FSX Convair Model 7002 XF-92A
FSX/P3D Convair Model 7002 XF-92A by Milton Shupe, Rick Mackintosh, Brian Alexson, Scott Thomas, Hans-Joerg Naegele, Jan Rosenberg, Nigel Richards, Pilot Figure by Jan Visser, and Tire textures by Mike Kelly.
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 2.2K
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
- Filename
- xf92a.zip
- File size
- 185.01 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 13 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
FSX/P3D Convair Model 7002 XF-92A by Milton Shupe, Rick Mackintosh, Brian Alexson, Scott Thomas, Hans-Joerg Naegele, Jan Rosenberg, Nigel Richards, Pilot Figure by Jan Visser, and Tire textures by Mike Kelly.
The Convair model 7002 or (P-92), a delta-winged turbojet airplane, better known as the XF-92A, was the first in a long line of American Delta Winged Aircraft.
The authors of this package honors that development and testing that propelled the advancement of the delta wing concepts and use.
IMPORTANT NOTES: Your Sim's Realism settings must be set to at least Medium for this product to work. XML TOOLS must be installed to get full benefits of "G" and AoA effects. See the DOCS folder for simple installation based on your Sim.
XF 92A Pilot Notes:
NOTE: Your Sim's Realism settings must be set to at least Medium for this product to work.
Before takeoff insure all trim axes are at zero.
Carefully line up on the centerline of the runway, using the full length.
Applying the throttle advance slowly till the engine stabilizes at about 80% throttle movement then engage all three afterburner stages. Accelerate to 145 knots and gently lift the nose about three degrees, the plane should fly off easily while accelerating. Raise the gear, only very minor trim change should be necessary for climb while accelerating to 350 knots indicated.
Because of the Delta wing configuration, quite high AOA can be utilized for maneuvering at lower speeds, but the penalty is a very high induced drag. Some buffeting will be encountered and be aware of the G's pulled. At higher Mach numbers, reaching into the transonic range, above M.82 more care should be taken as roll coupling can occur. The aircraft in its original configuration, because of the available thrust, can only achieve plus Mach 1 in a dive and is relatively stable at this speed, more so than in the transonic range.
Experiment around with high AOA maneuvering to see what the Delta platform is capable of and its limitations.
Typically descent would be at M .80 till intercepting 300 knots. The aircraft can be slowed rapidly by high AOA maneuvers, though this is not the normal approach procedure. Below 250 knots in the pattern, the gear can be dropped for drag control.
A somewhat steeper than normal approach at 145 knots when down to 33% fuel will give about 11.5 deg AOA. This AOA is operating in the area of reverse command, meaning that pulling the nose up further will increase drag and steepen the descent. Stabilize the attitude at 145 knots and keep it there, use more or less throttle to keep on the desired glide path.
In the flare, raise the nose gently then just before touchdown drops it again slightly. After touchdown keeps the nose up for aerodynamic braking and then at about 110 knots begin wheel braking. Once the nose comes down it cannot be raised again.
Have fun!
Model Designer: Milton Shupe
Pilot Figure: Jan Visser
Exterior Textures: Rick Mackintosh
Interior Textures: Nigel Richards, Rick Mackintosh
Flight Model Designer: Milton Shupe, Rick Mackintosh, and Tom Falley
Panel and Gauges: Copyright by Scott Thomas, Milton Shupe, Hans-Joerg Naegele, Brian Alexson
Sounds: Microsoft FSX Default FA18
Special Effects: Jan Rosenberg, Brian Alexson, Milton Shupe
Tire textures by Mike Kelly.
The "GlobalEnv_AC_Chrome" texture is copyright by Bob "Bananabob" Riveria.
The archive xf92a.zip has 434 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
airplanes | 04.16.18 | 0 B |
XF-92A | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
aircraft.cfg | 06.02.18 | 19.84 kB |
Docs | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
Approach 1.jpg | 04.29.18 | 72.83 kB |
Approach 2.jpg | 04.29.18 | 77.26 kB |
FILE_ID.txt | 06.02.18 | 1.09 kB |
FSXP3D Installation.txt | 06.02.18 | 1.49 kB |
metal phase I.jpg | 04.16.18 | 263.55 kB |
metal phase II.jpg | 04.16.18 | 224.70 kB |
Pilot's Notes.txt | 04.20.18 | 2.12 kB |
Project Summary of the XF-92A.txt | 10.23.17 | 1.24 kB |
Readme.txt | 06.02.18 | 2.30 kB |
The Convair model 7002 or XF-92A.docx | 11.03.17 | 15.15 kB |
USE and DISTRIBUTION.txt | 06.02.18 | 2.25 kB |
vc1.jpg | 04.19.18 | 204.91 kB |
vc2.jpg | 04.19.18 | 184.30 kB |
white phase III.jpg | 04.16.18 | 201.08 kB |
white X phase IV.jpg | 04.16.18 | 244.03 kB |
xf92a variants.jpg | 04.16.18 | 63.03 kB |
XMLTOOLS.txt | 05.27.18 | 431 B |
XMLTools20Installer | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
XMLTools_20 Installer.exe | 12.10.14 | 1.62 MB |
XMLTools_20 Installer.pdf | 12.11.14 | 151.87 kB |
YT videos links.txt | 10.27.17 | 143 B |
Model | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
model.cfg | 10.20.17 | 51 B |
xf-92a.mdl | 04.15.18 | 3.50 MB |
xf-92a_Interior.mdl | 04.15.18 | 3.04 MB |
Panel | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
Panel.cfg | 05.27.18 | 4.42 kB |
vc01.bmp | 11.04.17 | 13.22 MB |
XF-92A_XML_Sounds | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
AB_Bang.wav | 12.11.17 | 86.83 kB |
AB_Clack.wav | 12.11.17 | 32.99 kB |
AB_Click.wav | 12.11.17 | 42.71 kB |
AB_Loop.wav | 12.11.17 | 799.49 kB |
Buffet_Loop.wav | 12.11.17 | 174.49 kB |
dsd_fsx_xml_sound.gau | 12.12.17 | 174.21 kB |
dsd_fsx_xml_sound.ini | 05.27.18 | 615 B |
dsd_p3d_xml_sound_x64.dll | 12.12.17 | 102.28 kB |
Gear_Wind_Loop.wav | 12.11.17 | 582.55 kB |
VC_Avionics_Loop.wav | 12.11.17 | 160.11 kB |
VC_Battery_Loop.wav | 12.11.17 | 354.92 kB |
XF-92A_sound.ini | 05.27.18 | 615 B |
xf92a | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
Airspeed.xml | 12.18.08 | 4.01 kB |
Airspeed_BG.bmp | 06.27.08 | 41.10 kB |
Airspeed_Bug.bmp | 10.20.06 | 1.17 kB |
Airspeed_Needle.bmp | 10.20.06 | 3.21 kB |
Airspeed_Needle_RED.bmp | 10.20.06 | 3.13 kB |
Airspeed_Strip.bmp | 10.19.06 | 11.71 kB |
Airspeed_Strip_Alpha.bmp | 01.03.07 | 9.07 kB |
Airspeed_Strip_Mask.bmp | 10.19.06 | 3.09 kB |
Altimeter.xml | 01.08.17 | 3.55 kB |
Altimeter_Back.bmp | 01.08.17 | 263.72 kB |
Altimeter_Knob.bmp | 01.08.17 | 6.80 kB |
Altimeter_Needle100.bmp | 01.08.17 | 12.52 kB |
Altimeter_Needle1000.bmp | 01.08.17 | 11.68 kB |
Altimeter_Needle10000.bmp | 01.08.17 | 3.16 kB |
Altimeter_Strip.bmp | 01.08.17 | 91.93 kB |
Altimeter_Strip_Mask.bmp | 01.08.17 | 5.33 kB |
ammeter.xml | 01.08.17 | 949 B |
ammeter_background.bmp | 01.08.17 | 7.94 kB |
ammeter_needle.bmp | 01.08.17 | 302 B |
ammeter_needle_window.bmp | 01.08.17 | 1.35 kB |
Attitude.xml | 12.18.08 | 5.62 kB |
Attitude_Arrow.bmp | 09.13.06 | 1.28 kB |
Attitude_Bars.bmp | 09.15.06 | 3.71 kB |
Attitude_BG.bmp | 11.13.06 | 40.12 kB |
Attitude_Flag.bmp | 09.17.06 | 2.12 kB |
Attitude_Knob_LEFT.bmp | 09.14.06 | 2.21 kB |
Attitude_Knob_RIGHT.bmp | 09.15.06 | 2.94 kB |
Attitude_Mask1.bmp | 09.13.06 | 42.26 kB |
Attitude_Mask2.bmp | 09.13.06 | 42.26 kB |
Attitude_Needle.bmp | 09.15.06 | 2.02 kB |
Attitude_Shadow_Alpha.bmp | 08.12.08 | 17.07 kB |
CabinPress_BG.bmp | 06.27.08 | 23.47 kB |
CabinPress_Needle.bmp | 05.24.07 | 2.71 kB |
clock.xml | 01.08.17 | 2.19 kB |
clock_background.bmp | 01.08.17 | 6.04 kB |
clock_hour_needle.bmp | 01.08.17 | 446 B |
clock_knob.bmp | 01.08.17 | 978 B |
clock_minute_needle.bmp | 01.08.17 | 434 B |
clock_second_needle.bmp | 01.08.17 | 326 B |
DG_Back.bmp | 01.08.17 | 263.72 kB |
DG_D18.xml | 01.08.17 | 938 B |
DG_Mask.bmp | 01.08.17 | 263.72 kB |
DG_Strip.bmp | 01.08.17 | 368.61 kB |
ElectricalLoad.xml | 12.18.08 | 1.17 kB |
ElectricalLoad_BG.bmp | 02.06.07 | 10.62 kB |
ElectricalLoad_Needle.bmp | 02.06.07 | 1.17 kB |
ElectricalLoad_Needle_Mask.bmp | 02.08.07 | 6.03 kB |
FuelFlow.xml | 12.18.08 | 1.60 kB |
FuelFlow_BG.bmp | 06.27.08 | 41.10 kB |
FuelFlow_Needle.bmp | 02.24.07 | 3.31 kB |
FuelPress_BG.bmp | 06.27.08 | 23.47 kB |
FuelPress_Needle.bmp | 02.15.07 | 2.65 kB |
fuel_gauge.xml | 04.25.17 | 1.07 kB |
fuel_gauge_background.bmp | 04.25.17 | 263.72 kB |
fuel_gauge_needle.bmp | 10.31.05 | 5.38 kB |
GasTemp.xml | 12.18.08 | 1.21 kB |
GasTemp_BG.bmp | 02.24.07 | 41.10 kB |
GasTemp_Highlight_Alpha.bmp | 11.06.06 | 41.12 kB |
GasTemp_Needle.bmp | 02.24.07 | 1.40 kB |
gmeter.xml | 01.08.17 | 1.34 kB |
gmeter_back.bmp | 01.08.17 | 17.68 kB |
gmeter_knob.bmp | 01.08.17 | 1.06 kB |
gmeter_needle.bmp | 01.08.17 | 1.65 kB |
HandleCanopy.xml | 12.18.08 | 950 B |
HandleCanopy_IN.bmp | 12.31.07 | 5.97 kB |
HandleCanopy_OUT.bmp | 12.30.07 | 5.97 kB |
HYD PRESS.bmp | 01.08.17 | 29.35 kB |
HYD PRESS.xml | 11.02.17 | 1006 B |
Hyd PressMask.bmp | 03.31.17 | 29.35 kB |
Long Needle.bmp | 01.08.17 | 1.81 kB |
MACH_X3.bmp | 04.13.18 | 263.72 kB |
MACH_X3.XML | 04.23.18 | 1.22 kB |
MultiPress.xml | 12.18.08 | 3.83 kB |
OATOLD.xml | 01.08.17 | 1.06 kB |
OAT_Background.bmp | 01.08.17 | 263.72 kB |
OilPress_BG.bmp | 06.27.08 | 23.47 kB |
OilPress_Needle.bmp | 02.15.07 | 2.65 kB |
OXY PRESS FULL.bmp | 01.08.17 | 390.99 kB |
OXY PRESS LOW.bmp | 01.08.17 | 390.99 kB |
OXY Press.xml | 01.08.17 | 379 B |
PercentRPM.xml | 12.18.08 | 1.93 kB |
PercentRPM_BG.bmp | 06.27.08 | 41.10 kB |
PercentRPM_Highlight_Alpha.bmp | 07.22.08 | 41.12 kB |
PercentRPM_Needle1.bmp | 02.24.07 | 3.04 kB |
PercentRPM_Needle2.bmp | 02.24.07 | 2.22 kB |
Primer Knob Back.bmp | 11.03.17 | 263.73 kB |
Primer Knob Left.bmp | 11.03.17 | 263.73 kB |
Primer Knob Right.bmp | 11.03.17 | 263.73 kB |
Primer.xml | 01.08.17 | 923 B |
RadioCompass.xml | 12.18.08 | 1.99 kB |
RadioCompass_Card.bmp | 02.23.07 | 41.10 kB |
RadioCompass_Card_Mask.bmp | 02.23.07 | 41.10 kB |
RadioCompass_Needle.bmp | 02.21.07 | 5.01 kB |
RadioCompass_Shadow_Alpha.bmp | 06.27.08 | 41.12 kB |
ReadMe.txt | 12.11.17 | 205 B |
RPM_Needle.bmp | 04.13.18 | 13.53 kB |
Short Needle.bmp | 01.08.17 | 1.04 kB |
Start Button.bmp | 01.08.17 | 10.02 kB |
ST_ Start Switch.xml | 01.08.17 | 508 B |
ST_suction.bmp | 01.08.17 | 172.10 kB |
ST_Suction.xml | 01.08.17 | 798 B |
SW_Avionics_D18.xml | 01.08.17 | 491 B |
SW_Battery.xml | 01.08.17 | 557 B |
SW_Off.bmp | 01.08.17 | 10.42 kB |
SW_On.bmp | 01.08.17 | 10.42 kB |
Thumbs.db | 03.08.18 | 108.50 kB |
turn_and_bank.xml | 01.08.17 | 2.13 kB |
turn_and_bank_background.bmp | 01.08.17 | 14.76 kB |
turn_and_bank_ball.bmp | 01.08.17 | 610 B |
turn_and_bank_highlight.bmp | 01.08.17 | 14.78 kB |
turn_and_bank_needle.bmp | 01.08.17 | 1.96 kB |
turn_and_bank_tube_lines.bmp | 01.08.17 | 2.07 kB |
VerticalSpeed.xml | 12.18.08 | 1.62 kB |
VerticalSpeed_BG.bmp | 06.27.08 | 41.10 kB |
VerticalSpeed_Needle.bmp | 10.16.06 | 3.24 kB |
VSI_Back.bmp | 01.08.17 | 263.72 kB |
VSI_D18.xml | 01.08.17 | 1.45 kB |
VSI_Needle.bmp | 01.08.17 | 13.53 kB |
Warn_Fuel_Low.xml | 01.08.17 | 690 B |
Warn_Gear_Down.xml | 12.11.17 | 738 B |
Warn_Gear_Trans.xml | 12.11.17 | 790 B |
Warn_Green_off_DK.bmp | 01.08.17 | 16.98 kB |
Warn_Green_on3.bmp | 01.08.17 | 16.98 kB |
Warn_Red_off_DK.bmp | 01.08.17 | 16.98 kB |
Warn_Red_on3.bmp | 01.08.17 | 16.98 kB |
Windows.xml | 12.18.08 | 1.31 kB |
wing_vapour.xml | 11.19.17 | 302 B |
xf92aeffectscntrl.xml | 12.11.17 | 1.03 kB |
XF92A_Effects.xml | 12.14.17 | 6.40 kB |
xf92amain.bmp | 04.23.18 | 5.05 MB |
sound | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
c5wind2.wav | 08.22.07 | 426.64 kB |
door_large_close.wav | 08.22.07 | 131.81 kB |
door_large_open.wav | 08.22.07 | 116.30 kB |
FA18_aapdis.wav | 08.22.07 | 11.25 kB |
FA18_agear.wav | 08.22.07 | 18.25 kB |
FA18_an11.wav | 08.22.07 | 818.38 kB |
FA18_an12.wav | 08.22.07 | 451.67 kB |
FA18_an13.wav | 08.22.07 | 498.14 kB |
FA18_an14.wav | 08.22.07 | 225.86 kB |
FA18_an1shut.wav | 08.22.07 | 227.59 kB |
FA18_an1strt.wav | 08.22.07 | 291.84 kB |
FA18_an21.wav | 08.22.07 | 134.64 kB |
FA18_an22.wav | 08.22.07 | 134.64 kB |
FA18_an23.wav | 08.22.07 | 134.64 kB |
FA18_an24.wav | 08.22.07 | 134.64 kB |
FA18_an2B.wav | 08.22.07 | 167.14 kB |
FA18_an2shut.wav | 08.22.07 | 59.30 kB |
FA18_an2strt.wav | 08.22.07 | 113.27 kB |
FA18_an2t.wav | 08.22.07 | 101.34 kB |
FA18_aover.wav | 08.22.07 | 13.25 kB |
FA18_bn11.wav | 08.22.07 | 818.38 kB |
FA18_bn12.wav | 08.22.07 | 451.67 kB |
FA18_bn13.wav | 08.22.07 | 498.14 kB |
FA18_bn14.wav | 08.22.07 | 259.64 kB |
FA18_bn1shut.wav | 08.22.07 | 203.59 kB |
FA18_bn1strt.wav | 08.22.07 | 282.34 kB |
FA18_bn21.wav | 08.22.07 | 134.64 kB |
FA18_bn22.wav | 08.22.07 | 134.64 kB |
FA18_bn23.wav | 08.22.07 | 134.64 kB |
FA18_bn24.wav | 08.22.07 | 134.64 kB |
FA18_bn2B.wav | 08.22.07 | 167.14 kB |
FA18_bn2shut.wav | 08.22.07 | 65.30 kB |
FA18_bn2strt.wav | 08.22.07 | 113.27 kB |
FA18_bn2t.wav | 08.22.07 | 97.34 kB |
GPWS_Dont_Sink.wav | 08.22.07 | 34.26 kB |
GPWS_Pull_Up.wav | 08.22.07 | 31.14 kB |
GPWS_Sink_Rate.wav | 08.22.07 | 32.66 kB |
GPWS_too_low_flaps_up.wav | 08.22.07 | 62.93 kB |
GPWS_too_low_gear_up.wav | 08.22.07 | 59.82 kB |
GPWS_too_low_terrain.wav | 08.22.07 | 58.99 kB |
LaunchBarExtend.wav | 08.22.07 | 56.13 kB |
LaunchBarRetract.wav | 08.22.07 | 24.55 kB |
lmflaps.wav | 08.22.07 | 80.43 kB |
lmgeardn.wav | 08.22.07 | 54.27 kB |
lmgearup.wav | 08.22.07 | 59.27 kB |
lncrash1.wav | 08.22.07 | 70.19 kB |
lncrash2.wav | 08.22.07 | 102.69 kB |
lncrash3.wav | 08.22.07 | 136.19 kB |
lnsplash.wav | 08.22.07 | 85.69 kB |
sound.cfg | 04.16.18 | 20.16 kB |
TailhookExtend.wav | 08.22.07 | 61.83 kB |
TailhookRetract.wav | 08.22.07 | 45.45 kB |
WingFold.wav | 08.22.07 | 158.74 kB |
WingUnfold.wav | 08.22.07 | 158.74 kB |
xFA18_an11.wav | 08.22.07 | 364.12 kB |
xFA18_an12.wav | 08.22.07 | 320.12 kB |
xFA18_an13.wav | 08.22.07 | 280.12 kB |
xFA18_an14.wav | 08.22.07 | 252.12 kB |
xFA18_an1B.wav | 08.22.07 | 252.12 kB |
xFA18_an1shut.wav | 08.22.07 | 217.27 kB |
xFA18_an1strt.wav | 08.22.07 | 378.61 kB |
xFA18_an21.wav | 08.22.07 | 363.60 kB |
xFA18_an22.wav | 08.22.07 | 319.43 kB |
xFA18_an23.wav | 08.22.07 | 279.97 kB |
xFA18_an24.wav | 08.22.07 | 240.08 kB |
xFA18_an2B.wav | 08.22.07 | 252.08 kB |
xFA18_an2shut.wav | 08.29.07 | 137.77 kB |
xFA18_an2strt.wav | 08.22.07 | 123.27 kB |
xFA18_an2t.wav | 08.22.07 | 100.81 kB |
xFA18_bn11.wav | 08.22.07 | 364.12 kB |
xFA18_bn12.wav | 08.22.07 | 320.12 kB |
xFA18_bn13.wav | 08.22.07 | 280.12 kB |
xFA18_bn14.wav | 08.22.07 | 252.12 kB |
xFA18_bn1B.wav | 08.22.07 | 252.12 kB |
xFA18_bn1shut.wav | 08.22.07 | 216.77 kB |
xFA18_bn1strt.wav | 08.22.07 | 378.61 kB |
xFA18_bn21.wav | 08.22.07 | 362.81 kB |
xFA18_bn22.wav | 08.22.07 | 319.68 kB |
xFA18_bn23.wav | 08.22.07 | 279.97 kB |
xFA18_bn24.wav | 08.22.07 | 250.45 kB |
xFA18_bn2B.wav | 08.22.07 | 252.08 kB |
xFA18_bn2shut.wav | 08.29.07 | 137.77 kB |
xFA18_bn2strt.wav | 08.22.07 | 439.12 kB |
xFA18_bn2t.wav | 08.22.07 | 96.81 kB |
xFA18_flap.wav | 08.22.07 | 263.18 kB |
xFA18_n1shut.wav | 08.22.07 | 1.05 MB |
xFA18_n1strt.wav | 08.22.07 | 781.22 kB |
xFA18_n2strt.wav | 08.22.07 | 1.10 MB |
xlmflap.wav | 08.22.07 | 67.81 kB |
xlncras1.wav | 08.22.07 | 70.19 kB |
xlncras2.wav | 08.22.07 | 102.69 kB |
xlncras3.wav | 08.22.07 | 136.19 kB |
xlnsplash.wav | 08.22.07 | 85.69 kB |
texture | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
brilglas3_t.dds | 04.13.18 | 1.12 kB |
Cabin_Glass.dds | 08.12.17 | 4.12 kB |
Cabin_Glass_Spec.dds | 10.12.13 | 4.12 kB |
canopyglass.dds | 11.04.17 | 2.00 MB |
Canopy_Interior_Green.dds | 10.30.17 | 256.12 kB |
chrome_diff.dds | 10.12.13 | 16.12 kB |
chrome_spec.dds | 10.12.13 | 16.12 kB |
cockpit.dds | 04.12.17 | 512.12 kB |
cockpitleftside.dds | 11.04.17 | 1.00 MB |
cockpitrightside.dds | 11.04.17 | 1.00 MB |
crew.dds | 04.14.18 | 1.00 MB |
crew2.dds | 04.14.18 | 1.00 MB |
crew2_spec.dds | 04.14.18 | 1.00 MB |
crew_spec.dds | 04.13.18 | 1.00 MB |
engine.bmp | 11.02.17 | 32.07 kB |
Fresnel_Ramp.dds | 09.04.06 | 640 B |
fuselage.bmp | 11.06.17 | 16.00 MB |
fuselage_bump.dds | 04.10.17 | 5.48 kB |
fuselage_spec.dds | 04.10.17 | 5.48 kB |
glass.dds | 01.16.12 | 16.12 kB |
Glass_fresnel_red.dds | 04.01.08 | 1.12 kB |
maingearwheel512.bmp | 10.26.17 | 1.00 MB |
metalsheet.bmp | 10.28.17 | 4.00 MB |
msparts.dds | 10.30.17 | 1.00 MB |
RADIO FILTER box.dds | 04.12.17 | 128.12 kB |
radiodial.dds | 04.12.17 | 512.12 kB |
radiotexture.dds | 04.12.17 | 128.12 kB |
RED.dds | 11.09.17 | 256.12 kB |
strap-bruin.dds | 12.12.17 | 256.12 kB |
strap-bruin_spec.dds | 01.11.18 | 256.12 kB |
strap-wit.dds | 12.12.17 | 256.12 kB |
strap-wit_spec.dds | 01.11.18 | 256.12 kB |
Strut2.bmp | 10.26.17 | 1.00 MB |
tail.bmp | 11.09.17 | 16.00 MB |
tail_bump.dds | 04.10.17 | 5.48 kB |
tail_spec.dds | 04.10.17 | 5.48 kB |
wing vapor alternate | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
wing-vapour.dds | 11.02.17 | 1.00 MB |
wing-vapour.dds | 11.02.17 | 1.00 MB |
Texture.common | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
blacktexture.dds | 04.12.17 | 32.12 kB |
brilglas3_t.dds | 04.13.18 | 1.12 kB |
Cabin_Glass.dds | 08.12.17 | 4.12 kB |
Cabin_Glass_Spec.dds | 10.12.13 | 4.12 kB |
canopyglass.dds | 11.01.17 | 2.00 MB |
Canopy_Interior_Green.dds | 11.12.17 | 256.12 kB |
chrome_diff.dds | 04.10.17 | 16.12 kB |
chrome_spec.dds | 04.10.17 | 16.12 kB |
cockpit.dds | 04.12.17 | 512.12 kB |
cockpitleftside.dds | 11.03.17 | 1.00 MB |
cockpitrightside.dds | 11.03.17 | 1.00 MB |
crew.dds | 04.14.18 | 1.00 MB |
crew2.dds | 04.14.18 | 1.00 MB |
crew2_spec.dds | 04.14.18 | 1.00 MB |
crew_spec.dds | 04.13.18 | 1.00 MB |
darkgray.dds | 04.12.17 | 2.12 kB |
Engine.dds | 11.05.17 | 64.12 kB |
Fresnel_Ramp.dds | 04.10.17 | 640 B |
fuselage_t_bump.dds | 08.06.17 | 16.00 MB |
fuselage_t_spec.dds | 09.10.17 | 16.00 MB |
glass.dds | 01.16.12 | 16.12 kB |
glass_diff.dds | 04.10.17 | 16.12 kB |
Glass_fresnel_red.dds | 04.10.17 | 1.12 kB |
GlobalEnvTest.dds | 10.23.08 | 6.00 MB |
GlobalEnv_AC_Chrome.dds | 10.23.08 | 1.50 MB |
leftwing_t_bump.dds | 08.13.17 | 16.00 MB |
leftwing_t_spec.dds | 08.29.17 | 16.00 MB |
liftstruts.dds | 04.15.18 | 128.12 kB |
maingearwheel512.bmp | 10.26.17 | 1.00 MB |
Metalsheet.dds | 08.13.15 | 1.00 MB |
msparts.dds | 03.29.17 | 1.00 MB |
RADIO FILTER box.dds | 04.12.17 | 128.12 kB |
radiodial.dds | 04.12.17 | 512.12 kB |
radiotexture.dds | 04.12.17 | 128.12 kB |
RED.dds | 11.09.17 | 256.12 kB |
strap-bruin.dds | 12.12.17 | 256.12 kB |
strap-bruin_spec.dds | 01.11.18 | 256.12 kB |
strap-wit.dds | 12.12.17 | 256.12 kB |
strap-wit_spec.dds | 01.11.18 | 256.12 kB |
Strut2.bmp | 10.26.17 | 1.00 MB |
tails_t_bump.dds | 08.26.17 | 16.00 MB |
tails_t_spec.dds | 08.29.17 | 16.00 MB |
vc01.dds | 11.02.17 | 4.41 MB |
vc01_L.bmp | 03.25.14 | 512.07 kB |
wing-vapour.dds | 11.01.17 | 1.00 MB |
texture.XF92A_Phase_I | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
fuselage.dds | 04.10.18 | 16.00 MB |
fuselage_bump.dds | 11.18.17 | 4.00 MB |
fuselage_spec.dds | 04.10.18 | 16.00 MB |
msparts.dds | 10.30.17 | 1.00 MB |
tail.dds | 12.05.17 | 21.33 MB |
tail_bump.dds | 11.18.17 | 4.00 MB |
tail_spec.dds | 12.05.17 | 21.33 MB |
texture.cfg | 03.30.17 | 144 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 04.16.18 | 16.07 kB |
texture.XF92A_Phase_III_WHITE | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
Fresnel_Ramp.dds | 01.27.18 | 1.12 kB |
fuselage.dds | 02.19.18 | 16.00 MB |
fuselage_bump.dds | 11.18.17 | 4.00 MB |
fuselage_spec.dds | 12.11.17 | 16.00 MB |
msparts.dds | 10.30.17 | 1.00 MB |
tail.dds | 01.19.18 | 16.00 MB |
tail_bump.dds | 11.18.17 | 4.00 MB |
tail_spec.dds | 12.11.17 | 16.00 MB |
texture.cfg | 03.30.17 | 144 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 04.16.18 | 11.57 kB |
texture.XF92A_Phase_III_WHITE_X | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
Fresnel_Ramp.dds | 01.27.18 | 1.12 kB |
fuselage.dds | 02.19.18 | 16.00 MB |
fuselage_bump.dds | 11.18.17 | 4.00 MB |
fuselage_spec.dds | 12.11.17 | 16.00 MB |
msparts.dds | 10.30.17 | 1.00 MB |
tail.dds | 12.18.17 | 16.00 MB |
tail_bump.dds | 11.18.17 | 4.00 MB |
tail_spec.dds | 12.11.17 | 16.00 MB |
texture.cfg | 03.30.17 | 144 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 04.16.18 | 15.68 kB |
texture.XF92A_Phase_II_Metal | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
fuselage.dds | 04.11.18 | 16.00 MB |
fuselage_bump.dds | 11.18.17 | 4.00 MB |
fuselage_spec.dds | 12.08.17 | 21.33 MB |
msparts.dds | 10.30.17 | 1.00 MB |
tail.dds | 12.06.17 | 21.33 MB |
tail_bump.dds | 11.18.17 | 4.00 MB |
tail_spec.dds | 12.05.17 | 21.33 MB |
texture.cfg | 03.30.17 | 144 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 04.16.18 | 14.56 kB |
xf-92a.air | 04.26.18 | 10.81 kB |
Effects | 04.16.18 | 0 B |
dsd_fsx_xml_sound.gau | 12.12.17 | 174.21 kB |
dsd_p3d_xml_sound_x64.dll | 12.12.17 | 102.28 kB |
fx_heat_shimmer_xf92a.fx | 11.11.17 | 7.05 kB |
fx_jetblastto2_xf92a.fx | 11.12.17 | 2.34 kB |
fx_jetblastto_xf92a.fx | 11.10.17 | 2.33 kB |
fx_vapor_xf92a.fx | 11.09.17 | 27.46 kB |
fx_xf92_TotalXaust_low_Orange.fx | 11.25.17 | 9.78 kB |
fx_xf92_TotalXaust_max_Blue_B.fx | 11.25.17 | 8.15 kB |
fx_xf92_TotalXaust_max_Orange.fx | 11.25.17 | 8.16 kB |
texture | 04.16.18 | 0 B |
fx_FW1.bmp | 07.26.06 | 42.74 kB |
fx_wake_2.bmp | 07.26.06 | 21.40 kB |
SF8_f86_flame.bmp | 07.14.08 | 65.05 kB |
SF8_f86_heat_r.bmp | 09.29.08 | 21.40 kB |
xf92a_engine.bmp | 12.12.17 | 64.30 kB |
xf92a_AB.fx | 12.12.17 | 9.11 kB |
xf92a_engine.fx | 12.12.17 | 26.70 kB |
xf92a_engine_smoke.fx | 12.12.17 | 1.34 kB |
FILE_ID.txt | 06.02.18 | 1.09 kB |
FSXP3D Installation.txt | 06.02.18 | 1.49 kB |
metal phase I.jpg | 04.16.18 | 263.55 kB |
metal phase II.jpg | 04.16.18 | 224.70 kB |
Pilot's Notes.txt | 04.20.18 | 2.12 kB |
Project Summary of the XA-92A.txt | 10.23.17 | 1.24 kB |
Readme.txt | 06.02.18 | 2.30 kB |
USE and DISTRIBUTION.txt | 06.02.18 | 2.25 kB |
vc1.jpg | 04.19.18 | 204.91 kB |
vc2.jpg | 04.19.18 | 184.30 kB |
white phase III.jpg | 04.16.18 | 201.08 kB |
white X phase IV.jpg | 04.16.18 | 244.03 kB |
xf92a variants.jpg | 04.16.18 | 63.03 kB |
xf92a | 06.02.18 | 0 B |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
Leave a ResponseThe content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.
Too bad for this plane, no flaps or speed brakes, otherwise it's ok!
This is a beautiful model in every way! FSX. Amazing flight characteristics. Stunning skin and VC is very well done. One of the best freeware AC available!
Amazing handling, great graphics, and overall joy to fly. Everyone should download this plane.