X-Plane 11/10 Beech UC-43 Traveler

PreviewThis freeware aircraft add-on for X-Plane 10 recreates the classic Beech UC-43 Traveler, also known by its earlier civilian designation as the Model 17 Staggerwing. Designed for users seeking an authentic biplane experience, it delivers a faithful simulation of a refined 1930s airframe once admir...

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X-Plane 11 (XP11) & X-Plane 10 (XP10)
Beech UC-43 Traveler.zip
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3.17 MB
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This freeware aircraft add-on for X-Plane 10 recreates the classic Beech UC-43 Traveler, also known by its earlier civilian designation as the Model 17 Staggerwing. Designed for users seeking an authentic biplane experience, it delivers a faithful simulation of a refined 1930s airframe once admired for its speed and comfort. Developed by the original authors, this release showcases careful attention to realistic flight modeling and visual detail.

Historic Insights and Naval Adoption

The Traveler’s legacy stretches back to Walter Beech’s early design ventures, where the distinctive staggered wing configuration emerged as a significant innovation. In the late 1930s, this design piqued the interest of the US Navy, which procured a select batch under the GB-1 designation for high-ranking officer transport. When global conflict began in the early 1940s, more than 300 additional units—called GB-2s—entered service, including over a hundred examples shipped off to the Royal Navy. This broad operational history highlights the airframe’s durability and adaptability for both civilian and military tasks.

Technical Characteristics and Simulation Focus

In this X-Plane 10 release, the Beech UC-43 Traveler benefits from expertly configured aerodynamics that mirror its real-world flight envelope. Expect balanced handling during low-speed maneuvers, coupled with notable short-field performance—attributes that echo the original’s strong biplane lift and relatively short takeoff rolls. While the original variants were propelled by radial engines delivering ample horsepower, this simulated version captures the same torque effects and engine responsiveness typical of that era.

Cockpit Features and Visual Authenticity

The creators from the UC-43 project dedicated considerable effort to crafting a cabin layout that merges vintage instruments with user-friendly functionality. Rudder pedals, a yoke, and classic gauges have been harmonized with subtle ambient lighting, enabling safe navigation in diverse conditions. Externally, the curving cowl and staggered wings showcase meticulous 3D modeling. Reflections and texture lighting provide lifelike finishes, replicating the polished surfaces that often graced restored examples of this aircraft in the real world.

Images Showcasing the Aircraft

Beech UC-43 Traveler on a runway in X-Plane 10

This image reveals a close-up of the Traveler resting on the runway, illustrating its distinctive forward and aft wing configuration.

Beech UC-43 Traveler in flight above scenery

This flight screenshot highlights the biplane’s streamlined fuselage and the iconic staggered wings in cruising mode.

In-Game Functionality and Tips

Pilots using this freeware add-on can anticipate smooth performance in X-Plane 10 due to optimized texture loading and a flight model tuned for realistic lift. Because of its mid-range wing loading, the Traveler demands attentive speed management during approach and landing phases, especially in shorter strips. Additionally, the radial engine simulation often emphasizes torque-induced yaw, so maintaining proper rudder input is recommended during takeoff rolls.

Created by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts

Developed by the original authors with a passion for historical aviation, this UC-43 Traveler reflects the culmination of detail-oriented research and expert flight simulation craftsmanship. Their commitment to preserving aviation heritage is evident throughout every aspect of the model, from the period-correct cockpit instrumentation to the refined exterior finish.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4

The archive Beech UC-43 Traveler.zip has 17 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Beech UC-43 Traveler FrontFuse.bmp06.02.124.73 MB
Beech UC-43 Traveler FrontFuse.xcf06.02.121.13 MB
Beech UC-43 Traveler SideFuse.bmp06.02.124.86 MB
Beech UC-43 Traveler TopFuse.bmp06.02.122.15 MB
Beech UC-43 Traveler.acf06.03.122.46 MB
Beech UC-43 Traveler.bmp06.02.12994.68 kB
Beechcraft_UC-43 TopWings.bmp06.02.129.63 MB
Liveries06.02.120 B
Army06.02.120 B
Beech UC-43 Traveler_paint.png06.02.1252.07 kB
Beech UC-43 Traveler_paint2.png06.02.122.65 kB
RAF06.02.120 B
Beech UC-43 Traveler_paint.png06.02.1278.96 kB
Beech UC-43 Traveler_paint2.png06.02.127.70 kB
Weapons06.02.120 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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Robert BackWed, 07 Aug 2013 05:31:12 GMT

It is not working on XP 10.22.

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