FSX YE-ZB Navigation System

Preview YE-ZB was a Top Secret WW2 US Navy system developed by Frank Akers for homing aircraft to their carriers. This bundle includes two aircraft equipped with the necessary gauges to simulate the YE-ZB system. It is similar to the US Radio Range system, but with changes to make the system usable on...

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YE-ZB was a Top Secret WW2 US Navy system developed by Frank Akers for homing aircraft to their carriers. This bundle includes two aircraft equipped with the necessary gauges to simulate the YE-ZB system. It is similar to the US Radio Range system, but with changes to make the system usable only by the US, while not increasing the vulnerability of the carriers to detection and direction finding. At the start of WW2 all US carriers were equipped with a UHF device called the "YE" which transmitted a Morse code letter denoting a 15 degree arc of a circle with the carrier at its center. Navy aircraft used the AN/ARR-2 UHF homing receiver (sometimes called "ZB"). Pilots were given daily information so they would know which direction corresponded to each Morse letter. By Dave Bitzer.

This is the FSX version of the YE-ZB Navigation system. The main difference between the FS9 andFSX versions is that FSX supports "moving" carriers. Moving Carriers add a lot of realism to the simulation.

Iamge of part of the YE-ZB Navigation System.

Iamge of part of the YE-ZB Navigation System.

Unzip the ye-zb5_db.zip file to a convenient folder. The folder will contain the "ye-zb_installation_insructions.txt" file. It also has a "ye-zb_information.htm" file that will have other help you may want to refer to from time to time.

The critical gauge, in a folder titled "zb", is not "cabbed" so you may change the location of the fixed YE transmitters by text editing. I will be happy to do this for you if you email me the location you want a stationary carrier or ground YE transmitter to be moved to. The moving carriers are much more difficult to "move". Also, several options for additional add-on files if you want to increase the realism are suggested, along with links to more reference data.

The included "README rcbco-30.txt" file has useful background information. I have, with permission, pre-installed the rcbco-30 features (catapult launch and tail hook landing) in the two aircraft included in this package for your convenience.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11Screenshot 12Screenshot 13Screenshot 14Screenshot 15Screenshot 16Screenshot 17Screenshot 18Screenshot 19Screenshot 20Screenshot 21Screenshot 22Screenshot 23Screenshot 24Screenshot 25Screenshot 26Screenshot 27Screenshot 28Screenshot 29Screenshot 30Screenshot 31Screenshot 32Screenshot 33Screenshot 34Screenshot 35Screenshot 36Screenshot 37Screenshot 38Screenshot 39

The archive yezb_fsx_db.zip has 307 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
233.jpg01.11.12209.82 kB
3334.jpg01.18.1237.36 kB
3345.jpg01.11.1243.75 kB
COP3D02.27.120 B
Arrester.xml12.19.115.37 kB
CableCatch.wav12.19.11148.15 kB
CableRewind.wav12.19.11238.41 kB
CarrierZones.gau12.19.1188.82 kB
Catapult.xml12.19.114.34 kB
CatapultLaunch.wav12.19.11212.46 kB
Config - orig.ini12.31.111.56 kB
Config.gau12.19.1160.85 kB
Config.ini02.10.121.56 kB
ControlPanel.xml02.11.123.55 kB
ControlPanel_Background.bmp01.04.121.57 kB
ControlPanel_Green.bmp12.19.111.12 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ12.19.11837 B
IFLOLS.jpg12.19.1146.19 kB
IFLOLS.xml12.19.113.50 kB
IFLOLS_Background.bmp12.19.1150.51 kB
IFLOLS_BallRed.bmp12.19.11322 B
IFLOLS_BallWhite.bmp12.19.11322 B
IFLOLS_CutLights.bmp12.19.111.23 kB
IFLOLS_DatumLights.bmp12.19.111.13 kB
IFLOLS_WaveoffLights.bmp12.19.119.20 kB
PositionDisplay.xml12.19.113.47 kB
PositionDisplayGreen.bmp12.19.118.71 kB
PositionDisplayRed.bmp12.19.118.71 kB
rcbco-30.gif12.19.111.42 kB
README rcbco-30.txt12.19.1132.07 kB
SonicBoom.wav12.19.11151.62 kB
SonicBoomControl.xml12.19.111.29 kB
Sound.dll12.19.1196.80 kB
Sound.ini12.19.11376 B
SpeedControl.dll12.19.1164.80 kB
WindowInit10080.xml12.19.111.20 kB
WindowStatus.gau12.19.1160.80 kB
dsd_fsx_xml_sound3.dll04.01.09111.74 kB
f4f4_wildcat.gau08.15.01760.00 kB
zb02.27.120 B
Icon_ADF.bmp06.12.031.29 kB
Pitch Trim.xml08.14.111.46 kB
PitchTrim_1.bmp06.12.034.55 kB
PitchTrim_2.bmp06.12.034.55 kB
PitchTrim_3.bmp06.12.034.55 kB
PitchTrim_4.bmp06.12.034.55 kB
PitchTrim_Pointer.bmp08.13.111.13 kB
radio_tuning_gauge_needle.bmp09.10.111.18 kB
SwitchRound_BlackL.bmp09.08.119.14 kB
vol2_knob.bmp07.26.112.81 kB
ye3.bmp09.11.1196.73 kB
ye-zb2.GIF08.15.1117.00 kB
ZB_Icon.xml08.25.11221 B
ZB5.xml02.12.1222.42 kB
arab-sea.jpg01.11.12113.95 kB
brit5.FLT01.16.129.18 kB
brit5.jpg01.16.1243.18 kB
brit5.WX01.16.12196.26 kB
brit6.gif01.16.1278.99 kB
brit72.jpg01.17.1246.89 kB
cv_DELTA.png01.21.1236.57 kB
dash_1020Hz_960ms.wav02.10.0682.74 kB
diego_garcia.png01.16.1214.28 kB
Douglas_SBD-302.27.120 B
Aircraft.cfg02.23.129.37 kB
Dauntless-db.air01.11.128.26 kB
model02.27.120 B
Model.cfg02.28.0624 B
SBD-3.mdl04.03.06411.78 kB
panel.chw02.27.120 B
cpt.toggles.steel.cab06.13.057.71 kB
disk02.27.120 B
37.jpg11.15.1161.18 kB
40.jpg11.15.1196.37 kB
41.jpg11.15.1197.60 kB
automix.JPG09.20.111.49 kB
density_altitude4.JPG02.08.1164.19 kB
gavin2midland.png02.24.12418.24 kB
Grid near 30 deg lat.GIF09.11.118.11 kB
Grid near 38 deg lat.GIF09.11.117.28 kB
Grid near 45 deg Lat.GIF09.11.117.31 kB
magvar.jpg02.23.1242.86 kB
morse.GIF09.20.1111.89 kB
sbd-3_cruising_speed.gif11.18.11159.49 kB
sbd-3_specs.jpg11.09.1169.32 kB
SBD-3CruiseChart.gif11.22.1125.97 kB
sbd-3HiAltCruise.JPG09.15.11144.62 kB
sbd-3LowAltCruise.GIF09.15.1190.87 kB
sbd-3specs.gif12.30.1120.80 kB
sperry-prim.jpg02.18.1216.41 kB
YE-Homing.JPG08.07.1173.50 kB
ye-zb2.GIF08.15.1117.00 kB
zb2.JPG09.14.116.32 kB
zbmods.htm12.19.114.13 kB
ecu_background_1024.bmp08.02.0088.36 kB
f4u1a_corsair.gau08.15.01852.00 kB
f6f3_hellcat.gau08.15.01692.00 kB
gyro_compass_SBD.cab02.10.1239.94 kB
nap202.27.120 B
1100a.bmp09.04.11420.93 kB
1100a_1.bmp02.08.12420.93 kB
1102a.bmp09.04.11420.93 kB
1102a_1.bmp02.08.12420.93 kB
3Switches.xml02.09.121.88 kB
ap_heading_gyro_knob.bmp06.12.031.84 kB
automix3.xml10.11.112.14 kB
background.bmp08.31.045.63 kB
background2.bmp08.31.045.63 kB
compass_background.bmp08.30.1175.87 kB
compass_bug_bg.bmp02.13.12566 B
compass_window.bmp08.30.1127.54 kB
dig-bg.bmp02.09.124.49 kB
direct.xml02.07.122.03 kB
direct_1.xml02.08.122.04 kB
GreenLight_Off.bmp01.26.051.44 kB
GreenLight_On.bmp01.26.051.44 kB
mag-true.xml02.23.12739 B
oat.xml02.07.12634 B
oat_background.bmp02.09.1215.45 kB
oat_needle.bmp06.12.031.03 kB
pa-ap-bg.bmp08.19.066.52 kB
sperry_autopilot_ahi.xml09.05.118.16 kB
sperry_autopilot_ahi_background.bmp09.04.1120.04 kB
sperry_autopilot_ahi_cage_knob.bmp06.12.031.81 kB
sperry_autopilot_ahi_fixed_indicator.bmp06.12.031.77 kB
sperry_autopilot_ahi_fixed_indicator_knob.bmp06.12.031.44 kB
sperry_autopilot_ahi_horizon_line.bmp06.12.03646 B
sperry_autopilot_ahi_rotation_indicator.bmp06.12.03134 B
sperry_autopilot_ahi_window.bmp06.12.035.40 kB
Sperry_autopilot_bank_knob.bmp08.30.111.28 kB
sperry_autopilot_engaged_light_off.bmp06.12.031.73 kB
sperry_autopilot_engaged_light_on.bmp06.12.031.73 kB
sperry_autopilot_on_off_knob.bmp08.30.111.28 kB
sperry_autopilot_pitch_bug.bmp06.12.03526 B
sperry_autopilot_pitch_knob.bmp08.30.111.28 kB
sperry_bug.xml02.17.121.19 kB
switch_off_AH.bmp08.19.062.80 kB
switch_off_M.bmp08.19.062.62 kB
switch_off_WL.bmp08.19.062.80 kB
switch_on_AH.bmp08.19.062.80 kB
switch_on_M.bmp08.19.062.62 kB
switch_on_WL.bmp08.19.062.80 kB
Panel.cfg02.27.125.54 kB
SBD_Main_1024_chw.bmp02.08.122.25 MB
tailwheel-lock02.27.120 B
background.bmp04.26.075.15 kB
ecu_tailwheel_lock.bmp02.20.073.33 kB
ecu_tailwheel_lock_window.bmp02.20.073.30 kB
Tail Wheel Lock lever.xml02.14.121.24 kB
Thumbs.db02.06.0710.50 kB
twl_off.bmp02.22.071.57 kB
twl_on.bmp02.22.071.57 kB
top_popup_background.bmp02.22.1251.09 kB
whiskey_compass_SBD_CHW.cab02.10.1269.64 kB
SBD_Check(jd).txt01.22.126.31 kB
SOUND02.27.120 B
sound.cfg08.23.008.84 kB
wc1a.wav08.17.00527.37 kB
wc1b.wav08.17.00328.09 kB
wc2a.wav08.17.00462.77 kB
wc2b.wav08.17.00359.72 kB
wc3a.wav08.17.00440.24 kB
wc4a.wav08.17.00442.00 kB
wcgear_e.wav08.17.00616.21 kB
wcgear_r.wav08.17.00578.21 kB
wcp1a.wav08.17.00113.87 kB
wcp1b.wav08.17.0086.62 kB
wcp2a.wav08.17.00114.83 kB
wcp2b.wav08.17.0097.37 kB
wcshuta.wav08.17.00827.62 kB
wcshutb.wav08.17.00935.45 kB
wcstarta.wav08.17.00329.04 kB
wcstartb.wav08.17.00492.92 kB
wcwap.wav08.17.00452.52 kB
xwc1a.wav08.17.00215.43 kB
xwc1b.wav08.17.00118.19 kB
xwc2a.wav08.17.00212.71 kB
xwc2b.wav08.17.00183.01 kB
xwc3a.wav08.17.00222.29 kB
xwc4a.wav08.17.00201.12 kB
xwcp1a.wav08.17.00119.03 kB
xwcp1b.wav08.17.0091.08 kB
xwcp2a.wav08.17.00116.58 kB
xwcp2b.wav08.17.00104.30 kB
xwcshuta.wav08.17.00638.65 kB
xwcshutb.wav08.17.00503.12 kB
xwcstarta.wav08.17.0066.50 kB
xwcstartb.wav08.17.00305.24 kB
xwcwap.wav08.17.00243.38 kB
texture.mid02.27.120 B
prop_SBD.bmp01.29.0385.43 kB
SBD.bmp04.03.061.00 MB
SBDflap.bmp03.30.06256.07 kB
SBDparts_T.bmp03.10.0664.07 kB
SBDwing.bmp03.30.061.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg02.10.126.58 kB
Thumbs.db04.03.068.50 kB
zb_ref.htm02.21.128.00 kB
zb_reference.htm02.23.129.10 kB
dsd_fsx_xml_sound3.dll04.01.09111.74 kB
F4F4_WILDCAT02.27.120 B
aircraft.cfg01.20.1210.83 kB
F4F_NAV.pdf12.22.10904.72 kB
f4f-4_checkoff(jd).txt12.18.116.09 kB
f4f-4_wildcat_ref.htm02.21.127.00 kB
f4f-4_wildcat_reference.htm02.06.126.52 kB
F4F4-db.air10.24.118.28 kB
Model02.27.120 B
FM2.mdl12.13.111012.24 kB
FM2_Interior.mdl12.13.111.13 MB
Model.cfg12.13.1145 B
PANEL02.27.120 B
disk02.27.120 B
density_altitude4.JPG02.08.1164.19 kB
f4f-4_specs.jpg11.09.1141.11 kB
f4f4-CRUISE.gif11.08.1124.37 kB
Grid near 30 deg lat.GIF09.11.118.11 kB
Grid near 38 deg lat.GIF09.11.117.28 kB
morse.GIF09.20.1111.89 kB
YE-Homing.JPG08.07.1173.50 kB
ye-zb2.GIF09.25.1117.96 kB
zb_control.htm02.06.126.53 kB
zb2.JPG09.14.116.32 kB
zbmods.htm02.06.124.13 kB
F4F_Main.bmp08.06.11769.05 kB
panel.cfg02.27.124.85 kB
twl02.27.120 B
twl.xml10.22.11522 B
TWLoff.bmp10.22.112.08 kB
TWLon.bmp10.22.112.08 kB
VNdbP38.CAB05.09.0862.40 kB
SOUND02.27.120 B
sound.cfg08.23.008.84 kB
wc1a.wav08.17.00527.37 kB
wc1b.wav08.17.00328.09 kB
wc2a.wav08.17.00462.77 kB
wc2b.wav08.17.00359.72 kB
wc3a.wav08.17.00440.24 kB
wc4a.wav08.17.00442.00 kB
wcgear_e.wav08.17.00616.21 kB
wcgear_r.wav08.17.00578.21 kB
wcp1a.wav08.17.00113.87 kB
wcp1b.wav08.17.0086.62 kB
wcp2a.wav08.17.00114.83 kB
wcp2b.wav08.17.0097.37 kB
wcshuta.wav08.17.00827.62 kB
wcshutb.wav08.17.00935.45 kB
wcstarta.wav08.17.00329.04 kB
wcstartb.wav08.17.00492.92 kB
wcwap.wav08.17.00452.52 kB
xwc1a.wav08.17.00215.43 kB
xwc1b.wav08.17.00118.19 kB
xwc2a.wav08.17.00212.71 kB
xwc2b.wav08.17.00183.01 kB
xwc3a.wav08.17.00222.29 kB
xwc4a.wav08.17.00201.12 kB
xwcp1a.wav08.17.00119.03 kB
xwcp1b.wav08.17.0091.08 kB
xwcp2a.wav08.17.00116.58 kB
xwcp2b.wav08.17.00104.30 kB
xwcshuta.wav08.17.00638.65 kB
xwcshutb.wav08.17.00503.12 kB
xwcstarta.wav08.17.0066.50 kB
xwcstartb.wav08.17.00305.24 kB
xwcwap.wav08.17.00243.38 kB
Texture02.27.120 B
FM2_Bits.dds12.13.11341.48 kB
FM2_BitsNR.dds12.13.11170.80 kB
FM2_Canopy.dds12.13.11682.80 kB
FM2_Cockpit.dds12.13.11682.80 kB
FM2_Cowl.dds12.13.1185.52 kB
FM2_Disk.dds12.13.11341.46 kB
FM2_Instruments.dds12.13.11682.80 kB
FM2_Interior.dds12.13.11341.48 kB
FM2_Main.dds12.13.111.33 MB
FM2_Panel.dds12.13.11341.48 kB
FM2_PanelCowl.dds12.13.1142.80 kB
FM2_Pilot.dds12.13.11170.80 kB
FM2_Reflective.dds12.13.1185.48 kB
FM2_Trans.dds12.13.11341.48 kB
FM2_Wings.dds12.13.111.33 MB
FM2_WStars.dds12.13.111.33 MB
Prop_Spin.dds12.13.11341.46 kB
thumbnail.jpg12.13.116.90 kB
f4f-fsx-dg.FLT01.17.129.69 kB
fsx_moving_carrier_notes.htm02.27.1210.15 kB
hc.cfg11.28.11245 B
n24-35Carrier.jpg01.11.1263.38 kB
on-deck.jpg01.07.12136.14 kB
on-final.jpg01.07.12246.59 kB
pak2.FLT01.09.125.90 kB
pak2.FSSAVE01.09.1284.28 kB
README rcbco-30.txt12.19.1132.07 kB
readme_first.txt02.07.121.20 kB
s7-50.jpg01.05.12104.48 kB
SimIcons1024.cab06.12.0319.24 kB
stennis-closed-ptn.png01.16.1293.53 kB
yezb.txt02.29.12804 B
ye-zb_information.htm02.14.1218.03 kB
ye-zb_Installation_Instructions.txt02.27.12774 B
ye-zb2.GIF09.25.1117.96 kB
zb2.gif12.05.117.81 kB
zb2.JPG09.14.116.32 kB
zbmods.htm01.21.124.13 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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