Dubai Int'l Airport, United Arab Emirates. Upgrades the stock airport to provide 53 gates and 30 parking spots for general aviation. By V.F. Holderness.

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Dubai Int'l Airport, United Arab Emirates. Upgrades the stock airport to provide 53 gates and 30 parking spots for general aviation. By V.F. Holderness.

As well as being a local hub, Dubai is an important staging airport for long range flights from Europe to Australasia and the Far East.

The file omdb4vfh.bgl upgrades the stock airport to provide parking for 53 large, medium and small gates with 30 general aviation of all types. Gate numbering is developed from the stock airport. The E gates to the north are used as overflow parking, given lower priority.

The Control Tower has been positioned in the correct place. Runways properties have been altered, 12L/30R has been selected for landing, 12R/30L for takeoff, purely to facilitate AI flights. Priority has not been given for specific airline parking, as every user has a different selection of aircraft and airlines. Feel free to add your own airline parking and priorities.


You must have AFCAD 204 or later installed. Just move the unzipped .bgl file into your FS2004 file Addon Scenery\scenery and when next you load FS2004 the new parking will be installed. If you don't like it, just delete it and the original file will be activated at the next load.

You may use, modify and redistribute this file in any way you see fit, on your own responsibility.

Thanks as always to Lee Swordy for his great AFCAD and Ttools programs. The latest Traffic tools for FS2004, version 202, has been available from 16 August 2003 , with the new AFCAD 211 released end November 2003.

The archive omdb4vfh.zip has 5 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
readmeOMDB4.txt12.10.031.58 kB
readmeKDTW43.txt12.10.032.58 kB
omdb4vfh.bgl12.10.0324.22 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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