FS2004 South African Express Canadair CRJ

Preview Textures to enble the commercial Wilco/FeelThere Canadair/Bombardier CRJ200 to be flown in the colors of South African Express, a regional airline. Elaborate easy-to-understand instructions are supplied on the installation of the full texture set and the adjustment of the aircraft.cfg file to ...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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Textures to enble the commercial Wilco/FeelThere Canadair/Bombardier CRJ200 to be flown in the colors of South African Express, a regional airline. Elaborate easy-to-understand instructions are supplied on the installation of the full texture set and the adjustment of the aircraft.cfg file to enable all the various interior variations to be enjoyed. The user must have the Wilco/FeelThere CRJ 200 in order to use these textures. By Louis Vosloo.

Screenshot of South African Express Canadair CRJ in flight.

Screenshot of South African Express Canadair CRJ in flight.

It is assumed that the user wishes to enjoy the full benefits of the WILCO/FeelThere CRJ 200 - that is all the cockpit and interior variations. It would have been easy to supply the full set of textures, but that amounts to well over 50 Mb, so in order to minimize internet download traffic, the five relevant texture files as well as the necessary portion of the aircraft cfg file is supplied. If the following instructions are followed, the manual installation will be easy, albeit a bit cumbersome.

  1. Extract the five textures, representing the South African Express CRJ to a temporary folder which you must name texture.sax . This folder, after extraction, will contain only the five texture files, in DXT3 format, which are relevant to the South African Express CRJ. Ensure that the name of the folder is exact, as it follows the individual aircraft texture folder naming convention for the WILCO/FeelThere CRJ 200. The folder must ONLY contain the five BMP texture files ' no subfolders!
  2. Go to your 'Aircraft/feelThere CRJ 200' folder and copy the contents of the 'texture' folder to the 'texture.sax' folder described in paragraph 1 above. When prompted to overwrite any file, click 'yes' What you are in effect doing, is adding all the other generic textures required to the folder. The overwriting eliminates the default 'Wilco' textures and replaces them with the South African Express textures.You will thus end up with the full set of textures required for the South African Express CRJ model.
  3. Copy this folder (texture.sax) to the 'Aircraft/feelThere CRJ 200' folder under the main FS9 (or Microsoft 2004) folder. You have now added the South African Express CRJ 200 to your other CRJ liveries.
  4. It is very important for FS 2004 to be able to 'see' this new addition. To do this you must add the relevant lines to your 'aircraft.cfg' file, found in the 'Aircraft/feelThere CRJ 200' folder. The 'aircraft.cfg' file is a text file, and when you double click on it you will see a plethora of lines, which might, or might not mean anything to you. However have a good look and you will see that there are batches of numbered entries ( such as [fltsim.3] for example) You will have to copy (cut and paste) the text relevant to the South African Express CRJ 200 as the next batch of entries, and you will also have to replace the '3', '4' and '5' in [fltsim.3] or whatever with appropriate numbers to follow the entries in your particular aircraft.cfg file. Remember: Do not add the text at the bottom of the aircraft.cfg file ' add it just after the last of the CRJ variations you have identified in the file. It will be useful to study the file, if only to get an idea of its composition before the cutting and pasting takes place (IMPORTANT: Back-up your original aircraft.cfg file just in case things do not work out first time!)
  5. The text is:

title=FeelThere - CRJ 200 - South African Express
description=FeelThere CRJ 200 Airframe: Feel Right There FDE.
ui_manufacturer=Wilco / feelThere - Bombardier
ui_type=CRJ 200
ui_variation=South African Express
performance=GE CF-34-3B1 Engines

title=FeelThere - CRJ 200 - South African Express - 2D cockpit only
description=FeelThere CRJ 200 Airframe: Feel Right There FDE.
ui_manufacturer=Wilco / feelThere - Bombardier
ui_type=CRJ 200 2D ONLY
ui_variation=South African Express
performance=GE CF-34-3B1 Engines

title=FeelThere - CRJ 200 - South African Express - VC cockpit only
description=FeelThere CRJ 200 Airframe: Feel Right There FDE.
ui_manufacturer=Wilco / feelThere - Bombardier
ui_type=CRJ 200 VC ONLY
ui_variation=South African Express
performance=GE CF-34-3B1 Engines

When your Flight Simulator 2004 is started, you should be able to see the South African Express CRJ 200 as one of the variations that may be selected.

This variation accurately represents a South African Express CRJ 200 as it appeared on 27 April 2004.

To those of you who are familiar with the above procedures, I apologies for the boredom. But the idea is to minimize e-mail requests for support as well as to provide a small enough file to download, eliminating the passing to and fro of generic textures which the user received as part of the original purchased package.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5

The archive sax_crj.zip has 14 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
ID.txt05.01.04477 B
NMI_b.gif05.01.0412.21 kB
NMI_d.jpg04.30.0456.83 kB
NMI_g.gif05.01.0413.56 kB
NMI_g.jpg04.30.0488.78 kB
NMI_k.jpg04.30.0478.75 kB
NMI_m.gif05.01.0414.24 kB
NMI_s.gif05.01.0414.06 kB
NMI_s.jpg04.30.0484.57 kB
NMI_u.jpg04.30.0448.61 kB
readme.txt05.01.046.35 kB
SAX.ZIP05.02.042.40 MB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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