FSX Airport Changes From FS2004 V1.0

There are 24,491 airports in FSX - 794 are new airports - mostly small GA fields. 1038 airports have changed their designator from the FS2004 airport. 61 airports which were in FS2004 are gone. There are six airports which have taken the designator of another airport in FS2004 - that I've found s...

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There are 24,491 airports in FSX - 794 are new airports - mostly small GA fields. 1038 airports have changed their designator from the FS2004 airport. 61 airports which were in FS2004 are gone. There are six airports which have taken the designator of another airport in FS2004 - that I've found so far.

This is v 1.0 - I have not looked at all 1905 airports in FSX/ FS2004 - though I have looked at many. Also, this relies on automated processes as described below, so some airports may be missing.

I do expect to update this list as more are discovered.

Included in this file are:

  • Airports_FSX.txt - a Traffic Tools compatible airports file for compiling flight plans.
  • FSX_Airport_Changes.xls - the Master multi-worksheet Excel 2003 list.

For those without MS Excel - the individual .CSV text files are:

  • FSX_Airport_Changes_NewAirports.csv - the new airports.
  • FSX_Airport_Changes_Deletions.csv - the airports no longer in FS - includes Meigs.
  • FSX_Airport_Changed_Designators.csv - the airports whose designator has changed in FSX.
  • FSX_Airport_Changes_Specials.csv - the airports which have had three step swaps of designators.

By Reggie Fields.

The archive fsx_aprt.zip has 11 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Airports_FSX.txt10.13.06809.70 kB
file_id.diz10.19.06298 B
FSX_Airport_Changed_Designators.csv10.19.06110.13 kB
FSX_Airport_Changes.xls10.19.06818.00 kB
FSX_Airport_Changes_Deletions.csv10.19.065.04 kB
FSX_Airport_Changes_NewAirports.csv10.19.0663.08 kB
FSX_Airport_Changes_Specials.csv10.19.061.77 kB
readme.txt10.19.062.68 kB
FSX_Airports10.19.060 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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