FS2004 British Airways Boeing 777-236 G-ZZZA

Preview British Airways Boeing 777-236, registration G-ZZZA. Named 'Sir Frank Whittle' in the old British Airways Landor livery. Updated version with improved tail and other minor features. This rendition of the B777 has been completely built from scratch in Gmax and features a 32-sided fuselage and e...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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2.82 MB
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British Airways Boeing 777-236, registration G-ZZZA. Named 'Sir Frank Whittle' in the old British Airways Landor livery. Updated version with improved tail and other minor features. This rendition of the B777 has been completely built from scratch in Gmax and features a 32-sided fuselage and engines, "maintenance mode" featuring opening engine cases, deployable Ram Air Turbine, opening gear bay doors on ground, opening captain's window, virtual cabin (Business Class), folding wings, reflective textures, flexing wings, dynamic wing views, animated reversers with animated fan air blocker doors, see through engines, animated landing gear with fully modeled struts and hydraulic pistons. Also featuring animated flexible gear hoses, animated flaps, slats, ailerons, elevators and spoilers with animated hydraulic pistons, advanced logic nose gear and main gear steering, animated primary and secondary rudder, dynamic shine and reflective surfaces, 3D APU, 3D gear, flap, slat bays, seamless wing root fairing, dimensioned to high accuracy, accurate flight dynamics, extremely detailed all round. Original model by Melvin Rafi (MelJet). Repaint By Lewis Lang.

Screenshot of British Airways Boeing 777-236 in flight.

Screenshot of British Airways Boeing 777-236 in flight.



  1. Just unzip this the ''British Airways Boeing 777-236'' folder to your fs2004 aircraft folder.
  2. In the aircraft menu the plane will appear under Meljet-Boeing 777-200ER-British Airways

British Airways logo and name were taken off a real B777 photo making the plane look more realistic.

That's it! HAPPY FLYING!

These textures are freeware.

Logo's are property of British Airways.

British Airways Boeing 777-236 taking off from runway.

British Airways Boeing 777-236 taking off from runway.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive ba7724.zip has 48 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
aircraft.cfg09.20.0314.78 kB
Boeing777-200-MR-MKIII.air01.04.038.65 kB
model09.20.030 B
Boeing777-200-MR-MKIII.mdl01.02.032.56 MB
Model.cfg11.09.0241 B
panel09.20.030 B
panel.cfg12.29.0232 B
sound09.20.030 B
Sound.cfg09.01.0232 B
texture09.20.030 B
777Cargohold_L.bmp12.30.02256.07 kB
777Cargohold_T.bmp12.30.02256.07 kB
777cockpitwindows.bmp12.29.02257.05 kB
777FuselagePort1_L.bmp12.30.021.00 MB
777FuselagePort1_T.bmp09.20.031.33 MB
777FuselageStar1_L.bmp12.30.021.00 MB
777FuselageStar1_T.bmp09.20.031.33 MB
777gear2_L.bmp12.30.0216.07 kB
777gear2_T.bmp01.12.031.33 MB
777interior1_L.bmp12.30.02256.07 kB
777interior1_T.bmp12.30.02256.07 kB
777interior2_L.bmp01.01.03256.07 kB
777interior2_T.bmp01.01.03256.07 kB
777interior3.bmp01.01.0365.05 kB
777interior4_L.bmp01.01.031.00 MB
777interior4_T.bmp01.01.031.00 MB
777LandingGear01.bmp12.30.02257.05 kB
777Tail_L.bmp12.30.021.00 MB
777Tail_T.bmp09.20.031.33 MB
777Wing1_L.bmp12.30.0216.07 kB
777Wing1_T.bmp12.30.021.00 MB
777Wing2_L.bmp12.30.0216.07 kB
777Wing2_T.bmp01.12.031.33 MB
Powerplant-PW4090-Exterior_L.bmp12.30.0216.07 kB
Powerplant-PW4090-Exterior_T.bmp01.12.031.33 MB
Powerplant-PW4090-Fan.bmp11.22.0165.05 kB
Powerplant-PW4090-FanShaft.bmp12.01.0265.05 kB
Powerplant-PW4090-FanShaftMotion.bmp11.30.0165.05 kB
Powerplant-PW4090-Interior_L.bmp12.30.0216.07 kB
Powerplant-PW4090-Interior_T.bmp12.30.021.00 MB
Thumbs.db09.20.0324.50 kB
README!!.txt09.20.031.45 kB
BRITISH1.JPG09.20.03109.85 kB
BRITISH2.JPG09.20.0370.41 kB
BRITISH3.JPG09.20.0391.19 kB
file_id.diz09.20.031.15 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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