FS2004 EVA Air Cargo Antonov AN-225

Preview Mriya ("Dream"). One of the world's largest and heaviest aircraft. Model by Thomas Ruth. Mods by Alexander Kvitta.

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2
Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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3.2 MB
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Mriya ("Dream"). One of the world's largest and heaviest aircraft. Model by Thomas Ruth. Mods by Alexander Kvitta.

Screenshot of EVA Air Cargo Antonov AN-225 on the ground.

Screenshot of EVA Air Cargo Antonov AN-225 on the ground.

  1. Create a new folder on your hard-disk (an225 for example)
  2. Unzip the contents of the an225.zip into this folder on your hard drive.
  3. Copy/paste the (an225) folder into your .../FS9/aircraft/subfolder.
  4. That's it.

This one comes with default 747 panel and 737 sound. I highly recommend to use an Antonov an124 panel like antonov-124.zip.

The aircraft has a maximum take off weight of 600 metrical tons. You cannot takeoff with full tanks AND full cargo load of 250 tons.
"Usual" animations: all control surfaces, gear, nose door loading, pax door...
"Unusual" animations (for which you have to assign keys to) are:
WINGFOLD: opens/closes all upper deck pax doors.
CONCORDE NOSE: opens/closes engine cowlings.
TAILHOOK: opens/closes lower right cargo deck door.
WATER RUDDER: opens/closes upper and cargo deck emergency exits.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive an225eva.zip has 64 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
An225-Eva05.15.040 B
An225-EVA-2.tif05.15.0456.04 kB
An225-EVA-1.jpg05.15.0463.63 kB
An225-EVA-1.tif05.15.0455.70 kB
An225-EVA-2.jpg05.15.0490.86 kB
an225 EVA AIR Cargo05.15.040 B
Aircraft.cfg05.15.0417.09 kB
an225.air08.22.037.86 kB
an225_notes.txt03.22.020 B
install.txt08.31.031.49 kB
copyright.txt08.02.03845 B
fs2002.txt08.31.03638 B
copy -Aircraft.cfg05.02.0417.13 kB
panel05.15.040 B
Thumbs.db12.10.0355.50 kB
panel.cfg08.01.0332 B
texture05.15.040 B
pilots_t.bmp07.18.0316.07 kB
cargodeck_t.bmp07.26.03256.07 kB
cowlinga_l.bmp08.18.03256.07 kB
cowlinga_t.bmp05.02.04256.07 kB
cowlingb_l.bmp08.18.03256.07 kB
cowlingb_t.bmp05.02.04256.07 kB
cowlingc_l.bmp08.18.03256.07 kB
cowlingc_t.bmp05.02.04256.07 kB
cowlingd_l.bmp08.18.03256.07 kB
cowlingd_t.bmp05.02.04256.07 kB
cowlinge_l.bmp08.18.03256.07 kB
cowlingf_l.bmp08.18.03256.07 kB
engine_l.bmp08.01.03256.07 kB
engine_t.bmp08.22.03256.07 kB
flightdeck_l.bmp07.27.03256.07 kB
flightdeck_t.bmp07.18.0364.07 kB
fuse225a_l.bmp08.18.031.00 MB
fuse225a_t.bmp05.09.041.00 MB
fuse225b_l.bmp08.18.031.00 MB
fuse225b_t.bmp05.02.041.00 MB
fuse225c_l.bmp08.18.031.00 MB
fuse225c_t.bmp05.13.041.00 MB
gear_l.bmp07.27.0364.07 kB
gear_t.bmp03.27.041.00 MB
geardoor_l.bmp07.27.034.07 kB
geardoor_t.bmp07.06.034.07 kB
paxdeck_l.bmp07.27.03256.07 kB
paxdeck_t.bmp07.24.0364.07 kB
pilots_l.bmp07.27.0316.07 kB
cargodeck_l.bmp07.27.03256.07 kB
tail225_l.bmp08.18.031.00 MB
tail225_t.bmp04.24.041.00 MB
wingl_l.bmp08.18.031.00 MB
wingr_l.bmp08.18.031.00 MB
Thumbs.db03.27.0413.00 kB
wingr_t.bmp08.22.031.00 MB
wingl_t.bmp08.22.031.00 MB
cowlinge_t.bmp05.02.04256.07 kB
cowlingf_t.bmp05.02.04256.07 kB
sound05.15.040 B
Sound.cfg12.02.0032 B
model05.15.040 B
Model.cfg08.08.0323 B
beta11.mdl08.25.032.10 MB
Thumbs.db05.15.0417.50 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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