FSX Kamov Ka-50 Hokum Updated Package
Update of the Pierre Marchadier and Francois Reitz Kamov Ka50 Hokum Package by replacing the 2D panel's non FSX-compatible gauges with Vladimir Zhyhulskiy's Antonov An-12BK Soviet/Russian metric gauges and the CPB767 Eicas1. Also replaces the stock sound with Sergio Kauffman's Kamov Ka-50 Hoku...
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 5.6K
- Compatibility
- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- fsx_kamov_ka-50_hokum.zip
- File size
- 39.17 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 24 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
Update of the Pierre Marchadier and Francois Reitz Kamov Ka50 Hokum Package by replacing the 2D panel's non FSX-compatible gauges with Vladimir Zhyhulskiy's Antonov An-12BK Soviet/Russian metric gauges and the CPB767 Eicas1. Also replaces the stock sound with Sergio Kauffman's Kamov Ka-50 Hokum sound package. No VC panel. By Michael E. Roberts.
Screenshot of Kamov Ka-50 Hokum in flight.
Unzip the zip file. Place aircraft, gauges, effects in the main FS directory.
Gauges: Various freeware authors. Many thanks to them. If somebody recognize his work and wants to update this readme file, please let us know, we will be pleased to give you credits back. We really appreciate your cooperation.
The archive fsx_kamov_ka-50_hokum.zip has 218 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
Kamov Ka-50 Hokum | 09.23.12 | 0 B |
Aircraft.cfg | 09.23.12 | 9.88 kB |
eula.txt | 09.22.12 | 1.88 kB |
FSX Kamov Ka-50 Hokum.jpg | 09.23.12 | 196.62 kB |
Kamov Ka-50 Panel.jpg | 09.23.12 | 256.97 kB |
Kamov50.air | 09.22.12 | 6.97 kB |
model | 09.23.12 | 0 B |
hokum.mdl | 09.22.12 | 2.37 MB |
model.cfg | 09.22.12 | 26 B |
panel.2d | 09.23.12 | 0 B |
00.Mig29.ADI.a.gau | 09.22.12 | 381.50 kB |
00.Mig29i.hsi.gau | 09.22.12 | 359.50 kB |
00.sukhoi.ADI.a.gau | 09.22.12 | 381.50 kB |
00.sukhoi.ADI.a_0001.GAU | 09.22.12 | 381.50 kB |
00.sukhoi.ADI.gau | 09.22.12 | 381.50 kB |
00.SUKHOI.ALT.a.gau | 09.22.12 | 202.00 kB |
00.sukhoi.AOA.a.gau | 09.22.12 | 130.00 kB |
00.sukhoi.AUTOPILOT.GAU | 09.22.12 | 44.00 kB |
00.sukhoi.egt1.a.gau | 09.22.12 | 126.00 kB |
00.sukhoi.egt1.gau | 09.22.12 | 126.00 kB |
00.sukhoi.egt2.a.gau | 09.22.12 | 126.00 kB |
00.sukhoi.egt2.gau | 09.22.12 | 126.00 kB |
00.sukhoi.fuel.a.gau | 09.22.12 | 176.50 kB |
00.sukhoi.hsi.gau | 09.22.12 | 359.50 kB |
00.sukhoi.rpm.gau | 09.22.12 | 128.50 kB |
00.sukhoi.timer.gau | 02.03.98 | 131.50 kB |
00.sukhoi.Variometer.gau | 09.22.12 | 138.50 kB |
aa5_oat.gau | 09.22.12 | 64.50 kB |
AN-32.cab | 07.13.12 | 720.45 kB |
An12zh.cab | 09.16.12 | 1.63 MB |
cpb767.gau | 08.25.12 | 3.67 MB |
cpt.toggles.208.cab | 09.22.12 | 30.09 kB |
cpt.toggles.king.cab | 09.22.12 | 30.04 kB |
cpt.toggles.light.green.cab | 09.22.12 | 51.53 kB |
cpt.toggles.light.old.cab | 09.22.12 | 29.15 kB |
cpt.toggles.metal.cab | 09.22.12 | 30.58 kB |
cpt.toggles.plastic.cab | 09.22.12 | 30.80 kB |
cpt.toggles.trans.cab | 09.22.12 | 56.69 kB |
DSB HUD.cab | 09.22.12 | 11.12 kB |
MIG-15 Clock_0001.gau | 09.22.12 | 328.50 kB |
MIG-15 Elevator Trim.gau | 09.22.12 | 9.50 kB |
MIG-15 Rad Alt.gau | 09.22.12 | 49.00 kB |
MIG-15 Rad Alt_0001.GAU | 09.22.12 | 49.00 kB |
MIG-15 Radio Compass.gau | 09.22.12 | 44.50 kB |
Mig-15.fuel.gau | 09.22.12 | 75.00 kB |
mig-29 alarmas.cab | 09.22.12 | 75.21 kB |
mig-29.cab | 09.22.12 | 175.89 kB |
MIG29 Gear.gau | 09.22.12 | 49.00 kB |
mig29gps.cab | 09.22.12 | 15.31 kB |
mig29gps_panel.cab | 09.22.12 | 8.41 kB |
mig29Hud.cab | 09.22.12 | 15.30 kB |
mig29radar.cab | 09.22.12 | 11.92 kB |
mig29radio.cab | 09.22.12 | 5.59 kB |
MIG29_AOA.gau | 09.22.12 | 133.00 kB |
mig29_aoa_0001.GAU | 09.22.12 | 133.00 kB |
MIG29_Attitude.gau | 09.22.12 | 410.50 kB |
mig29_attitude_0001.GAU | 09.22.12 | 410.50 kB |
Mig29_M_WL.cab | 09.22.12 | 15.31 kB |
MIG29_PFD.cab | 09.22.12 | 32.18 kB |
Mig29_slot cont.cab | 09.22.12 | 6.44 kB |
MIG29_sound.gau | 09.22.12 | 76.00 kB |
MIG29_Turn.gau | 09.22.12 | 147.50 kB |
mig29_turn_0001.GAU | 09.22.12 | 147.50 kB |
Mig29_wl_system.cab | 09.22.12 | 5.54 kB |
migap.gau | 09.22.12 | 49.50 kB |
Military.Eicas.gau | 09.22.12 | 157.50 kB |
panel.bmp | 09.22.12 | 5.49 MB |
panel.cfg | 09.23.12 | 4.08 kB |
RU_adi_0002.gau | 09.22.12 | 381.50 kB |
RU_airbrk_0001.gau | 09.22.12 | 104.50 kB |
RU_alt.gau | 09.22.12 | 202.00 kB |
RU_aoa.gau | 09.22.12 | 132.00 kB |
RU_aoa_0001.GAU | 09.22.12 | 132.00 kB |
RU_aoa_0002.gau | 09.22.12 | 132.00 kB |
RU_asi_0001.gau | 09.22.12 | 129.50 kB |
RU_clk_0002.gau | 09.22.12 | 150.50 kB |
RU_egt2.gau | 09.22.12 | 126.00 kB |
RU_Fuel.gau | 09.22.12 | 100.00 kB |
RU_Gen1.gau | 09.22.12 | 48.00 kB |
RU_Gen2.gau | 09.22.12 | 48.00 kB |
RU_grd.gau | 09.22.12 | 133.50 kB |
RU_hsi.gau | 09.22.12 | 359.50 kB |
RU_IceWarn.gau | 09.22.12 | 56.00 kB |
RU_intake.gau | 09.22.12 | 202.50 kB |
RU_Oil1.gau | 09.22.12 | 48.00 kB |
RU_Oil2.gau | 09.22.12 | 48.00 kB |
RU_pullup.gau | 09.22.12 | 66.50 kB |
RU_pullup_0001.GAU | 09.22.12 | 66.50 kB |
RU_radalt.gau | 09.22.12 | 135.00 kB |
RU_radio.gau | 09.22.12 | 78.00 kB |
RU_Reh.gau | 09.22.12 | 40.00 kB |
RU_rpm.gau | 09.22.12 | 128.50 kB |
RU_stall.gau | 09.22.12 | 25.50 kB |
RU_Volts.gau | 09.22.12 | 120.08 kB |
RU_vsi.gau | 09.22.12 | 138.50 kB |
STT_baro_2_V1_0.gau | 09.22.12 | 892.00 kB |
superh.cab | 09.22.12 | 226.02 kB |
Tu154_trim_RV.gau | 09.22.12 | 9.50 kB |
_DP_info.cab | 09.22.12 | 40.29 kB |
readme.txt | 09.22.12 | 758 B |
sound | 09.23.12 | 0 B |
Autopilot_disengage.wav | 09.22.12 | 47.22 kB |
door_medium_close.wav | 09.22.12 | 333.36 kB |
door_medium_open.wav | 09.22.12 | 358.14 kB |
Gear_down.WAV | 09.22.12 | 1.01 MB |
Gear_up.wav | 09.22.12 | 985.73 kB |
gyro.wav | 09.22.12 | 1.88 MB |
Ka_50_exterior.wav | 09.22.12 | 134.86 kB |
Ka_50_idle_inside.wav | 09.22.12 | 15.66 MB |
Ka_50_idle_outside.wav | 09.22.12 | 990.09 kB |
Ka_50_interior.wav | 09.22.12 | 1.12 MB |
Ka_50_shut_inside.wav | 09.22.12 | 3.81 MB |
Ka_50_shut_outside.wav | 09.22.12 | 2.72 MB |
Ka_50_starter_inside.wav | 09.22.12 | 1.93 MB |
Ka_50_starter_outside.wav | 09.22.12 | 1.93 MB |
lowRPM.wav | 09.22.12 | 27.39 kB |
overspeed.wav | 09.22.12 | 179.07 kB |
sound.cfg | 09.22.12 | 6.28 kB |
touch.wav | 09.22.12 | 19.16 kB |
texture | 09.23.12 | 0 B |
texture.black | 09.23.12 | 0 B |
black.bmp | 09.22.12 | 3.00 MB |
gueneau_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 16.07 kB |
hok1_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok2_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok3_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok4_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok5_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
phare_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 16.07 kB |
pilot2k_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
pylon_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
rocket_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
rotor.bmp | 09.22.12 | 341.40 kB |
siegek36_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
thumbnail.jpg | 09.23.12 | 209.00 kB |
verre_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 64.07 kB |
visor.bmp | 09.22.12 | 64.07 kB |
texture.green | 09.23.12 | 0 B |
gueneau_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 16.07 kB |
hok1_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok2_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok3_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok4_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok5_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
phare_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 48.05 kB |
pilot2k_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 341.43 kB |
pylon_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 341.43 kB |
rocket_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 341.43 kB |
rotor.bmp | 09.22.12 | 341.40 kB |
siegek36_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 341.43 kB |
thumbnail.jpg | 09.23.12 | 231.20 kB |
verre_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 64.07 kB |
visor.bmp | 09.22.12 | 85.43 kB |
texture.Kamo | 09.23.12 | 0 B |
gueneau_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 16.07 kB |
hok1_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok2_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok3_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.33 MB |
hok4_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok5_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
phare_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 48.05 kB |
pilot2k_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 341.43 kB |
pylon_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
rocket_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 341.43 kB |
rotor.bmp | 09.22.12 | 341.40 kB |
siegek36_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 341.43 kB |
thumbnail.jpg | 09.23.12 | 233.03 kB |
verre_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 64.07 kB |
visor.bmp | 09.22.12 | 85.43 kB |
texture.pk | 09.23.12 | 0 B |
gueneau_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 16.07 kB |
hok1_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 3.00 MB |
hok2_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 3.00 MB |
hok3_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 3.00 MB |
hok4_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 3.00 MB |
hok5_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 768.05 kB |
phare_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 48.05 kB |
pilot2k_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
pylon_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 768.05 kB |
rocket_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 768.05 kB |
rotor.bmp | 09.22.12 | 341.40 kB |
siegek36_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 768.05 kB |
thumbnail.jpg | 09.23.12 | 194.85 kB |
visor.bmp | 09.22.12 | 192.05 kB |
texture.shark | 09.23.12 | 0 B |
black.bmp | 09.22.12 | 3.00 MB |
gueneau_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 16.07 kB |
hok1_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok2_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok3_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok4_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok5_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
phare_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 16.07 kB |
pilot2k_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
pylon_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
rocket_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
rotor.bmp | 09.22.12 | 341.40 kB |
siegek36_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
thumbnail.jpg | 09.23.12 | 224.62 kB |
verre_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 64.07 kB |
visor.bmp | 09.22.12 | 64.07 kB |
black.bmp | 09.22.12 | 3.00 MB |
gueneau_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 16.07 kB |
hok1_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok2_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok3_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok4_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 1.00 MB |
hok5_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
phare_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 16.07 kB |
pilot2k_T.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
pylon_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
rocket_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
rotor.bmp | 09.22.12 | 341.40 kB |
siegek36_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 256.07 kB |
verre_t.bmp | 09.22.12 | 64.07 kB |
visor.bmp | 09.22.12 | 64.07 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
Leave a ResponseThe content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.
Nice chopper. Would like if it had a vc though