FS2004 NASA STA Boeing 737-400
NASA STA Boeing 737-400 fictional Shuttle Training Aircraft. Also includes ILS scenery for the Kennedy Space Center, Florida (FL). The aircraft is a repaint of the default B737-400. By Jacob Larsen.
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 352
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
- Filename
- jel73sta.zip
- File size
- 1.64 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 25 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
NASA STA Boeing 737-400 fictional Shuttle Training Aircraft. Also includes ILS scenery for the Kennedy Space Center, Florida (FL). The aircraft is a repaint of the default B737-400. By Jacob Larsen.
Screenshot of NASA pilots in the cockpit.
Fictional Boeing 737-400 NASA STA (Shuttle Training Aircraft) for training spaceshuttle-pilots.
Also included in this download: ILS-scenery for Kennedy Space Center.
This is a re-paint and re-configuration of the original Boeing 737-400 included in FS2004 (FS9)
This document will briefly explain how to install this addon.
(This is a stand-alone aircraft, located inside it's own folder. No files are added outside this 1 folder.)
Installation procedures:
1: Extract the archive to a temporary directory of your choice.
2: Just move or copy the unpacked aircraft into your 'Aircraft' directory (move the directory "JELAIR-name of downloaded aircraft" inside the 'Aircraft' directory, so it becomes a sub-directory to the 'Aircraft' directory). All added files have names that begin with "JELAIR" for easy detection and to avoid conflict with other addons.
If you're not sure what to do exactly, just take a look at the unpacked files and then at your main MSFS 'Aircraft' dir, and you should be able to sort it out quite easily.
An MSFS install-path might look something like this (win98):
C:\program files\FS9\Aircraft\JELAIR-NewSuperAddonAircraft\ (this last dir, is then where the aircraft.cfg file is located along with 4 sub-dir's (model, panel, sound, texture) and some other files).
Please let me apologize if my install-info gives the impression you need to be a rocket-scientist to install it, you don't. It's really quite simple, just drop the new folder in the right place, so to speak. No other actions are required.
Where to look for the aircraft in FS:
Aircraft = Boeing
Model = 737-400
Variation = NASA Shuttle Trainer
Current list of 'proposed handling' for various scenarios:
Approach speed: 270 kts ias.
Approach altitude: FL300
It's always LEFT turns about left HAC and RIGHT turns about right HAC (left/right as observed in the landing direction)
Descend speed: ~8,000-16,000 feet per minute.
Catch 15deg G/S at compass-bearing: 333
G/S speed: 300 kts ias (use brakes to maintain)
Preflare altitude: 1,750 feet.
Transition to 1.5deg G/S.
Gear down at 400 feet radar-altitude.
Touchdown at ~190 kts ias.
(peace of cake! :) ).
AUTOPILOT APPROACH (no auto-landing at this time):
Info: You must always be ready to transition to manual flight, as the AP is not fail-safe.
Info: Even slight weather-changes may hamper AP performance.
Flaps: 0/UP at all times.
Approach speed: 160 kts ias.
Approach altitude: 13,000 feet
You can either select gear down or leave them up at this time.
Catch 15deg G/S at compass-bearing: 333
G/S speed: 300 kts ias (use brakes to maintain)
Before preflare: disengage autopilot.
Preflare altitude: 1,750 feet.
Transition to 1.5deg G/S.
Gear down at 400 feet radar-altitude.
Touchdown at ~190 kts ias.
Screenshot of NASA STA Boeing 737-400.
The archive jel73sta.zip has 30 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
aircraft.cfg | 08.10.03 | 17.38 kB |
Boeing737-400.air | 07.11.03 | 8.54 kB |
JELAIR-b737_400-STA.jpg | 08.10.03 | 7.03 kB |
JELAIR-KSC-ILSscenery | 08.04.03 | 0 B |
JELAIRinfo.txt | 07.14.03 | 3.21 kB |
JELAIR-X68-ILS33(108-35X33J)15degBombdrop.BGL | 07.11.03 | 207 B |
JELAIR-X68-HAC33right-VOR(113-50HACR).BGL | 07.14.03 | 197 B |
JELAIR-X68-ILS33(108-10XFNL)1point5degFinal.BGL | 07.13.03 | 207 B |
JELAIR-X68-AimpointfromHAC33-ndb(888AIM33).BGL | 07.14.03 | 189 B |
JELAIR-X68-HAC33left-VOR(111-50HACL).BGL | 07.14.03 | 197 B |
JELAIR-X68-HAC33center-VOR(112-50HACC).BGL | 07.14.03 | 197 B |
JELAIR-b737_400-STA-pilots.jpg | 07.09.03 | 8.19 kB |
JELAIR info readme.txt | 08.10.03 | 3.55 kB |
texture | 08.04.03 | 0 B |
b737_400_T.bmp | 07.08.03 | 2.67 MB |
737_Panel_Decals_2.bmp | 10.28.02 | 42.74 kB |
737_Panel_Decals_2.psd | 10.28.02 | 242.31 kB |
737_Panel_Decals_3.bmp | 02.18.03 | 10.74 kB |
B737_400_C.bmp | 10.29.02 | 682.74 kB |
b737_400_L.bmp | 04.25.03 | 85.40 kB |
737_panel_decals.bmp | 11.21.02 | 170.74 kB |
sound | 08.04.03 | 0 B |
sound.cfg | 04.18.01 | 32 B |
panel | 08.04.03 | 0 B |
Panel.cfg | 07.08.03 | 30 B |
model | 08.04.03 | 0 B |
B737_400.mdl | 05.31.03 | 694.27 kB |
model.cfg | 04.18.01 | 27 B |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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