FS2004 Unmarked Junkers Ju 52

PreviewThis freeware package provides a blank-liveried rendition of the classic Junkers Ju 52, inviting enthusiasts to customize and fly in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 without predefined markings. It is entirely self-contained, and it incorporates a meticulously detailed model, a refined set of flig...

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Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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5.58 MB
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This freeware package provides a blank-liveried rendition of the classic Junkers Ju 52, inviting enthusiasts to customize and fly in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 without predefined markings. It is entirely self-contained, and it incorporates a meticulously detailed model, a refined set of flight dynamics, and a functional 3D cockpit and cabin environment.

Technical Details of the Ju 52 Model

The virtual Junkers Ju 52, developed by Pierino Primavesi and further enhanced in flight characteristics by Herb Morse, portrays the 1930s-era tri-engine transport with precision. Historical operators utilized this aircraft for both passenger and cargo flights, and this add-on preserves that versatile nature within the simulation. The repaint work comes courtesy of Heather Sherman, offering 32-bit, high-resolution texture maps devoid of mip-maps to ensure clarity.

To make flying and customization more fluid, the package uses an XML-based metric gauge suite and an extensive 2D instrumentation panel. The cockpit environment is outfitted with specialized lighting for night operations, reflective metal surfaces, and direct access to both HTML-based checklists and a digital documentation system. These elements contribute to a cockpit that remains fully operable from the pilot’s viewpoint in the three-dimensional cabin.

Under-the-Hood Enhancements

This release supplies the structural model as well as the core flight parameters, which target authentic performance representative of the real “Tante Ju.” Leveraging carefully calibrated aerodynamics, the aircraft exhibits balanced lift and drag profiles that match the known flight envelope of the original German tri-motor. For those seeking even more system detail, the developer suggests incorporating the companion file JU52V60.ZIP to further enhance the simulation environment.

Screenshot of Unmarked Junkers Ju 52 in flight.

Screenshot showcasing this unmarked Junkers Ju 52 in a mid-flight perspective.

Guidance for Installation

  • Decompress all contents of the downloaded zip archive into a temporary folder on your system.
  • Drag the folder named “Junkers Ju52_v60-blank” into your main “Aircraft” directory located in your Flight Simulator 9 installation.
  • Merge the materials inside the included “Effects” folder into your simulator’s core “effects” directory.
  • Launch the sim and select the newly installed aircraft to begin flying.

In the unlikely event of any computer-related issues arising from this package, neither the authors nor the maintainers assume liability for damage or data concerns. However, it has been structured to ensure safe usage and straightforward import into your simulator’s library.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6

The archive ju52blnk.zip has 110 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Please Read.txt11.14.031.60 kB
fx_smoke_bju.fx02.09.042.22 kB
fx_vclight_ju.fx02.09.041.30 kB
Effects03.16.040 B
Aircraft03.16.040 B
Junkers Ju52_v60-Blank03.15.040 B
about.txt02.09.04382 B
ju52ver60small.jpg02.09.049.05 kB
ju52ver60small2.jpg02.09.043.91 kB
Ju52_v60.air01.23.047.60 kB
Ju52_v60_check.htm02.09.0417.72 kB
Ju52_v60_ref.htm02.09.0428.37 kB
manual.htm02.09.0437.16 kB
readme.txt02.09.043.50 kB
Texture03.15.040 B
engine.bmp02.05.0465.05 kB
Ju52Cabin_6.bmp02.05.04257.05 kB
Ju52Cabin_s.bmp02.06.042.67 MB
Ju52Cockpit_6.bmp02.05.04257.05 kB
Ju52Cockpit_c.bmp03.14.044.00 MB
Ju52damage_6.bmp06.30.0342.75 kB
Ju52exterior_t.bmp03.14.044.00 MB
Ju52panel_6.bmp02.01.041.33 MB
Ju52propeller_6.bmp01.20.04341.40 kB
Ju52window_6.bmp01.30.0485.43 kB
Ju52winframes_b.bmp02.07.04257.05 kB
Ju52winframes_f.bmp02.05.04257.05 kB
pilot.bmp02.05.0465.05 kB
tire.bmp02.05.0417.05 kB
sound03.15.040 B
Sound.cfg02.01.046.71 kB
ju1.wav04.01.0355.57 kB
ju1a.wav04.03.0362.12 kB
ju2.wav04.01.0354.07 kB
ju2a.wav04.03.0362.12 kB
ju3.wav04.01.0351.41 kB
ju4.wav04.01.0345.27 kB
jublylnd.wav04.01.0378.41 kB
juflaps.wav04.01.0351.11 kB
jup1a.wav04.01.0352.51 kB
jup1b.wav04.01.0350.72 kB
jup2a.wav04.01.0358.06 kB
jup2b.wav04.01.0364.12 kB
juroll.wav04.01.0334.78 kB
juroll6.wav04.01.0362.19 kB
jushutb.wav04.01.0328.70 kB
justall.wav04.01.0332.30 kB
justarta.wav04.01.038.15 kB
justartb.wav04.01.0354.15 kB
jutoucc.wav04.01.036.92 kB
jutoucl.wav04.01.0312.72 kB
jutoucr.wav04.01.0310.90 kB
juwind.wav04.01.0361.57 kB
juwngscr.wav04.01.0340.78 kB
tcmflaph.wav04.01.034.35 kB
xju1.wav04.01.0350.37 kB
xju1a.wav04.23.0368.64 kB
xju2.wav04.01.0353.08 kB
xju2a.wav04.23.0361.35 kB
xju3.wav04.01.0357.05 kB
xju4.wav04.01.0370.56 kB
xjup1a.wav04.01.0352.51 kB
xjup2a.wav04.01.0358.06 kB
xjup2b.wav04.01.0364.12 kB
xjushutb.wav04.03.0328.70 kB
xjustarta.wav04.01.038.15 kB
xjustartb.wav04.01.0354.23 kB
Panel03.15.040 B
JUmainpanel.bmp01.12.04769.05 kB
Junkers_Ju52.cab02.01.04857.15 kB
Panel.cfg02.01.0410.60 kB
Model03.15.040 B
ju52_v60.mdl02.08.041.12 MB
Model.cfg02.06.0429 B
Docs03.15.040 B
ALLE4_GR.JPG01.21.0214.01 kB
condorju52RHM2C111.jpg01.21.022.51 kB
HUNG.JPG01.21.023.84 kB
ju-52a02.jpg03.25.023.42 kB
ju-52a10.jpg03.25.024.34 kB
ju-52a11.jpg03.25.023.81 kB
ju-52a13.jpg03.25.022.39 kB
ju-52a15.jpg03.25.024.10 kB
ju-52a39.jpg03.25.022.80 kB
Ju52-3m-g6e-1s.jpg01.21.022.34 kB
ju5201.jpg01.21.022.65 kB
ju52Betr1.jpg01.21.025.67 kB
JU52PERU.JPG03.25.023.38 kB
ju52ver60.jpg02.08.04150.60 kB
ju52ver60b.jpg02.09.0428.31 kB
ju52wfloa2.jpg01.21.022.99 kB
JU52_E.JPG01.21.022.47 kB
JU52_G.JPG01.21.022.52 kB
JU52_H.JPG01.21.022.60 kB
JU52___.JPG01.21.025.31 kB
maua_varig_brasil_ju_52.jpg01.21.022.39 kB
pierino.jpg02.08.0422.06 kB
Poster_Ju52_Luftreisen.jpg03.19.0229.42 kB
Poster_Winternacht.jpg03.19.0225.99 kB
sanitat.jpg01.21.022.34 kB
vcockpit1.jpg02.08.0459.03 kB
vcockpit2.jpg02.08.0419.88 kB
vcockpit3.jpg02.08.0425.87 kB
wittstock.jpg01.21.027.60 kB
Aircraft.cfg03.16.0410.76 kB
Flight Simulator 903.16.040 B
Installation.txt03.16.041.49 kB
JU52-003.JPG03.16.0443.13 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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