FS2004 KNILM Douglas DC-3

PreviewAfter the occupation of the Netherlands in May 1940 several KLM DC-3's got stuck in the Dutch East Indies. One of them, PH-ALP 'Pelikaan' ('Pelican'), was bought by KNILM (Royal Netherlands Indies Airways) as PK-AFV. On her last flight on 3 March 1942 from Batavia to Broome, Australia, Japanese Z...

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After the occupation of the Netherlands in May 1940 several KLM DC-3's got stuck in the Dutch East Indies. One of them, PH-ALP 'Pelikaan' ('Pelican'), was bought by KNILM (Royal Netherlands Indies Airways) as PK-AFV. On her last flight on 3 March 1942 from Batavia to Broome, Australia, Japanese Zero fighters shot at PK-AFV and set her alight. The aircraft successfully crash landed on the beach at Carnon Bay, Australia. The repaints of PK-AFV is based on the templates Mark Beaumont created for the MAAM-SIM Douglas DC-3 (passenger version), which were based on Jan Visser's original textures. This repaints has not been tested for FSX but will probably function there as well. These are textures only. You will require MAAM-SIM's great donationware Douglas R4D/DC-3 package. Repaints by Maarten Brouwer.

Screenshot of KNILM Douglas DC-3 on runway.

Screenshot of KNILM Douglas DC-3 on runway.

Just before WWII broke out in Far-East Asia KNILM (Royal Netherlands Indies Airways) operated a fleet of Wright Cyclone GR-1820-G2 powered Douglas DC-3's, both KLM and KNILM aircraft. Unfortunately no MAAM-SIM DC-3 external model exists featuring Wright R-1820 series engines. However, it is possible, with the help of the existing DC-3 passenger model to 'create' a KNILM Wright GR-1820-G2 powered DC-3. In order to achieve this, it is advised to:

  • Create a new folder copying the folder MAAM-SIM DC-3 passenger. Name the copied folder 'MAAM-SIM DC-3 passenger (Wright-G2)'.
  • Put the folder texture.KNILM_PK-AFV into the folder 'MAAM-SIM DC-3 passenger (Wright-G2)'.
  • Then just paste the texts below into the aircraft.cfg file of your 'MAAM-SIM DC-3 passenger (Wright-G2)' folder. Don't forget to replace the x into the rotation numbers. (e.g. [fltsim.1]:

title=Douglas DC-3 KNILM PK-AFV
description=Built a DC-3-194B (c/n 1965) at Santa Monica, CA. Delivered to KLM 28 July 1937 as PH-ALP 'Pelikaan' ('Pelican'). Shipped from New York to Cherbourg and arrived in August 1937. Assembled by Fokker. In service on 25 August 1937. Was flying the "Indies-route" between Amsterdam (Netherlands) and Batavia (Dutch East Indies) when the Netherlands were occupied in May 1940. By request of the KLM management KNILM immediately took over the activities of KLM in Asia. The 'Pelikaan' was taken over by KNILM on 2 June 1940 as PK-AFV, and served routes to various destinations in Far East Asia and Australia. Shot at and set alight by Japanese Zero fighters on 3 March 1942 and succesfully crash-landed on the beach at Carnon Bay, Australia.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive dc3knilm.zip has 53 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
FAA TC157.pdf03.06.0739.53 kB
Introduction text Fix 2 KLM DC-3 pre war.txt11.19.07322 B
PK-AFV 1.bmp11.19.071.20 MB
PK-AFV 2.bmp11.19.071.10 MB
PK-AFV 3.bmp11.19.071.20 MB
Power chart KLM DC-3 (Wright G-2).jpg11.04.071.40 MB
Read Me.txt11.19.075.63 kB
texture.KNILM_PK-AFV11.19.070 B
A_spinprop.bmp11.18.0764.07 kB
b25_propblade_t.bmp11.18.07256.07 kB
b25_spin_t.bmp09.02.0216.07 kB
bm_fuse_1_t.bmp11.18.071.00 MB
bm_fuse_2_t.bmp11.18.071.00 MB
cabin.bmp11.18.07256.07 kB
cabin2.bmp11.18.071.00 MB
cockpit.bmp08.23.0065.05 kB
engine_32.bmp02.14.02256.07 kB
glascab.bmp11.18.079.05 kB
glas_binnen_front.bmp04.21.0265.05 kB
glas_binnen_zij.bmp05.08.0265.05 kB
glas_cab_in.bmp12.05.0317.05 kB
glas_t.bmp11.18.0716.07 kB
glosspin_t.bmp11.18.0716.07 kB
hsurf_t.bmp11.19.071.00 MB
magneto.bmp06.04.0385.40 kB
r4d_cabin_stoel.bmp11.18.07256.07 kB
r4d_cabin_stoel2.bmp11.18.07256.07 kB
r4d_cab_in.bmp11.18.07256.07 kB
r4d_cockpit.bmp11.18.0765.05 kB
r4d_cp_stuff.bmp11.18.0764.07 kB
r4d_cp_stuff1.bmp04.20.0265.05 kB
r4d_cp_stuff2.bmp11.18.071.00 MB
r4d_engine.bmp11.18.07256.07 kB
r4d_engineparts.bmp11.18.07256.07 kB
r4d_entrance.bmp11.18.07256.07 kB
r4d_gearbay.bmp11.18.0765.05 kB
r4d_kleren.bmp11.18.07256.07 kB
r4d_navcomplating.bmp03.29.0265.05 kB
r4d_pilot2.bmp11.18.07256.07 kB
r4d_rc1.bmp11.18.0764.07 kB
r4d_rc2.bmp06.04.0385.40 kB
r4d_vcc.bmp11.18.071.00 MB
r4d_vcl.bmp11.18.071.00 MB
r4d_vcll.bmp11.18.071.00 MB
r4d_vcr.bmp11.18.071.00 MB
r4d_vc_oh.bmp11.18.071.00 MB
Thumbs.db11.19.07177.00 kB
wheel.bmp11.18.0764.07 kB
Wheels_32.bmp11.18.07256.07 kB
Thumbs.db11.19.0725.50 kB
dc3knilm11.19.070 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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