FSX Airbus A321 FD Special Version V3 CFM
This special release presents an updated rendition of the Project Airbus A321 with a fully operational virtual cockpit. Developed by the Project Airbus team, enhanced by Francois Dore, and featuring the panel work of Stefan Liebes, it integrates newly refined elements such as advanced Primary Fli...
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 4.2K
- Compatibility
- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- pa321fd_v3_cfm.zip
- File size
- 86.89 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 24 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
This special release presents an updated rendition of the Project Airbus A321 with a fully operational virtual cockpit. Developed by the Project Airbus team, enhanced by Francois Dore, and featuring the panel work of Stefan Liebes, it integrates newly refined elements such as advanced Primary Flight Display (PFD), improved Navigation Display (ND), and practical pages for flight planning, destination fields, ILS data, and more. (Also references UPDATED_PANEL_3_05_FOR_AIRBBUS_A321_SPECIAL_VERSION_V3.ZIP)
Fine-Tuned Virtual Cockpit and Panel
The heart of this modification lies in its cockpit enhancements. It adopts a specialized panel that augments the Airbus A321’s functionality within Microsoft Flight Simulator X. The Stefan Liebes panel is extended with comprehensive PFD and ND information, including thorough flight management readouts, TransControl Systems (TCS), updated approach guidance, and configurable runways with corresponding radio frequencies. These adjustments cater to varied flight profiles—whether flying short hops or medium-haul routes typical of actual A321 operations.
Airbus A321 in flight, showcasing the external model.
Base Package and Livery Installation
The Project Airbus A321 is delivered as a base pack plus individual liveries. To set up the base content, extract its folder directly into your core FSX directory. Because this core download does not provide any paint schemes, please install one or more separate liveries to fly the aircraft.
For livery packs, place the uncompressed folder under the “SimObjects/Airplanes” directory in your primary simulator installation. If the CFM variant is used, open the “Project Airbus A321-211” folder; for the IAE option, select “Project Airbus A321-231.” Double-click the file named _Livery Installer_PA.bat to finalize the process. The system will generate an aircraft.backup file if you need to revert your installation.
Notable Improvements
- Idle-reverser animation for realistic thrust control.
- Animated pack vents and active pressurization outflow valve.
- Expanded wingflex logic using new parameters such as ground spoilers, fuel states, and angle of attack.
- Enhanced reflective surfaces delivering updated dynamic shine.
- Reworked wing elements incorporating advanced geometry.
- Antenna hiding method refined to minimize visual clutter.
- Detailed engine interiors with semi-transparent fan dynamics at higher RPM.
- Fan windmilling animations for increased authenticity.
- Dual strobe light sequence for improved external lighting signature.
- Control surface droop more accurately depicted when engines are shut down.
- Custom nose wheel steering code for improved ground handling.
- Rudder reaction to external wind during surface droop for added realism.
- Multiple other code adjustments and aerodynamic refinements.
Background on the Airbus A321 Platform
The Airbus A321 represents a popular stretch within the A320 family, often operating regional routes around the world. Its efficient range capabilities allow airlines to optimize medium-haul travel while maintaining the conveniences of a narrow-body design. By incorporating these numerous system improvements, Project Airbus, Francois Dore, and Stefan Liebes ensure that this freeware package offers a thorough aircraft simulation experience under real-life operational conditions. All these refinements are fully contained in this release, so no additional base model is required.
The archive pa321fd_v3_cfm.zip has 239 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER.pdf | 06.02.12 | 56.88 kB |
FD Special version 3 readme.txt | 06.03.12 | 409 B |
Installation de l'avion [French].pdf | 06.03.12 | 53.07 kB |
Liveries Copyright CFM pack.pdf | 06.03.12 | 15.67 kB |
Project Airbus readme.txt | 06.03.12 | 2.47 kB |
thumbnail.jpg | 06.03.12 | 10.38 kB |
Bonus | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
EZDok camera & vibs | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
A321 Overhead.cam | 05.28.12 | 6.58 kB |
A321 Pedestal.cam | 04.14.12 | 6.58 kB |
A321 Pilot-In-Command.cam | 05.23.12 | 6.53 kB |
A321.vib | 05.07.12 | 5.59 kB |
Effects | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
fx_beacon3202pa.fx | 07.24.02 | 3.03 kB |
fx_beacon320pa.fx | 07.24.02 | 3.01 kB |
fx_beaconh.fx | 08.03.06 | 3.55 kB |
fx_contrail_320.fx | 07.24.02 | 1.17 kB |
fx_engFire.fx | 08.10.06 | 4.85 kB |
fx_engstrt.fx | 05.12.06 | 5.14 kB |
fx_landing.fx | 05.12.06 | 3.37 kB |
fx_navgre320pa.fx | 07.24.02 | 4.56 kB |
fx_navred320pa.fx | 07.24.02 | 4.56 kB |
fx_navwhi320pa.fx | 07.24.02 | 3.03 kB |
fx_navwhih.fx | 05.12.06 | 2.99 kB |
fx_pa380logo.fx | 11.10.08 | 1.21 kB |
fx_PAland.fx | 11.20.08 | 1.15 kB |
fx_sparks.fx | 05.12.06 | 5.04 kB |
fx_spray.fx | 05.12.06 | 4.97 kB |
fx_strobe.fx | 08.03.06 | 4.75 kB |
fx_strobe2320pa.fx | 07.24.02 | 2.44 kB |
fx_strobe320pa.fx | 07.24.02 | 4.80 kB |
fx_strobeh.fx | 08.03.06 | 4.75 kB |
fx_T332logo.fx | 11.11.08 | 1.21 kB |
fx_tchdrt.fx | 05.12.06 | 3.74 kB |
fx_tchdwn.fx | 05.12.06 | 3.71 kB |
fx_tchdwn320.fx | 07.24.02 | 4.54 kB |
fx_tchdwn_m.fx | 04.06.05 | 3.53 kB |
fx_vclight.fx | 08.10.06 | 1.26 kB |
fx_vclighth.fx | 08.11.06 | 1.26 kB |
Gauges | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
CALLOUT_SOUND.dll | 01.14.10 | 95.68 kB |
Screenshots | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
1.jpg | 06.03.12 | 115.29 kB |
2.jpg | 06.03.12 | 180.82 kB |
3.jpg | 06.03.12 | 92.08 kB |
4.jpg | 06.03.12 | 189.26 kB |
5.jpg | 06.03.12 | 192.04 kB |
Batterie.jpg | 06.03.12 | 177.18 kB |
Bleed 5.jpg | 06.03.12 | 74.26 kB |
ECAM page ENG.jpg | 06.03.12 | 95.94 kB |
fsx 2012-05-07 10-13-21-84.jpg | 06.03.12 | 192.68 kB |
fsx 2012-05-10 07-14-06-76.jpg | 06.03.12 | 201.98 kB |
ND approche 0.jpg | 06.03.12 | 84.38 kB |
ND approche 2.jpg | 06.03.12 | 105.61 kB |
Panne moteur 3 crossfeed equilibre .jpg | 06.03.12 | 88.91 kB |
radar popu.jpg | 06.03.12 | 197.82 kB |
SimObjects | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
Airplanes | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
PA321FD_CFM | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
AirbusA321_check.htm | 05.28.12 | 338.98 kB |
AirbusA321_ref.htm | 06.02.12 | 160.19 kB |
aircraft-backup.AES | 11.19.11 | 21.49 kB |
aircraft.cfg | 06.03.12 | 16.15 kB |
intelliscene.cfg | 11.19.11 | 143 B |
Mode d'emploi PA A321 FD Special Version V3.pdf | 06.02.12 | 8.08 MB |
model.cfm | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
A321_200_CFM_WV.mdl | 04.20.11 | 1.91 MB |
Airbus_A321_interior.mdl | 03.19.12 | 1.06 MB |
model.cfg | 10.19.11 | 63 B |
pa321-cfm56.air | 04.20.11 | 8.80 kB |
panel | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
A321_FD.cab | 06.02.12 | 2.79 MB |
airbus_a321_panel_background.bmp | 05.12.06 | 769.05 kB |
airbus_a321_panel_background_night.bmp | 05.12.06 | 769.05 kB |
original stefan Liebe readme.pdf | 08.18.10 | 316.99 kB |
panel.cfg | 06.02.12 | 5.12 kB |
Version panel.txt | 06.02.12 | 93 B |
Printable Checklist A321 FD v3.pdf | 06.02.12 | 263.81 kB |
Printable Reference data A321 FD v3.pdf | 06.02.12 | 149.19 kB |
Project Airbus readme.txt | 12.25.11 | 2.45 kB |
sound.CFM | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
A320_APU.wav | 02.09.11 | 689.18 kB |
A320_APU_INT.WAV | 02.09.11 | 316.38 kB |
A320_COCKPIT.wav | 02.09.11 | 1.04 MB |
A320_FLAPS.WAV | 02.09.11 | 269.30 kB |
A320_GEAR_DN.WAV | 02.09.11 | 591.38 kB |
A320_GEAR_UP.WAV | 02.09.11 | 554.53 kB |
A320_ROLL.wav | 02.09.11 | 584.76 kB |
A320_ROLL2.wav | 02.09.11 | 584.76 kB |
A320_TOUCH_C.wav | 02.09.11 | 111.74 kB |
A320_TOUCH_L.wav | 02.09.11 | 111.74 kB |
A320_TOUCH_R.wav | 02.09.11 | 111.74 kB |
A320_WIND.wav | 02.09.11 | 1.19 MB |
Autopilot_Disengage.wav | 02.09.11 | 223.08 kB |
A_CMB_0.wav | 02.09.11 | 90.64 kB |
A_CMB_1.wav | 02.09.11 | 144.15 kB |
A_CMB_2.wav | 02.09.11 | 98.16 kB |
A_CMB_3.wav | 02.09.11 | 81.86 kB |
A_REVRS.wav | 02.09.11 | 1.27 MB |
A_WHN_0.wav | 02.09.11 | 1.51 MB |
A_WHN_1.wav | 02.09.11 | 244.81 kB |
A_WHN_2.wav | 02.09.11 | 1.18 MB |
A_WHN_3.wav | 02.09.11 | 1.45 MB |
B_CMB_0.wav | 02.09.11 | 90.64 kB |
B_CMB_1.wav | 02.09.11 | 144.27 kB |
B_CMB_2.wav | 02.09.11 | 98.75 kB |
B_CMB_3.wav | 02.09.11 | 81.72 kB |
B_REVRS.wav | 02.09.11 | 1.27 MB |
B_WHN_0.wav | 02.09.11 | 1.51 MB |
B_WHN_1.wav | 02.09.11 | 244.81 kB |
B_WHN_2.wav | 02.09.11 | 1.18 MB |
B_WHN_3.wav | 02.09.11 | 1.45 MB |
door-close.wav | 06.23.06 | 131.81 kB |
door-open.wav | 06.23.06 | 116.30 kB |
IAE V2500 V2 EXT SPOOL UP.mp3 | 02.09.11 | 631.84 kB |
IAE V2500 V2 INT SPOOL UP.mp3 | 02.09.11 | 2.44 MB |
No_Smoking.wav | 02.09.11 | 65.59 kB |
Seatbelts.wav | 02.09.11 | 33.28 kB |
Sound.cfg | 05.03.12 | 14.43 kB |
T_COMB_SHUT.wav | 02.09.11 | 397.09 kB |
T_COMB_START.wav | 02.09.11 | 194.23 kB |
T_START.wav | 02.09.11 | 1.26 MB |
X_A_COMB_1.wav | 02.09.11 | 1.69 MB |
X_A_COMB_2.wav | 02.09.11 | 97.27 kB |
X_A_COMB_3.wav | 02.09.11 | 168.11 kB |
X_A_COMB_4.wav | 02.09.11 | 74.67 kB |
X_A_REVRS.wav | 02.09.11 | 876.21 kB |
X_B_COMB_1.wav | 02.09.11 | 1.69 MB |
X_B_COMB_2.WAV | 02.09.11 | 143.93 kB |
X_B_COMB_3.WAV | 02.09.11 | 225.74 kB |
X_B_COMB_4.WAV | 02.09.11 | 171.74 kB |
X_B_REVRS.wav | 02.09.11 | 876.21 kB |
X_B_WHN_0.wav | 02.09.11 | 2.86 MB |
X_B_WHN_1.wav | 02.09.11 | 521.66 kB |
X_B_WHN_2.wav | 02.09.11 | 1.36 MB |
X_T_COMB_SHUT.wav | 02.09.11 | 863.55 kB |
X_T_COMB_START.wav | 02.09.11 | 194.23 kB |
X_T_START.wav | 02.09.11 | 357.09 kB |
X_T_WHN_0.wav | 02.09.11 | 2.86 MB |
X_T_WHN_1.wav | 02.09.11 | 521.66 kB |
X_T_WHN_2.wav | 02.09.11 | 4.21 MB |
Support questions and updates.pdf | 06.03.12 | 30.12 kB |
Texture | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
A321_1_IAE_l.bmp | 04.13.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_1_l.bmp | 10.10.11 | 1.00 MB |
A321_1_T.dds | 06.18.07 | 1.33 MB |
A321_1_T_Bump.dds | 06.18.07 | 1.00 MB |
A321_1_T_LM.dds | 06.18.07 | 170.79 kB |
A321_1_T_spec.dds | 06.18.07 | 1.33 MB |
A321_2_IAE_l.bmp | 04.13.11 | 1.00 MB |
A321_2_l.bmp | 10.10.11 | 256.07 kB |
A321_2_T.dds | 06.18.07 | 1.33 MB |
A321_2_T_Bump.dds | 06.18.07 | 1.00 MB |
A321_2_T_LM.dds | 06.18.07 | 170.79 kB |
A321_2_T_spec.dds | 06.18.07 | 1.33 MB |
A321_Interior_T.dds | 06.18.07 | 341.45 kB |
A321_misc_1.bmp | 05.30.11 | 256.07 kB |
A321_misc_2.bmp | 05.30.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_reflection.dds | 06.18.07 | 170.79 kB |
A321_wing_1_l.bmp | 09.30.11 | 1.00 MB |
A321_wing_2_l.bmp | 09.30.11 | 1.00 MB |
Airbus_A321_1_C.dds | 06.18.07 | 682.79 kB |
Airbus_A321_1_night_C.dds | 06.18.07 | 682.79 kB |
Airbus_A321_2_C.dds | 06.18.07 | 682.79 kB |
Airbus_A321_2_night_C.dds | 06.18.07 | 682.79 kB |
Airbus_A321_3_C.dds | 06.18.07 | 682.79 kB |
Airbus_A321_3_night_C.dds | 06.18.07 | 682.79 kB |
Airbus_A321_4_C.dds | 06.18.07 | 682.79 kB |
Airbus_A321_4_night_C.dds | 06.18.07 | 682.79 kB |
Airbus_Pilots.dds | 06.18.07 | 42.79 kB |
Fresnel_Ramp.dds | 09.04.06 | 640 B |
Thumbs.db | 05.21.12 | 17.00 kB |
Window_L.bmp | 03.07.11 | 1.34 MB |
Window_R.bmp | 03.07.11 | 1.34 MB |
texture.Aer Lingus | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
A321_1_l.bmp | 06.29.10 | 1.07 kB |
A321_1_t.bmp | 05.31.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_2_l.bmp | 06.29.10 | 1.07 kB |
A321_2_t.bmp | 05.31.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_fuse_1_l.bmp | 06.01.11 | 1.00 MB |
A321_fuse_1_t.bmp | 05.31.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_fuse_2_l.bmp | 06.01.11 | 1.00 MB |
A321_fuse_2_t.bmp | 05.31.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_fuse_3_l.bmp | 06.01.11 | 1.00 MB |
A321_fuse_3_t.bmp | 05.31.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_fuse_4_l.bmp | 06.01.11 | 512.07 kB |
A321_fuse_4_t.bmp | 05.31.11 | 2.00 MB |
A321_misc_1.bmp | 05.30.11 | 256.07 kB |
A321_misc_2.bmp | 05.30.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_wing_1_l.bmp | 06.29.10 | 1.07 kB |
A321_wing_1_t.bmp | 05.31.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_wing_2_l.bmp | 06.29.10 | 1.07 kB |
A321_wing_2_t.bmp | 05.31.11 | 4.00 MB |
texture.cfg | 08.14.06 | 137 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 06.01.11 | 28.91 kB |
texture.gtam | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
A321_1_l.bmp | 05.27.11 | 1.00 MB |
A321_1_t.bmp | 05.27.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_2_l.bmp | 05.27.11 | 256.07 kB |
A321_2_t.bmp | 05.27.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_fuse_1_l.bmp | 05.27.11 | 1.00 MB |
A321_fuse_1_t.bmp | 05.26.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_fuse_2_l.bmp | 05.27.11 | 1.00 MB |
A321_fuse_2_t.bmp | 05.27.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_fuse_3_l.bmp | 05.27.11 | 1.00 MB |
A321_fuse_3_t.bmp | 05.27.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_fuse_4_l.bmp | 05.27.11 | 512.07 kB |
A321_fuse_4_t.bmp | 05.27.11 | 2.00 MB |
A321_misc_1.bmp | 05.24.11 | 256.07 kB |
A321_misc_2.bmp | 05.24.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_wing_1_l.bmp | 05.27.11 | 256.07 kB |
A321_wing_1_t.bmp | 05.27.11 | 4.00 MB |
A321_wing_2_l.bmp | 05.27.11 | 256.07 kB |
A321_wing_2_t.bmp | 05.27.11 | 4.00 MB |
texture.cfg | 08.14.06 | 137 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 10.25.11 | 71.51 kB |
Thumbs.db | 05.27.11 | 58.00 kB |
User manual PA A321 FD Special Version V3.pdf | 06.02.12 | 8.06 MB |
Sound | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
CALLOUT_FD | 06.03.12 | 0 B |
CA_1000FT.wav | 05.01.10 | 260.11 kB |
CA_100FT.wav | 05.01.10 | 248.77 kB |
CA_10FT.wav | 05.01.10 | 168.19 kB |
CA_200FT.wav | 05.02.10 | 229.35 kB |
CA_20FT.wav | 05.01.10 | 208.20 kB |
CA_2500FT.wav | 05.01.10 | 367.55 kB |
CA_300FT.wav | 05.01.10 | 197.98 kB |
CA_30FT.wav | 05.01.10 | 202.50 kB |
CA_400FT.wav | 04.26.10 | 383.23 kB |
CA_40FT.wav | 05.01.10 | 202.94 kB |
CA_500FT.wav | 05.01.10 | 249.21 kB |
CA_50FT.wav | 05.01.10 | 213.96 kB |
ding.wav | 09.06.02 | 78.96 kB |
Fuel_low.WAV | 05.12.06 | 21.67 kB |
Sound.ini | 05.29.12 | 951 B |
version.txt | 06.03.12 | 71 B |
Aircraft INSTALLATION [eng].pdf | 06.03.12 | 36.60 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Complementing Files & Dependencies
This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.
You may also need to download the following files:
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
Leave a ResponseThe content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.
Engine start not working?