FSX Blue And White Cessna 414A Chancellor

PreviewThis carefully crafted repaint brings a distinctive blue and white fuselage finish to the Premier Aircraft Design (P.A.D.) Cessna 414A Chancellor in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Tom Tiedman has provided this special livery, which highlights the sleek appearance of the pressurized twin. You will ...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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This carefully crafted repaint brings a distinctive blue and white fuselage finish to the Premier Aircraft Design (P.A.D.) Cessna 414A Chancellor in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Tom Tiedman has provided this special livery, which highlights the sleek appearance of the pressurized twin. You will need the freeware base model by P.A.D., available in the Fly Away Simulation library, installed beforehand to make use of these textures. This repaint offers a compelling visual upgrade for virtual aviators who appreciate general aviation aircraft with turbocharged performance.

Visual Refinements and Model Details

The Cessna 414A Chancellor, developed to carry between six and eight occupants, features pressurized cabins and twin turbocharged engines—these design elements grant comfortable high-altitude operation and efficient cruise capabilities. This blue and white repaint emphasizes the Chancellor’s classic lines, showcasing subtle shading and refined textures for the engine nacelles, fuselage, and tail. Expect a polished look that effectively balances realism and style, enhancing your in-sim flying experience without altering the aircraft’s core flight characteristics.

Screenshot of Blue And White Cessna 414A Chancellor.

Screenshot of this updated Cessna 414A Chancellor livery showcasing the refined exterior.

Repaint Contributors and Acknowledgments

The talented P.A.D. team originally developed the freeware model upon which this repaint is based, ensuring that flight decks, animations, and geometry are all meticulously represented. This texture set itself comes courtesy of Tom Tiedman. His attention to detail includes precise alignment of striping along the fuselage and unique registry markings that reflect the real-world aircraft inspiration.

Essential Installation Instructions

Adding this repaint to your aircraft selection is straightforward, requiring only a couple of steps:

  1. Place the included "Texture.Blue N749W" folder into your existing P.A.D. Cessna 414A directory.
  2. Open the "aircraft.cfg" file located in the same folder and insert the following code block, adjusting the X in [fltsim.X] to the next available entry number among your paints:

title=Cessna 414A Blue N749W
texture=Blue N749W
ui_type=414A Chancellor
ui_variation=Blue N749W
description=Aircraft by the P.A.D. team. Blue N749W repaint by Tom Tiedman. The Cessna 414A Chancellor is a 6/8 place pressurized twin with turbocharged engines. A typical cruise speed is 170 Kts (indicated airspeed) at 24,000 ft. (approx 270 mph ground speed)

Additional Performance Notes

The Chancellor’s pressurization system ensures comfortable flight up to higher altitudes—often around 24,000 feet—while turbocharged drives enable good climb rates under varying atmospherics. The indicated cruise speed near 170 knots provides a mix of efficiency and range for recreational flying, private transportation, or multi-leg cross-country routes. This repaint will let you immerse yourself in that general aviation atmosphere with a fresh, eye-catching exterior scheme.

Mod Requirements

Please remember that these textures only work with the freeware Premier Aircraft Design Cessna 414A model. Visit the Fly Away Simulation library to obtain the base aircraft if needed. Once that is installed, follow the steps above, and you will swiftly enjoy your new livery within your hangar.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive fsx_cessna_414a_blue_white_n749w_repaint.zip has 27 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
file_id.diz05.31.12217 B
READ ME and INSTALLATION.txt05.31.121.21 kB
screenshot 2.jpg05.28.12168.49 kB
screenshot.jpg05.28.12120.93 kB
Texture.Blue N749W05.31.120 B
c414_cockpit.bmp05.26.12512.07 kB
C414_Engines.bmp05.29.124.00 MB
C414_fuse.bmp05.29.124.00 MB
C414_Interiors.bmp05.28.124.00 MB
c414_wings.bmp05.30.124.00 MB
chrome.bmp05.25.1264.07 kB
Elevator.bmp05.29.121.00 MB
lights.bmp05.25.1232.07 kB
lights_L.bmp05.25.1265.05 kB
misc.bmp05.25.12512.07 kB
paneldbleVC.bmp05.25.12512.07 kB
pilote.bmp05.25.128.07 kB
prop2_TBX.bmp05.25.121.00 MB
roue2.bmp05.25.1265.07 kB
screenshot 2.jpg05.28.12168.49 kB
screenshot.jpg05.28.12120.93 kB
Seats.bmp05.25.12128.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg05.28.1289.02 kB
Yoke.bmp05.25.12512.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg05.28.1289.02 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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