FSX Mission "Oregon Ablaze"

PreviewFSX Mission "Oregon Ablaze". Fire season is upon us again and already there have been reports of several fires burning to the east. A forward command post has been established on the north shore of the Agate reservoir to better co-ordinate our fire-fighting resources. Today you will be flying the...

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 18 PRO members.

FSX Mission "Oregon Ablaze". Fire season is upon us again and already there have been reports of several fires burning to the east. A forward command post has been established on the north shore of the Agate reservoir to better co-ordinate our fire-fighting resources. Today you will be flying the Air Boss up to the command post so he can get the latest update on the situation. By Phill Stokes.

Images & Screenshots

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The archive phmisx_1.zip has 124 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
ReadMe.txt11.12.061.43 kB
fx_bell_205_water.fx01.26.031.07 kB
fx_retardant.fx05.12.062.55 kB
Misc11.12.060 B
A-26B_Invader11.12.060 B
a26b_invader.air08.12.0210.76 kB
aircraft.cfg11.03.0611.87 kB
model.B-26B11.12.060 B
B-26B.mdl09.07.021.79 MB
model.cfg04.06.0226 B
sound11.12.060 B
sound.cfg10.29.0635 B
texture.FIRE EATER11.12.060 B
A26_fuselage_t.bmp10.29.06128.07 kB
A26_interior.bmp10.29.06128.07 kB
A26_nacelle_t.bmp10.29.06128.07 kB
A26_t.bmp10.29.06128.07 kB
l_wing_t.bmp10.29.06128.07 kB
Pilot.bmp10.29.06128.07 kB
prop.bmp04.05.02341.40 kB
r_wing_t.bmp10.29.06128.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg10.29.066.29 kB
Thumbs.db10.29.0645.50 kB
v_stab_t.bmp10.29.06128.07 kB
wheel.bmp07.13.0285.43 kB
BucketDrop11.12.060 B
model11.12.060 B
Model.cfg05.12.0621 B
panel11.12.060 B
panel.cfg05.12.0629 B
sim.cfg11.03.06131 B
sound11.12.060 B
sound.cfg05.12.06702 B
Rotorcraft11.12.060 B
Bell_205_N10RF11.12.060 B
Aircraft.cfg11.03.0610.38 kB
Bell_205_N10RF.air11.02.068.09 kB
Bell_205_N10RF_Bucket.air07.11.028.09 kB
Bell_205_N10RF_Fire.air07.11.028.09 kB
model.bucket11.12.060 B
Bell_205_N10RF_Bucket.mdl12.22.03514.55 kB
Model.cfg12.22.0340 B
model.fire11.12.060 B
Bell_205_N10RF_Fire.mdl12.22.03463.22 kB
Model.cfg12.22.0338 B
model11.12.060 B
Bell_205_N10RF.mdl12.22.03431.06 kB
Model.cfg12.20.0333 B
panel11.12.060 B
Collective.bmp06.24.0286.79 kB
panel.cfg10.31.063.84 kB
Pilot-Dash.bmp06.16.02769.05 kB
Thumbs.db10.22.069.00 kB
sound11.12.060 B
hskidl.WAV04.18.0129.19 kB
hskidr.WAV04.18.0129.19 kB
Sound.cfg11.04.06737 B
UH1_ext.wav06.18.06572.09 kB
XBELL205.WAV01.07.98464.22 kB
xhe4.wav03.27.0696.53 kB
xhskidl.WAV04.18.0129.19 kB
xhskidr.WAV04.18.0129.19 kB
texture11.12.060 B
Blades_Bot.bmp06.09.02341.40 kB
Blades_Top.bmp06.23.0285.43 kB
chrome.bmp12.22.0321.40 kB
DVC_panel.bmp10.30.06512.07 kB
FireBomb.bmp12.21.03341.40 kB
Fuse01.bmp10.30.06512.07 kB
Fuse02.bmp10.30.06128.07 kB
Fuse03.bmp10.29.06512.07 kB
Internals.bmp10.29.06512.07 kB
perspex.bmp11.23.0321.40 kB
perspex_green.bmp11.23.0321.40 kB
Pilot-Dash.bmp10.30.06512.07 kB
Pilots.bmp10.29.0632.07 kB
Tblades.bmp06.23.0285.43 kB
thumbnail.jpg10.29.067.32 kB
Thumbs.db10.29.0640.00 kB
PhillMissX_1.gif11.04.0613.70 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ11.12.06459 B
Emergency11.12.060 B
OregonAblaze11.12.060 B
Charts.htm11.04.06697 B
Details.htm11.04.061.18 kB
images11.12.060 B
OAchart.jpg11.04.06124.46 kB
patch.jpg11.04.069.87 kB
imgM_c.bmp11.02.0687.15 kB
imgM_i.bmp11.02.0687.15 kB
OreganAblaze.WX11.04.0686.68 kB
Overview.htm11.04.063.06 kB
sound11.12.060 B
dialog1_001.wav11.03.06209.10 kB
dialog10_001.wav11.03.0637.10 kB
dialog11_001.wav11.03.06166.10 kB
dialog12_001.wav11.03.0636.60 kB
dialog13_001.wav11.03.0631.10 kB
dialog14_001.wav11.03.0650.10 kB
dialog15_001.wav11.03.06129.10 kB
dialog16_001.wav11.03.0677.60 kB
dialog17_001.wav11.03.0693.60 kB
dialog18_001.wav11.03.0652.10 kB
dialog2_001.wav11.03.0659.10 kB
dialog3_001.wav11.03.06138.60 kB
dialog4_001.wav11.03.06220.10 kB
dialog5_001.wav11.03.0654.10 kB
dialog6_001.wav11.03.06108.10 kB
dialog7_001.wav11.03.0656.60 kB
dialog8_001.wav11.03.06130.10 kB
dialog9_001.wav11.03.0631.10 kB
Firetruck.wav10.23.0687.69 kB
hueydoor.wav11.04.067.59 kB
message2.wav10.30.0670.10 kB
sliding.wav11.03.0620.91 kB
sliding2.wav11.03.0629.65 kB
Thumbs.db11.03.0617.00 kB
OregonAblaze.xml11.12.06166.20 kB
Overview_Tab.htm11.12.065.41 kB
OreganAblaze.FLT11.12.068.25 kB
Details_Tab.htm11.12.065.41 kB
Charts_Tab.htm11.12.065.42 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

PhilMC_Thu, 26 Mar 2020 02:27:41 GMT

I'm at the location the photo of the map tells me to be at but I don't see the command post at all. Can someone help me?

GireFri, 07 Feb 2014 22:14:16 GMT

How do you re-fill the tank and pour the water over the fire? Which are the controls assigned for that? I really wanna do this mission!

skiropeMon, 25 Nov 2013 15:04:32 GMT

OMG this is old but i am the same as trades82, everything works right, just no clue what to do!

Matt GeorgiadisSat, 10 Nov 2012 07:11:16 GMT

The mission looks great, I have fixed the building crash glitch but I can't complete the misson because I can't find the fire boss who's supposedly getting onto the aircraft. Where abouts do we have to get him from & is there something we have to do before we can pick him up?

billhSun, 24 Jul 2011 13:29:44 GMT
Thank you very much for this mission. I have flown it several times, works great. Thanks!!
dustin3888Sun, 24 Apr 2011 00:21:36 GMT
How do i fix the building crash???
jbealeThu, 17 Mar 2011 19:23:07 GMT
this is a very fun mission that is very challenging and it comes with a nice heli that is fun to fly in free flight. I give it a 8 because when you go back to the command center it doesnt do any.thing
BOELMANWed, 09 Feb 2011 08:03:05 GMT
cant get the misson only chopper downloaded in my aircraft files.
adam800mSun, 02 Jan 2011 20:09:54 GMT
I am getting an "Aircraft initialization failure" notice, any quick fix for this?
ted077Sun, 05 Dec 2010 08:01:30 GMT
Could someone please tell me why im not getting any fire nor can i fill up my water tank, Plus fixed the the building crash at the start of game (cheers for posting that) im new to this so trouble shooting tips would be great ive extracted the file straight to the FSX flight sim folder in C:drive
trades82Sat, 27 Nov 2010 01:43:18 GMT
NEED HELP. Downladed mission, everything works ok, but i dont get fire chiff, or any instusctions on where to go or what to do. So it basicly starts in free flight. what am i doing wrong????? can anyone help please
chadlatouretteSun, 12 Sep 2010 01:44:40 GMT
How do I download it correctly?
benbasolThu, 03 Dec 2009 07:15:14 GMT
Great mission. simple and fun. no long distance travel that just wastes time.
rafiquetennis2Fri, 26 Jun 2009 03:23:56 GMT
If somebody is having trouble getting game started because it shows "building Crash" as soon as it loads, you can fix it by doing following: open the missions, emergency and oregonblaze folder. Copy and paste the "OregonAblaze.flt" file to another folder like desktop. Open the file using wordpad or notepad. Locate "simvars.0" attribute, it is towards the end of the file. Now you have to change the last part of the value of both latitute and longtitute by very minute value. I changed them both by only .1 So if value shows 44.45, just change it to 44.35. Do this for both longtitute and latitude. You are basically just moving the initial placement of the helicopter by a very small amount. Now save the file. Delete the original file in oregonAblaze folder and replace it with the one you just update. Close and restart the simulator and hopefully it will fly. It is virtually impossible to put out the fire IMO. I tried to do it for an hour by couldn't. Good luck
TimmileyMon, 04 Aug 2008 12:51:17 GMT
Dexter58Mon, 16 Jun 2008 15:42:55 GMT
Outstanding. Easy install and fun, fun, fun
cresaliaMon, 02 Jun 2008 00:56:16 GMT
Good Work. Well thought out and fun to play.
thesarge008Mon, 14 Apr 2008 14:18:28 GMT
Looks good but when I load it up it says building crash It puts me half way in the building when it loads. If anyone has any ideas to fix I would appreciate it
eamonngilmoreSun, 24 Feb 2008 12:04:42 GMT
very Good simulation works best in Flight simm 2004
opietTue, 14 Aug 2007 04:04:18 GMT
it wont load the chopper for me
MschumiSat, 14 Jul 2007 23:59:45 GMT
Nice Chopper, the water tank re-fill etc works well. My only problem is when I landed at the Command Post it wouldn't do anything, so I took of to fight the fires it told me I still needed to land there but hey. Yeh I would've just downloaded this for the aircraft.
eatmeTue, 05 Jun 2007 21:41:08 GMT
well done

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