FS2004 Boeing Blue Panorama Boeing 737

Preview Textures only for the PMDG B737 seriesin a livery of the Italian airline Blue Panorama. Repaint by Francesco Grazzini.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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Textures only for the PMDG B737 seriesin a livery of the Italian airline Blue Panorama. Repaint by Francesco Grazzini.

Screenshot of Boeing Blue Panorama Boeing 737 in flight.

Screenshot of Boeing Blue Panorama Boeing 737 in flight.

No mips included for maximum quality, engines/belly and some details are in DXT3 for faster loading time while fuselage and tail are 32bit for best quality. All the rest are the original PMDG textures.

EI-CUD is actually a 737-400 but I thought It would have been nice to fly also the 737-700 series, hope you enjoy it!


Create a folder named texture.BP under your PMDG 737-700 directory and unzip these textures in it. Then you need to copy the original PMDG textures in this directory, without overwriting mine I hope. After copying all files open your aircraft.cfg (located in the PMDG737-700 main directory) and paste the text under the line. Change "xx" with the right consecutive number. That's it, hope you enjoy.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive bpa736.zip has 11 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
PMDG_Det_3_T.bmp01.31.04341.43 kB
pmdg_engine_L_t.bmp01.31.04341.43 kB
pmdg_engine_r_t.bmp01.31.04256.07 kB
pmdg_700_fuse_L.bmp01.29.044.00 MB
pmdg_700_fuse_t.bmp05.08.044.00 MB
PMDG_Tail_T.bmp05.08.041.00 MB
737-700 PMDG readme.txt05.12.041.85 kB
BPA737.bmp05.18.04815.12 kB
BPA737 .gif05.18.0456.33 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

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