.01.01140 B
Watson Lake YK - water.WX11.01.01140 B
Whitehorse (north) YK - water.FLT11.01.017.55 kB
Whitehorse (north) YK - water.WX11.01.0196 B
Whitehorse YK - water.FLT11.01.017.54 kB
Whitehorse YK - water.WX11.01.01140 B
Wolverine YK - water.FLT11.01.017.53 kB
Watson Lake YK - water.FLT11.01.017.53 kB
FS200211.01.010 B
YKfloat1.gif11.01.018.94 kB
file_id.diz11.01.01636 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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