FS2004 Garuda Douglas DC-9-30

PreviewIn this freeware release for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, you can expand your short-haul routes with Garuda-themed textures designed for the SGA DC9-30 model, ensuring an authentic reflection of this iconic Indonesian carrier’s classic operations. This repaint, created by Henry William, req...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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In this freeware release for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, you can expand your short-haul routes with Garuda-themed textures designed for the SGA DC9-30 model, ensuring an authentic reflection of this iconic Indonesian carrier’s classic operations. This repaint, created by Henry William, requires the original SGA930.zip package accessible in the Fly Away Simulation file library. Once you add these textures, you will have the opportunity to recreate a piece of Garuda’s aviation history within your simulator.

Garuda’s Timeless Douglas DC-9 Operational Role

Garuda Indonesia, the national airline of Indonesia, operated the Douglas DC-9 to serve domestic routes efficiently and maintain a stable flight schedule across the archipelago. The DC-9 itself, introduced by Douglas in the mid-1960s, was specifically engineered for short to medium-distance flights, making it a fitting choice for Indonesia’s diverse geography. This repaint illustrates the recognizable Garuda livery, adding more immersion to your virtual journeys.

Screenshot of Garuda Douglas DC-9-30 in flight.

Screenshot of Garuda Douglas DC-9-30 in flight.

Included Repaint and Base Model Requirements

This package offers exclusively the Garuda exterior repaint. To complete the aircraft installation, you must have the freeware SGA DC9-30 base files (under SGA930.zip) already set up in your simulator. The complimentary texture folder enhances the model authored by Erick Cantu, complemented by flight dynamics by Fraser W. Turner, ensuring an accurate simulation of the DC-9’s handling and performance.

Implementation Steps Inside the Simulator

  1. Ensure you have the SGA930.zip base model in your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 folders.
  2. Open the Aircraft.cfg file using a text editor.
  3. Append the code snippet below into the file, replacing [fltsim.X] with the correct sequential number to avoid configuration overlap.
title=SGA DC-9-30 Garuda
sim=SGA DC9_30
description=Model: Erick Cantu
Flight Dynamics V9.1.0: Fraser W. Turner

  1. Save your changes to Aircraft.cfg.
  2. Place the accompanying Garuda texture folder in the existing SGA DC9-30 directory.
  3. Launch the simulator and choose the Garuda repaint to begin your flight.

About the Developer

This repaint is the work of Henry William, who meticulously captured the Garuda color scheme with high attention to detail. Meanwhile, the underlying DC-9 model and flight dynamics allow sim pilots to experience the reliable handling traits that made the aircraft a favorite for efficient regional services.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive gardc9hw.zip has 24 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
texture.garuda12.09.040 B
CONE_L.BMP08.08.035.43 kB
CONE_T.BMP08.08.035.43 kB
DC9_B_L.BMP05.19.04256.07 kB
DC9xINTERIOR_L.BMP05.19.04256.07 kB
DC9xINTERIOR_T.BMP01.28.041.00 MB
ENGINES_L.BMP05.19.04256.07 kB
INTAKE_L.bmp08.08.035.43 kB
INTAKE_t.BMP08.10.0342.78 kB
WING_LEFT_L.BMP05.19.04256.07 kB
WING_RIGHT_L.BMP05.19.04256.07 kB
WING_RIGHT_T.BMP09.24.031.00 MB
engines_t.bmp10.28.044.00 MB
30FUSE_L.BMP10.28.044.00 MB
WING_LEFT_t.bmp11.03.044.00 MB
dc9_b_t.bmp11.03.044.00 MB
30FUSE_T.bmp11.05.044.00 MB
readme.txt12.09.041.54 kB
aa.jpg12.09.0488.27 kB
bb.jpg12.09.0495.98 kB
small.gif12.09.043.80 kB
Garuda DC93012.09.040 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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